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101. Microsoft Windows And Other Operating Systems There are better alternatives to Microsoft Windows. http://microsoft.toddverbeek.com/os.html | |
102. Sera Systems -- FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD And Linux Servers Manufacturer of servers and workstations based on the freely available BSD operating systems and home of the SeraBox. http://www.serasystems.com/ | |
103. USENIX - OSDI '02: Fifth Symposium On Operating Systems Design And Implementatio OSDI 02 Fifth Symposium on operating systems Design and Implementation OSDI 02 Fifth Symposium on operating systems Design and Implementation http://www.usenix.org/events/osdi02/ | |
104. The EROS Operating System EROS is a new operating system being implemented at the University of Pennsylvania. The system merges some very old ideas in operating systems with some http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~eros/ | |
105. Sed, The Stream Editor Eric Pement's Cornerstone Mag site hosts an extensive FAQ, download sites for most operating systems, large list of handy oneliners, table of version differences, exhaustive links. http://www.cornerstonemag.com/sed/ | |
106. Bibliographies On Operating Systems Research Bibliographies on operating systems Research, part of the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Os/ | |
107. RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) And Embedded Linux OS From LynuxWorks, And Too 3 operating systems for embedded systems BlueCat Linux, BlueCat RT (realtime Linux), and the POSIX-conformant, hard real-time LynxOS operating system for http://www.lynuxworks.com/ | |
108. The Operating Systems Handbook One book can put it there The operating systems Handbook. After due study of The operating systems Handbook, you can name your salary floor. http://www.snee.com/bob/opsys.html | |
109. TrendVue :: TrendVue - Strategies For Success Realtime charts and proprietary trading tool for Windows and MAC operating systems. http://www.trendVUE.com | |
110. IEEE TC On Operating Systems And Application Environments customized information from the systems software (operating systems and Mission (what and by when) organize system software related events and http://www.tcos.org/ | |
111. SOSP 2003 The biannual ACM Symposium on operating systems Principles is the world s premier forum for researchers, developers, programmers, vendors and teachers of http://www.cs.rochester.edu/sosp2003/ | |
112. The Mutt E-Mail Client A small but very powerful textbased mail client for Unix operating systems. http://www.mutt.org/ | |
113. Convergence International: The Non-Wintel User Group The nonWintel user group, supporting Acorn, Amiga, Apple, ARM, Be, NCs, PowerPC, Psion, Unix and other alternative operating systems. Services include a non-Wintel news summary. http://www.convergence.org/ | |
114. Operating Systems, System Software , Linux Kernel Hacks, MultiThreading In Linux Contains sources of a minimal kernel, a new CPU scheduler for Linux, multithreading in Linux, systems software in DOS and collection of good reference material for OS lovers. http://www.angelfire.com/myband/unix/os.htm | |
115. Java In Operating Systems Courses Use Java to write individual operating system components. Use Java to write a simulator for a full operating system, including the machine it is running http://www.gustavus.edu/ max/java-os-courses.html |
116. Systems Group Research group in the College of Computing. Focuses include distributed operating systems, mobile computing, discrete event simulation, and cluster computing for media applications. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/systems/ | |
117. Ampersand, Inc. Develops embedded systems and control software for realtime operating systems such as VxWorks, LynxOS, and MC/OS. http://www.ampersand.com/ | |
118. Operating Systems Brief descriptions, screenshots, links, for OSs Unix, NeXTStep/Openstep/MacOS X/Darwin, Windows 95/98/MENT/2000, VMS. http://junior.apk.net/~qc/comp/os/ | |
119. IBM EServer ZSeries Mainframe Servers: Resources For Developers IBM programs and information for anyone developing a commercial software product for IBM's mainframe operating systems. Including free software and low cost hardware through PartnerWorld for Developers, developerWorks and other programs. http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/developers | |
120. Zenpire Corporation: Semiconductor And Flat Panel Software Software and systems to automate analysis of semiconductor defects and testing of wafers. Include databases, SECS/GEM, remote administration of hardware, and ediagnostics supporting most operating systems. Supports equipment from KLA-Tencor, Applied Materials, ADE, Inspex, Electroglas, TEL, TSK, Teradyne, Credence to name a few. http://www.zenpire.com/ | |
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