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41. Desktop Applications | Web Database Design Custom Web Based Application Developm Produces database products for Windows and DOS operating systems. http://www.alphasoftware.com/ | |
42. Any Windows Shareware - Windows Shareware, Freeware, MP3, And Antivirus Software Archive of shareware and freeware for Windows operating systems from authors around the Globe. http://shareme.com/ | |
43. Server Operating Systems Technical Comparison A technical answer to the question how does Rhapsody stack up as a server operating system? http://www.osdata.com/ | |
44. Data Recovery By DriveSavers | Hard Drive Data Recovery Worldwide data recovery service for all operating systems and storage media. Authorized by all drive manufacturers. http://www.drivesavers.com | |
45. TONYCOOKONLINE - Providing Unbeatable Prices Supplies educational and office software, operating systems and system utilities for the PC and Mac. http://www.tonycookonline.net/ | |
46. Enterprise Software >> Operating Systems | CNET News.com operating systems analysis commentary. Gates sees big dollars in little devices. Bill Gates says cell phones have yet to catch up to the power of his http://news.com.com/2002-1016_3-0.html | |
47. Personal Technology >> Operating Systems | CNET News.com Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4, its updated operating system that promises more than 200 new operating systems resource centerfrom News.com sponsors http://news.com.com/2002-1045_3-0.html | |
48. Operating Systems, Fourth Edition IEEE Technical Committee on operating systems and Applications. Review of operating systems A comprehensive review of commerical, free, research and http://williamstallings.com/OS4e.html | |
49. IOpus Internet Software - Reliable Web Automation, Web Testing, Data Extraction Develops security and internet monitoring software, password recovery, and Internet power tools for Windows operating systems. Product specifications, series of consumer guides, FAQs, downloads, and ordering information. http://www.iopus.com/ | |
50. Operating Systems, Fifth Edition http://williamstallings.com/OS/OS5e.html |
51. Tutorial Guide, Best Help You Can Get To Find Tutorials! Tutorials for operating systems, mp3's, casemodding, networking and software programs like Adobe Photoshop. http://www.tutorialguide.net/ | |
52. Knowledge Hound Site Map operating systems Installation tips for Windows, Linux, Mac Software Tutorials Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer http://www.knowledgehound.com/sitemap.htm | |
53. MIT CSAIL Parallel And Distributed Operating Systems Research in operating systems, networking, mobile computing, language design, compiler design, and architecture. Links to specific projects. http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/ | |
54. Computer Operating Systems Helping you with questions you may have about computer operating systems as well as linking you to all the major computer operating systems. http://www.computerhope.com/os.htm | |
55. John Elliott's Homepage Dedicated to computers and/or operating systems which some might describe as obsolete. http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/ | |
56. MIT CSAIL Parallel And Distributed Operating Systems MIT CSAIL Parallel and Distributed operating systems homepage. http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/ | |
57. Running Classic Operating Systems With Hercules A presentation at SHARE 97 by Jay Maynard of Global MAINTECH Corp. Looks in detail at OS/360, VM/370 and MVS Version 3.8. PDF http://shareweb.share.org/proceedings/sh97/data/S2881.PDF |
58. Dawn Xiaodong Song's Home Page Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Computer and networking security, operating systems security, software security, cryptography, database security, networking, algorithms. http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~dawnsong/ | |
59. TU Berlin --- Dept. Of Computer Science Department of Computer Science. Research interests include Computer graphics, computer vision, real time systems, robotics, computer architecture, logic design, data structures, functional and logic programming, scientific computing, communication, operating systems, neural networks, software engineering, theoretical computer science, formal specification, compiler construction, artificial intelligence, and knowledge based systems. http://cs.tu-berlin.de/index-en.html | |
60. Element K Journals - Work Smarter, Not Harder Tips and stepby-step tutorials on a broad range of popular applications, operating systems and languages. http://elementkjournals.com | |
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