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41. MySQL - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia To administer mysql databases you can use the included commandline tool Also downloadable from the mysql site are GUI administration tools mysql http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL | |
42. PHP MySQL - Tutorial Interactive Website Design The lessons provided in this PHP/mysql tutorial are short and simple. You'll learn to create and manipulate a simple database of names and birthdates. http://www.createafreewebsite.net/phpmysql/phpmysql_introduction.html | |
43. MySQL - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Unlike projects such as Apache, mysql is owned and sponsored by a single The implication in many books is that mysql is easier to learn and use than http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysql | |
44. IDesigns.net :: Professional And Affordable Web Hosting UNIX web hosting, Miva tools, mysql, POP3 email, and a reseller package. http://www.idesigns.net/ | |
45. WeberDev.com - PHP & MySQL Code Examples, Tutorials, Classes, Web Development Re Database of examples, articles and tutorials from various fields which are web development related. It specializes in PHP, mysql, Apache and Open Source. http://www.weberdev.com/ | |
46. Digikom Network Webbhotell Erbjuder bl.a. Server Side Includes, ASP, PHP, CGI och mysql. http://www.digikom.net/ | |
47. Server Logistics - Complete MySQL The mysql installer package provides an easy way to install the mysql software. Installing mysql is as easy as doubleclicking the package file and http://www.serverlogistics.com/mysql.php | |
48. MySQL U.D.F. Registry A Registry of User Definable Functions (serverside extensions) for the mysql server. http://empyrean.lib.ndsu.nodak.edu/~nem/mysql/udf/ | |
49. PHP MySQL Tutorial Simple PHP and mysql tutorial with examples like creating a guestbook, uploading image to database and creating simple content management system (CMS). http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com | |
50. Domain Names, Web Hosting, E-Commerce - LWD Internet Web and WAP hosting on Windows 2000 and Linux servers. ASP, Perl/CGI, Access, PHP, mysql and graphical statistics. Also domain registration and ecommerce hosting. http://www.lwdinternet.co.uk/ | |
51. PHP/MySQL Tutorial - Part 1 Learn how to use PHP to interact with the free mysql to make fully dynamic and databasedriven sites. (Free Webmaster Help) http://www.freewebmasterhelp.com/tutorials/phpmysql/1 | |
52. Server Colocation Service Provider Colocation Facility At Cybercon Specializes in dedicated Internet server hosting and in management services for Linux, Windows NT, FreeBSD, BSDI, and Solaris servers; Oracle, mSQL, mysql, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL database applications; C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP3, ASP and Cold Fusion programming. http://www.cybercon.com | |
53. Le Moteur De Recherche Des Hébergeurs Et De L'hébergement Internet Moteur de recherche des soci©t©s d'h©bergement Internet. S©lection partir des fonctionnalit©s des plans d'h©bergement (ASP, Coldfusion, PHP, mysql). http://www.abchebergement.com/ | |
54. MySQL: The World's Most Popular Open Source Database 2005.03.02 mysql AB announces plan to keep MaxDB C/C++Precompiler supported. 2005.02.18 mysql 4.1.10 has been released; 2005.02.08 mysql Cluster Two http://www2.tw.freebsd.org/MySQL/ | |
55. E-Trolley | Content Management System | Was Ist E-Trolley? Ein auf SQLDatenbanken (PostgreSQL oder mysql) gest¼tztes Redaktionssystem, programmiert in C++, das sich leicht durch Plug-Ins erweiterten l¤t und beispielsweise ¼ber Funktionen zum Bearbeiten, Drehen, Skalieren, Erzeugen von Grafiken sowie ¼ber eine XML Import-/Export-Schnittstelle verf¼gt. Man kann sich eingehend ¼ber das Produkt und die Lizenzmodelle informieren. http://www.e-trolley.de | |
56. MySQL Cheat Sheet - PHP - ILoveJackDaniels.com mysql Cheat Sheet. Posted in Cheat Sheets, PHP on May 24, 2005. The mysql cheat sheet is designed to act as a reminder and reference sheet, listing useful http://www.ilovejackdaniels.com/php/mysql-cheat-sheet/ | |
57. Sanders Hosting: Linux Based Quality Web Hosting Offers web hosting on Linux OS with support for mysql, Miva, and SSL. http://sandershosting.com/ | |
58. Marc Liyanage - Software - Mac OS X Packages - MySQL The mysql database server is very popular for building web applications, You installed the wrong mysql package (the one I made for Mac OS X 10.1) on a http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/mysql/ | |
59. Metaweb Internet - Link 1Gbit Com Disponibilidade E Suporte Incomparáveis Windows e Linux com PERL/CGI, PHP, ASP, extensµes FrontPage, Real Audio, Access e mysql. Inclui programa de franquia. http://www.brasserver.com.br/ | |
60. MySQL Articles mysql 5.0 promises trigger support. What will it look like? How will it work? Peter Gulutzan takes mysql triggers for a testdrive. Feb. 3, 2005 http://www.onlamp.com/onlamp/general/mysql.csp | |
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