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41. Välkommen Till Fisheye Multimedia Production AB I 3D I Internet I Design I Vide Erbjuder tj¤nster inom multimedia, 3Danimering och postproduktion. http://www.fisheye.se/ |
42. Bangkok's Independent Newspaper Home page for the Nation multimedia Group and their associated offline media.Online daily news. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/ | |
43. Velkommen Til Kiwi Multimedia Salg af soft og hardware til at udvikle multimedieprodukter. http://www.kiwimultimedia.dk/ | |
44. IEEE MultiMedia IEEE multimedia seeks submissions for a special issue on Haptic User Interfacesfor multimedia Systems. Click here for more information and deadlines. http://www.computer.org/portal/site/multimedia/menuitem.eb093217e554b95f96d34f10 |
45. Artists' Hangout Wallpapers, icons, and avatars. http://artists_hangout.tripod.com | |
46. Multimedi@edizioni Propone progetti multimediali personalizzati, presentazione istituzionale, ecommerce publishing, stazioni multimediali interattive, cataloghi, presentazioni in realta' virtuale, modellazione 3D. http://www.multimediacreative.it/ | |
47. Multimedia/Hypermedia Gallery of multimedia content. Features ASCII art, audio, background images,clipart, maps, MOD soundtracks, and Quicktime video clips. http://eserver.org/multimedia/ |
48. Kaufhaus Along with a newspaper serial, a theatre play and a book, this site is part of a multimedia project by Belgian comic artist Eric Joris and Belgian writer Paul Mennes, telling of a descent in a modern day's version of Dante's Hell. http://www.kaufhausinferno.com/ | |
49. Wholesale INFO A multimedia Suite consisting of seven programs compatible for Windows 95/98. Software includes audio CD player, midi player, picture viewer, CD eject software, financial calculator, file finder, and an investment program. http://net5828.4mg.com/ |
50. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language The W3C s official technical description of the language, including the documenttype definition and elements within the language. http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-smil/ | |
51. Duke University Mathematics Department Video Archive Lectures produced in the Duke University Mathematics Department multimedia Classroom. The lectures are stored in RealVideo format and are viewable with a Real Audio 5.0 or Real Audio G2 player. http://www.math.duke.edu/computing/broadcast.html | |
52. Multimedia Physics Studios - Table Of Contents The multimedia Physics Studios is a collection of GIF animations depicting majorphysics concepts. The animations cover common physics principles discussed http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/mmedia/ | |
53. Future MMS - For All Your Multimedia Messaging Service And Picture Messaging Nee Send multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages over the internet. Custom development, easy sending via HTTP push, simple signup. http://www.FutureMMS.com/ | |
54. AlltheWeb.com Results in Any Language English Privacy Policy Submit Site About Us Help. Copyright © 2005 Overture Services, Inc. http://multimedia.alltheweb.com/ | |
55. Santa Cruz Multimedia - Music, Flash, Logo Design, Internet Marketing. Offers web site design, flash and multimedia development, photography and music marketing. http://www.santacruzmultimedia.com/ | |
56. Netropolis Multimedia, Inc. Design, Javascript, Perl, logos, intranets, web application development. Also provides print design and other nonweb services. Located in Portland, Oregon, United States. http://www.netroweb.com/ | |
57. Dazzle Multimedia - Unique Web Design Services Full service web design company located in Los Angeles, California. http://www.dazzlemultimedia.net/ | |
58. Www.thomson.net/ multimedia Internet@Schools MagazineJASON Foundation Develops multimedia DeepSea Expedition Curriculum News/BreakingNews, Posted 29 Jul 2005. LeapFrog Launches Interactive Web Site to http://www.thomson.net/ |
59. Pure Energy Multimedia Ltd Providing web hosting, site design, Bespoke, CGI, Perl, and MySQL database programming, video production, and CDROM presentations. Located in Suffolk, UK. http://www.pureenergy.org.uk/ |
60. Redirect Page JASON Foundation Develops multimedia DeepSea Expedition Curriculum News/BreakingNews, Posted 29 Jul 2005. Big6 Learning Resources Announces Release of http://www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/default.shtml |
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