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21. Writing For Multimedia: Great Moments In Multimedia History A chronology that explores the origins and evolution of the components that comprise modernday multimedia. http://home.earthlink.net/~atomic_rom/moments.htm | |
22. Macromedia Macromedia is the source and center on the web for Shockwave, multimedia, graphics, and web authoring! http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
23. IBIS MULTIMEDIA LTD DVD Production services, including AVI and MPEG encoding. UK based. http://www.ibismultimedia.co.uk | |
24. Macromedia - Flash MX 2004 Source and center on the web for Shockwave, multimedia, graphics, and web authoring. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
25. Multimedia Photos - New York Times Find multimedia interactive features including audio slide shows, photos,special reports video on travel, politics, autos, movies, fashion, http://www.nytimes.com/pages/multimedia/ | |
26. Interview Mit Gerd Braun, KORION, Marbach Der Nachwuchswettbewerb der Universit¤t Karlsruhe stellt sich und seine Ziele vor und informiert ¼ber die Teilnahmebedingungen. Eine Historie der vergangenen Veranstaltungen ist vorhanden. http://www.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/mmt/ | |
27. WINAMP.COM Winamp.com Media Player, Skins, Plug-ins, Videos Plays and encodes AAC/MP4 with internal plugins since version 5.0, also decodes aacPlus Shoutcast streams and other formats. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
28. Ulead Systems Ulead is a developer of video editing, dvd authoring, digital imaging, web design,3d animation, mobile application, Royalty Free Media, multimedia clips http://www.ulead.com/ |
29. Search Directory Page Providing dynamic design, applications for the Intranet, Extranet and Internet, ecommerce and database solutions. http://www.intensivemm.com/ | |
30. Apple - QuickTime Apple's multiplatform multimedia software architecture. Supports RTSP/RTP with H.261, H.263, MPEG 1 Video, Layer 1 and 2 Audio, DVI, mu-Law, a-Law http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
31. The Nine Planets Solar System Tour Information about each planet and moon in our solar system with many pictures ofeach planet, discussion of the history of its discovery and exploration, http://www.nineplanets.org/ | |
32. W3C Synchronized Multimedia Home Page Homepage of Synchronized multimedia Activity at W3C, with information on SMIL. http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/ | |
33. Lista De Correos MULTIMEDIA Dirigida a todas las personas interesadas en dise±o, animaci³n, sonido, programaci³n y fotografa. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Haven/8100/ | |
34. Multimedia Authoring Guidelines [Final Test] Recommendations on how to use multimedia for teaching and learning, taking a project management approach to multimedia development. http://www.tedi.uq.edu.au/mag/ | |
35. Website Designers - MadMax Multimedia Specializes in web site design, Flash, hosting, marketing and consulting. Located in Vancourver, British Columbia, Canada. http://www.madmaxmultimedia.com/ | |
36. AudioFind.com - Multimedia Internet Search Searchable MP3 directory with thousands of files. Browse alphabetically byfilename, master artist, or date. http://www.audiofind.com/ | |
37. Emerald FX Multimedia Specializing in multimedia, web design, CDROM development, animation, and video services. Located in Los Angeles, California, United States, and Dublin, Ireland. http://www.emeraldfx.com |
38. Journal For MultiMedia History - Volume 3 (2000) Contents Page This is the contents page for Volume 3, 2000 of the Journal for multimedia History.The Journal presents multimedia historical essays and explores how radio http://www.albany.edu/jmmh/ |
39. The Nine Planets Solar System Tour An overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system. Each page has text and images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information. online, multimedia http://www.seds.org/billa/tnp/ | |
40. MSNBC - MSNBC Slideshows, Interactive Features And More - Front Page multimedia Picture Stories Week in Pictures Week in Sports EntertainmentPhotos Tech/Sci Photos Your World Photos MSNBC Home » multimedia http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4999736/ | |
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