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41. Mobile-world.com Translate this page Unser Mobile Solutions-Team realisiert komplette, mobile computing Lösungenzwischen Handhelds und der Groupware-Umgebung einer Firma oder Unternehmung http://www.mobile-world.com/ | |
42. Mobile IP: Mobile Computing, Mobile Internet, Mobile VPN, Mobile Ipv6, Mobile, H Mobile IP Specializing in Mobile computing, Mobile Internet, Mobile VPN, mobileipv6, Mobile, Handheld, PDA, mobility, Centrino, IPv6, IPv4, MIP, http://www.birdstep.com/wireless_infrastructure/mobile_ip.php3 | |
43. UMass Dartmouth Mobile Computing Lending Program The Mobile computing Lending Program (MCLP) is a pilot project designed to enhancethe UMD communitys access to computer and network resources. http://www.lib.umassd.edu/policies/projects/mclp_faq.html | |
44. COMPUTERWOCHE ONLINE: PRODUKTE + TECHNOLOGIEN Von Www.computerwoche.de Translate this page COMPUTERWOCHE.de, /, Produkte + Technik, /, Mobile computing Die MDA-Reihevon T-Mobile - und mit ihr die baugleichen Pendants von O2 (XDA) und Vodafone http://www.computerwoche.de/index.cfm?pageid=255&type=cat&category=301 |
45. Mobile Computing: Internet Access At Airports Need to hit the Web before a flight? We rank sites for six major airports. http://pcworld.about.com/news/Oct242002id105752.htm | |
46. Mobile Pipeline LaptopParts.com offers a large variety of mobile computing parts, replacements,and more. Detect and Protect Your PDAs and Smartphones http://www.mobilepipeline.com/ |
47. ScienceDaily Books : Mobile Computing : Implementing Pervasive Information And C Buy Mobile computing Implementing Pervasive Information and CommunicationsTechnologies (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series) Books http://www.sciencedaily.com/cgi-bin/apf4/amazon_products_feed.cgi?Operation=Item |
48. Archive Mobile Computing.html Fujitsu Siemens Computers Mobile computing Archive. You will find a wide selection of aritcles here coveringall aspects of mobile computing. They are a good resource for finding out http://www.fujitsu-siemens.se/home/future_trends/archive/mobile_computing.html | |
49. Mobile Computing Data Management Issues (ResearchIndex) Introduction In the last few years, the use of portable computers and wirelessnetworks has been widespread. The combination of both opens the door to a new http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/712309.html |
50. Mobile Wireless Computing Solutions And Challenges In Data Mobile computing is a new emerging computing paradigm posing many challengingdata management problems. We identify these new challenges and investigate http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/imielinski93mobile.html |
51. Mobile Computer - MavicaNET mobile computing products at discount prices. Mobilecomputing è un marchio registrato di Monolith Italia Spa http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/deu/944.html | |
52. Aline BAGGIO's Bookmarks On Mobile Computing A Walk in the Clouds Mobile and Wireless computing at Politehnica Universityof Bucharest Clinical Applications of Mobile computing Technologies http://www.cs.vu.nl/~baggio/mobile/mobile.php3 | |
53. Techtree.com India Mobile Computing Mobile Phones Samsung data from samsung X600 mobile to computer using Infrared transmission please can u send me or mail me the software cd of x600.this is mobile is http://www.techtree.com/techtree/jsp/article.jsp?article_id=53611&cat_id=614 |
54. MEIsearch.com - Mobile Electronics Industry Search Website directory for the mobile electronics industry including car audio, Mobile Accessories, Mobile Audio, Mobile Communication, Mobile computing, http://www.meisearch.com/ | |
55. Knowledgecenter - Mobile Computing - ComputerPartner Translate this page ComputerPartner - Fakten, Trends und Meinungen für IT, TK- und CE-Händlerund -Dienstleister. http://www.computerpartner.de/knowledgecenter/mobilecomputing/ | |
56. Mobil Ins Netz - Viele Wege Führen Zum Ziel - Knowledgecenter - Mobile Comput Translate this page ComputerPartner - Fakten, Trends und Meinungen für IT, TK- und CE-Händlerund -Dienstleister. http://www.computerpartner.de/knowledgecenter/mobilecomputing/226396/ | |
57. WCM - Computerzeitung Translate this page News aus dem Bereich Mobile computing, zur Kategorie-Übersicht. Mobile computing.Palm Treo 670 mit Microsoft Windows Mobile? http://www.wcm.at/category.php?id=5 |
58. Mobile Computing Translate this page Mobile computing ist ein unscharfer Oberbegriff für verschiedene Formen vonMobilkommunikation. Unter Mobile computing im engeren Sinn versteht man die http://www.semper.org/sirene/publ/Fede22001MobileComputing.html | |
59. KnowledgeStorm Mobile Computing - Touchtone Corporation Company Summary KnowledgeStorm Mobile computing Summary of Touchtone Corporation. Research andcompare enterprise software providers and solutions. http://mobilecomputing.knowledgestorm.com/search/index/ksmobilecomputing/prov_su | |
60. CfPC > Mobile Systems The term mobile systems and wireless communication has been used both to denotethe wide area of pervasive computing, and the mainly technical area of http://www.pervasive.dk/resAreas/mobSys/mobSys_summary.htm | |
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