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Mobil Computing: more detail | ||||
21. Wireless Computing - A CompInfo Directory Wireless computing Magazines and Ezines. mobile computing and CommunicationsMagazine Online mobile computing Wireless News NewtNews PC mobil http://www.compinfo-center.com/tel/wireless_computing.htm | |
22. Harris County Sheriffs Dept. Mobile Computing Project Technology Program Name mobile computing Project. Contact Captain Michael Smith Hardware Manufacturers Excel computing PC mobil 586 http://www.iacptechnology.org/Programs/HarrisCoMobileComputing.htm |
23. Techtree.com India Mobile Computing Mobile Phones Nokia 2600 mobile computing mobile Phones My Nokia 3315 handset wanted FM radio ininternal system in my mobil not in cable or change battery system. http://www.techtree.com/techtree/jsp/showstory.jsp?article_id=3780&cat_id=614 |
24. Mobile Kommunikation Und Mobile Computing - Inhalt Mobile computing; Anforderungen anSystemlösungen Mobile computing Standards und Systemlösungen http://www.dia-bonn.de/mobil2_2005/mobil.html | |
25. Mobile Computing - Glossar | ZDNet.de Translate this page Unter mobile computing versteht man die Datenkommunikation eines mobil betriebenenComputers mit Die für das mobile computing benutzten GSM-Netze bieten http://www.zdnet.de/glossar/0,39029897,70010634p-39001588q,00.htm | |
26. Software Systeme | Teaching | WS 2004 / 2005 | Seminar Mobile Computing Translate this page 18.11.2004, Einführung in mobile computing und Pervasive computing 03.02.2005,Auswirkungen von mobil/Pervasive computing auf soziale Leben http://www-swe.informatik.uni-heidelberg.de/teaching/ws0405/seminar/index.shtml | |
27. :: WOLF WARE GMBH :: EDV-Lösungen :: Mobile Computing Translate this page Wolf Ware, Wolfware, Rülzheim, Computer, Systeme, EDV, Programmierung, Periferie,Internet, Webdesign, Software, Service, Archive, Organisation, Netzwerke, http://www.wolfware.de/xedv/mobil.php | |
28. AUSTRALIEN-INFO.DE Mobile Computing - Mit Dem Laptop Unterwegs In Translate this page mobile computing - mit dem Laptop unterwegs in Australien. Link-Tips zu weiterenKommunikations-Möglichkeiten mobile computing (mobil ins Internet) http://www.australien-info.de/daten-mobile-computing.html | |
29. DSG - Mobile Computing SS2001 mobil werden. Hierzu braucht es aber globale Lösungen, http://www.vs.inf.ethz.ch/edu/SS2001/MC/beitraege/caliano-abstract.html | |
30. TUWIS++ - Lv Mobile Computing (2005W) Translate this page Klassifizierung und Wachstum von mobil- und Festnetzen, Prüfungsfach,937 Software Engineering/Internet computing (2001U), 3.0 ECTS http://tuwis.tuwien.ac.at/zope/_ZopeId/66135789A1hwsU47rRE/tpp/lv/lva_html?num=1 |
31. PAO: FreeBSD Mobile Computing Package PAO FreeBSD Mobile computing Package. PC Card (PCMCIA), APM, etc . Whatis PAO ? PAO FAQ Supported Cards Laptop Survey http://www.jp.freebsd.org/PAO/ | |
32. MobilePlanet - The Mobile Computing Experts - Online Catalog MobilePlanet America s Choice for Mobile computing Products at Discount Prices. http://www.mplanet.com/ | |
33. Redirect and they also deliver other key benefits for large businesses, including lowertotal cost of ownership (TCO). View all mobile computing case studies. http://www.intel.com/business/bss/products/notebook/centrino/ | |
34. Mobile Computing WithMicrosoft Windows XP This white paper outlines the specific improvements the Microsoft Windows XPProfessional operating system brings to mobile computing for business users. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/evaluate/mblxp.mspx | |
35. Mobile Computing - A CompInfo Directory Find the best sources of Internetbased information on Mobile computing. http://www.compinfo-center.com/tel/mobile_computing.htm | |
37. Xonio - Handys & Mobile Computing Im Test Translate this page Handy Mobilfunk Datenfunk SMS Telefontarife - Xonio informiert Sie umfassend zuHandytarifen, Handyzubehör und Klingeltönen. http://www.xonio.com/?tid1=7086&tid2=0 |
38. PCWorld.com - Mobile Computing: Portable Printing Slick printers and snazzy carrying caseseverything you need for output on the go. http://www.pcworld.com/howto/article/0,aid,110218,00.asp | |
39. PCWorld.com - Mobile Computing: Map Programs And Web Sites Atlases, trip planners, and maps We put them through their paces. http://www.pcworld.com/howto/article/0,aid,105774,00.asp | |
40. Symbol Technologies Corporate Home Page Symbol Technologies Announces Settlement Agreement with Mobile Knowledge Group Services RFID Mobile computing http://www.symbol.com/ | |
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