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61. Linux.se - Webbhotell Med Shellkonto, Information Om Linux. Support På Linux Informationsportal f¶r linuxanv¤ndare i Sverige. http://linux.se | |
62. Linux And GNU - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) linux is normally used in a combination with the GNU operating system the whole system is The GNU Project supports GNU/linux systems as well as the GNU http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html | |
63. Prepare Your Self For Surprises In September 2004 SuSE linux, RedHat linux, Caldera Open linux, Corel linux, Mandrake linux dengan harga ekonomis dan cepat? Silakan kunjungi ke www.tokolinux.com. Tempat belanja linux dengan harga EKONOMIS dan CEPAT! Kami jamin anda akan menerima pesanan anda dalam 3 hari. http://www.tokolinux.com/ | |
64. Linux Magazine - Home Monthly linux print magazine striving to inform all levels of users many tips for newcomers, interesting articles for more experienced users. http://www.linux-mag.com/ | |
65. Linux Gamers' FAQ Answers to common questions pertaining to linux games and gaming. http://icculus.org/lgfaq/ | |
66. Welcome To JustLinux: Wanna Learn Linux? Welcome to Justlinux Wanna learn linux? The rapid pace of linux development appeared to hit a roadblock last year with the industry s decision to http://www.justlinux.com/ | |
67. Parallel Processing Using Linux Discussion of linux clusters, SMP, and links to Beowulf sites. http://yara.ecn.purdue.edu/~pplinux/ | |
68. LinuxPlanet - A Guide To The Linux Operating System A linux site for newbies looking to switch from their current operating system. Links to software downloads. http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/ | |
69. Croatian Linux Users Convention Okupljanje korisnika linuxa u Hrvata. Satnica, prezentacije, prijave i poziv autorima. http://cluc.linux.hr/ |
70. Main Page - Xbox-Linux Aim provide GNU/linux version for Xbox so it can be used as a normal computer. linux should make use of all Xbox hardware and allow installing, http://www.xbox-linux.org/ | |
71. Haberler .::. Linux.fisek.com.tr Yazılım, donanım, oyun konularında bilgiler, programlar. http://linux.fisek.com.tr/ | |
72. Linux.org.uk: Index Alan Cox s, UK oriented, linux news and information site. Includes a gnuwhoolike index of commercial linux software. Updates weekly, event-driven. http://www.linux.org.uk/ | |
73. Linux.hu A site egy port¡lk©nt kv¡n ¼zemelni, rendszeresen frisstett hrekkel ©s linkekkel a magyar linuxos felhaszn¡l³i csoportok fel©. Egy kiindul³pont szeretne lenni azok sz¡m¡ra, akik a linuxal ismerkednek, kv¡ncsiak a magyar linuxos csoportokra, tev©kenys©gekre, t¶rt©n©sekre. http://www.linux.hu/ | |
74. LINUXNOW.COM This space available. http://www.linuxnow.com/ | |
75. PowerPC Linux: Integrated Hardware And Software Solutions, Apple Reseller A PowerPC distribution based on Red Hat linux, but with commercial technical support. http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/ | |
76. Linux Srbija linux, Perl, PHP, MySQL i bezbednost Web servera su glavne teme kojima se ovaj sajt bavi. Informacije i vesti iz linux sveta. linux forumi. http://www.linuxserbia.com/ | |
77. LinuxQuestions.org - Where Linux Users Come For Help A free linux forum where linux newbies can ask questions and linux experts can offer advice. http://www.linuxquestions.org/ | |
78. A Quantitative Profile Of A Community Of Open Source Linux Developers University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, study histories, analyses, explanations. http://metalab.unc.edu/osrt/develpro.html | |
79. Download Linux Downloads Shareware And Freeware Software linux Downloads. Downloads and software from Tucows the largest online software download site. Tucows has over 40000 software titles that are tested, rated, http://www.tucows.com/downloads/Linux | |
80. Linux KDE Romania Localizarea KDE; articole Åi resurse generale destinate programatorilor Åi utilizatorii rom¢ni. http://www.ro.kde.org/ | |
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