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121. TSA Transportation Security Administration TSA Home Page Transportation Security Administration Home FAQs Sitemap Contact Us Threat Advisory Level is ELEVATED Travelers Consumers Employment http://www.tsa.gov/public/index.jsp |
122. SOFIA - Salmon Open Framework For Internet Applications A J2EE based class and tag library for building database driven web applications. Conceptually it's similar to other open source frameworks like Apache Struts. What makes SOFIA stand out from other frameworks is the builtin tools integration. Open source, GPL http://www.salmonllc.com/website/Jsp/vanity/Sofia.jsp |
123. League Of Arab States Secretary General Amre Moussa of the Arab League of States hailed the decisionissued by Shaikh Khalifa Ben Zayed Al Nhayan of UAE to allocate an amount of http://www.arableagueonline.org/arableague/index_en.jsp/ |
124. Hotwire.com Offers discount travel. Contains program overview, commission rates and signup form. http://www.hotwire.com/affiliates/index.jsp |
125. 3Com Software And Documentation Search Offers drivers, documentation, firmware updates and utilities for new and olderproducts and many operating systems. Focusses on networking hardware. http://www.3com.com/products/en_US/downloadsindex.jsp |
126. JSP Tutorial Starts from simple examples and progresses to complex examples. Requires Java and HTML knowledge. http://www.jsptut.com/ |
127. What S Your Current Data Focus? While Some Companies Are Still What s your current data focus? While some companies are still focused on storageand access, others are leveraging their information to be more agile, http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/jsp/ | |
128. NOVASOLUTION Official Web Site - Advanced Web Development Design, DHTML, jsp, PHP, Java, database development, and ecommerce. Located in Naples, Italy. Site in English and Italian. http://www.novasolution.it/ | |
129. Training Courses: Servlets, JSP, Jakarta Struts, JSF, And Java Programming Handson servlet and JavaServer Pages training, available on-site. http://courses.moreservlets.com/ | |
130. MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base (TKB) The MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Base is the onestop resource for comprehensiveresearch and analysis on global terrorist incidents, groups and key leaders, http://www.tkb.org/Home.jsp |
131. TICL - The Tag Interface Component Library A complete toolkit of serverside GUI components accessible through custom tags. Menus, tabbed panes, table views, tree views, styling framework with customizable rendering, HTML forms encapsulation and extensions, declarative form validation mechanism. Free for non-commercial and commercial license variants http://www.kobrix.com:8080/index.jsp |
132. Democracy In Global Politics - OpenDemocracy A truly independent online magazine for free thinkers that offers news analysisof global politics, democracy elections. http://opendemocracy.net/home/index.jsp |
133. Bluefly Sells more than 350 Designer Brands. Includes application, overview, agreement, and FAQ. http://www.bluefly.com/pages/help/help.jsp?CONTENT<>cnt_id=1405341&FOLDER<>f |
134. Search.singingfish.com/sfw/home.jsp Official Site of La Quinta Inn and Suites Reservations for La La Quinta Inn and Suites provides quality hotel accommodations, including FreeHigh Speed Internet access, for business and leisure travelers. http://search.singingfish.com/sfw/home.jsp |
135. Big Boys JSP Resource jsp Tutorials, Downloads, Message Boards, and links. http://www.big-boys.com/jsp/ |
136. NetPinoy.com:: Professional Web Design And Reliable Web Hosting Design, Flash, Perl, Java, jsp, domain name registration, and hosting. Based in Manila, Philippines. http://www.netpinoy.com/ | |
137. NYC.gov City Agencies, View All 9/11 NYC Services Ctr, Aging, AntiGraffiti,Art Commission, Buildings, Business Solutions, Campaign Finance, Charter Revision http://www.nyc.gov/portal/index.jsp?front_door=true |
138. Java Training, Web Services, Java Consultancy - Acknowledge Technologies Offers uk training courses and consultancy in java, servlets, jsp, xml, j2ee, ejb, web services, object design and OO. http://www.acknowledge.co.uk/ | |
139. EssentialApparel.com Sells intimate apparel and sportswear. Includes program overview, commission rates and signup link. http://www.essentialapparel.com/jump.jsp?itemID=105&itemType=INDEX |
140. Introduction To The JSP Java Server Pages An introduction to jsp, describes topics with tutorials. http://www.roseindia.net/jsp/jsp.htm | |
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