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81. Open Source, Ant-driven, J2ee Application Development Platform. J2eeBuilder Is A A library of generic implementations of core J2EE patterns and practices and packaging tools essential for building/composing Webbased, XML-driven, EJB-JavaBean-jsp tier J2EE applications. Open source, LGPL http://j2eebuilder.sourceforge.net/ | |
82. Eclipse IDE Setup Stepby-step guide by Hao Wu covers setting up the following open source tools for J2EE 1.3 development Tomcat 4.x for Servlet 2.3 and jsp 1.2, JBoss 3.x for EJB 2.0, JMS 1.1, JCA 1.0, and JAXP 1.1, MySQL 3.x for RDBMS Persistence, Eclipse for Java IDE. http://www.purposesolutions.com/Resources/EclipseJ2EE.html | |
83. Webbhotell Och Domäner Stabilt och personligt f¶r privatpersoner och sm¥f¶retag. St¶d f¶r bl.a. PHP, MySQL och jsp. http://www.datakultur.com | |
84. Altsoft Xml2PDF SVG to PDF formatting engine. Several editions available including server and client ones. Also supports XSLFO and XHTML. Commercial, Trial http://alt-soft.com/products_xml2pdf_svg.jsp |
85. Test Reviews Online Note that our test reviews are evaluations of the tests, not the actual teststhemselves. To purchase the actual test materials, you will need to contact http://buros.unl.edu/buros/jsp/search.jsp |
86. Cetus Links: 16604 Links On Objects And Components / Internet & Intranets: JavaS A collection of jsp links. http://www.cetus-links.org/oo_javaserver_pages.html | |
87. Web Design Malta - NMS Design Web Studio - Professional Website & Graphic Design Website and graphic design, Flash, Java, PHP, ASP, jsp, maintenance, content management, and hosting. Located in Marsascala, Malta. http://www.nmsdesigns.com/ | |
88. Handheld Software, Inc. Software consulting and training in Java. http://www.xmldevelopers.com/index.jsp |
89. GuideStar The leading source of information on US nonprofits. A searchable database of morethan 1.5 million IRSrecognized nonprofit organizations. http://www.guidestar.org/index.jsp |
90. Makumba A taglib that helps rapidly develop data driven web applications. It offers both jsp tag library and a Java API for data manipulation. Works with various DB engines. Open source, LGPL http://www.makumba.org | |
91. CODEX ALIMENTARIUS The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to developfood standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under http://www.codexalimentarius.net/web/index_en.jsp |
92. Hello, World! Web App Tutorial: Ten Quick Steps For Deploying A Super S Ten steps for deploying a simple jsp web application on JBoss AppServer. http://www.centerkey.com/jboss/ | |
93. The Hollywood Reporter - Hollywood Entertainment News - Movie News The Hollywood Reporter provides indepth news coverage on all aspects of theentertainment industry, including film, television, music, and awards. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr/index.jsp |
94. Business Case For Open Standards Paper investigating economical issues related to the diffusion of public standards. http://www.openstandards.net/viewOSnet1C.jsp?showModuleName=businessCaseForOpenS |
95. Merck Veterinary Manual The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) has served veterinarians and other animal healthprofessionals as a concise and reliable animal health reference for over http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp |
96. Directory of resources related to JavaServer Pages, Servlets and Java with special interest in jsp Tag Libraries. http://jsptags.com/ | |
97. Adobe Product Tryouts Skip navigation. Adobe Systems, Inc. Products Solutions Support Purchase Company view your shopping cart Search Contact Us http://www.adobe.com/products/tryadobe/main.jsp |
98. NewlightSoftware - Software Design And Consulting Design, hosting, search engine submission, database development and programming in Java, jsp, PHP, PERL, and C. Located in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, United States. http://newlightsoftware.com/ | |
99. Componative Dedicated to delivering products and services for componentbased enterprise applications build with J2EE technology. http://www.componative2.com/view/index.jsp |
100. Common Controls Form a Java Presentation Framework based on Java Servlets, jsp and Struts. The Presentation Framework contains the most common control elements like lists, trees, tabfolders, menus and forms, which are required for the development of J2EE applications with HTML frontends. Commercial http://www.common-controls.com/en/ | |
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