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         Java:     more books (100)
  1. Head First Java, 2nd Edition by Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, 2005-02-09
  2. Effective Java (2nd Edition) by Joshua Bloch, 2008-05-28
  3. Sams Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours (5th Edition) by Rogers Cadenhead, 2009-11-04
  4. Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, et all 2006-05-19
  5. Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies by Barry Burd, 2010-10-26
  6. Core Java(TM), Volume I--Fundamentals (8th Edition) by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, 2007-09-21
  7. Java All-in-One For Dummies by Doug Lowe, 2010-10-05
  8. Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive (8th Edition) by Y. Daniel Liang, 2010-01-13
  9. SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 by Katherine Sierra, Bert Bates, 2008-06-24
  10. Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition by David Flanagan, 2005-03-15
  11. Java For Dummies by Barry Burd, 2006-12-11
  12. Thinking in Java (4th Edition) by Bruce Eckel, 2006-02-20
  13. Java Web Services: Up and Running by Martin Kalin, 2009-02-12
  14. Core Java, Vol. 2: Advanced Features, 8th Edition by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, 2008-04-18

1. Java Technology
Sun s home for java. Offers Windows, Solaris, and Linux java Development Kits (JDKs), extensions, news, tutorials, and product information.
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Java technology is a portfolio of products that are based on the power of networks and the idea that the same software should run on many different kinds of systems and devices. Read More Java Technology is organized into these subject areas:
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September 15, 2005
Creating and Using a Custom Render Kit
Learn how to use JavaServer Faces technology to create a custom render kit for the purpose of rendering markup to non-HTML clients.
September 13, 2005
Unified Expression Language
Learn about the new unified expression language for web-tier technologies of the Java EE platform: why you need it, what you can do with it, and how you can customize it. September 8, 2005 XML Validation and XPath Evaluation in J2SE 5.0 J2SE 5.0 provides support for validating an XML document against a schema, as well as evaluation of XPath for selecting document nodes. This article shows how to make the most of javax.xml.validation and javax.xml.xpath libraries, and it provides simple tutorials on both XML schema and XPath. More Java Community Ask the Experts transcript on JBI Read the transcript of the recent Ask the Experts session on Java Business Integration Specification (JSR 208) with spec co-leads, Peter Walker and Ron Ten-Hove.

2. James Gosling: On The Java Road...
A presentation covering java's history by James Gosling of Sun Labs.

3. Java Technology
java technology is a portfolio of products that are based on the power of networks and the idea that the same software should run on many different

4. Windows Automated Java Software Download - For IE
Use only for automated download for java software on Windows IE.

5. 11 Worte Zu Java
Wissenswertes ¼ber java.
Dieser Text wurde im Jahre 1995 geschrieben, als Java frisch
eingeführt wurde - Ich werde Anmerkungen aus dem Jahre 2002
in dieser Farbe dazuschreiben..
... diese Seite enthält eine HTML/3 Tabelle ...
Java ist... leicht gewöhnungsbedürftig. Die Syntax ist bewußt weitgehend von C++ übernommen, und daher vielen vertraut. Viele Eigenschaften von C++ wurden aber weggelassen und anders umgesetzt. Multiple-Inheritance etwa wurde durch das Interfaces Konzept von Objective C ersetzt. Und eine Garbage-Collection sorgt dafür, daß man nicht mehr jeden Speicher selbst freigeben muß. Das vermeidet eine Menge Fehler. Die größte Einarbeitungszeit kostet jedoch der sichere Umgang mit der Objektklassen-Library und dem Multithreading. Software in Java zu entwickeln ist alles andere als leicht, es ist lediglich einfacher als C. Immerhin. architekturneutral Überall da, wo der Java-Interpreter läuft, kann Java-Byte-Code ausgeführt werden. Der Java-Byte-Code ist darauf ausgelegt, auf jedem System einfach interpretierbar und übersetzbar zu sein - sagen die Entwickler. Zur Zeit gilt dies für SunOS 4 und 5, SGI, DEC OSF/1, Windoofs NT und 95 sowie Linux (Stand: Januar 96) Damals war das wirklich ein Faktor. Heute gibt es viele

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8. Programming Java Threads In The Real World, Part 9
Discussion of two more architectural solutions to threading problems a synchronous dispatcher (or 'reactor') and an asynchronous dispatcher (or 'active object').
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Programming Java threads in the real world, Part 9
More threads in an object-oriented world: Synchronous dispatchers, active objects, detangling console I/O
This article finishes up the series on threads with a discussion of two more architectural solutions to threading problems: a synchronous dispatcher (or "reactor") and an asynchronous dispatcher (or "active object"). These dispatchers can simplify the threading model considerably by letting you minimize and in some cases eliminate the need for method-level synchronization, thereby making it much easier to write and debug multithreaded applications. Both of these design patterns leverage the object-oriented view of threading discussed in last month's column. Allen demonstrates the active object architecture with an OutputStream derivative that allows two threads to simultaneously write to the console without getting the lines of text mixed together. ( 4,000 words

9. Hot Games, Cool Apps
A resource for java technology consumers, with a focus on mobile devices.

10. Download Java
to test java(TM) on your PC. Download java(TM) from Anfy · Download · Purchase · Services · java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems.

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11. Education/Interactive Experiments Resources - PhysicsWeb
A large, annotated list of physics related java applets (also some VRML and Shockwave stuff) available on the net. Also provides a way to join a list devoted to discussions on development and use of java in physics education and research.

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  • Energy Conversion Systems - Advanced energy conversion technologies will play a vital role in the future well-being of the United States. As a reliable, affordable energy resource, coal and gas fuels will power economic growth and help us achieve environmental goals at the same time. In this one hour online course, energy conversion systems, their breakdown, descriptions, benefits, basic concepts and glossary are presented. This course includes a multiple choice quiz at the end. At the conclusion of this course, the student will: Know how advanced energy conversion systems are broken down Recognize the benefits of energy conversion systems Be familiar with the basic concepts associated with advanced energy conversion systems Furthermore, Engineering Software has developed a new Windows based software package (Energy Conversion) that quickly, easily and reliably calculates thermodynamic and transport properties of gaseous, liquid and solid species, contains coefficients for the calculation of physical properties the user has the capability to use the coefficients to carry out independent engineering calculations involving physical properties of various species, steam approximations for both saturated and superheated, analyzes power cycles, power cycle components/processes and compressible flow.

Handson, how-to features and columns by java experts; news; java applets; sample code; tips.

13. Anfy Team Home Page
java applet package for Windows, Mac, Linux. It includes 52 java applets.


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14. Java, OOAD, CORBA By Ugo Landini
Presenti sezioni sull'analisi e sul design orientati agli oggetti; inoltre varie risorse su java, Corba ed Uml.
Home Analisi e Design Java CORBA ... Mail Ultimo Aggiornamento: For English speaking people Benvenuti nel mio sito: in queste pagine si discute di Programmazione, di Analisi e di Design orientati agli oggetti nonchè di Java, CORBA ed UML. Chi vuole avere maggiori informazioni o dare qualche consiglio segua i link.
News E' nata ProjectOO , una "smart company" agile e snella, pesantemente basata su Internet, che si occupa, fra le altre cose, di Mentoring su progetti OO ma anche di corsi di Analisi e Design OO, di Java (livello base, avanzato, specifico per Enterprise API), di UML, Project Management e quanto altro di buono c'è oggi nel mondo Object Oriented. L'organizzazione Net-based permette di offrire corsi a prezzi economici ma al contempo esaustivi, quindi dateci un'occhiata! Links immediati Patterns di basso Accoppiamento ed alta Coesione Pattern Iterator Pattern Marker Interface Pattern Composite Expert Creator , Legge di Demeter Aggiornata sezione Design Patterns : GRASP Patterns Pattern Decorator Aggiunta recensione di Applying UML and Patterns Confronto: Java è più semplice di C++?

15. JavaBoutique
The java Speech API A Primer on Speech Applications Drew Falkman investigates. Book Excerpt Learning java, Third Edition

16. JavaBoutique
Collection of java applets, script information and tutorials.

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Book Excerpt: Hibernate Quickly
Hibernate is a powerful object/relational persistence and query service that automates the tedious task of bridging the gap between object-oriented code and the relational database. This excerpt from Chapter 1 covers the basics of using Direct JDBC.
Use JBoss Cache to Cache and Share Data in Your Enterprise Applications
Automate Data Persistence with Firestorm/DAO
This Java code generator helps reduce your development time by automating the repetitive task of creating DAO objects and the associated helper classes required for data persistence. Find out how you can free yourself up to focus on business logic implementation.
Upload Files with Struts, Store Them with Hibernate
Review: Chart FX 6.2 (Beta) for Java
Make the Correct Data Classes in Your DAO Applications
Making the correct data classes in a DAO applicationor in any applicationis by no means trivial. Find out how you can simplify application development and maintenance with a well considered and properly documented design. Applets, Applications, Servlets

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My books break down hard subjects into easier steps, and give information you can really use. I hope you enjoy these books and find them useful. Peter van der Linden's Guide to Linux "Just Java 2
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FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 Simplify enterprise Java development with EJB 3.0, Part 2
POJO persistence made easy Michael Juntao Yuan Case study: From standalone Websites and B2B interfaces to SOA Sprint rationalizes infrastructure with service-oriented architecture Galen Gruman, InfoWorld Iona joins Eclipse, proposes SOA effort Tools platform is proposed Paul Krill, InfoWorld Forum Discussions Java Beginner Learn the basics of client-side Java in this discussion just for beginners. Core topics include the Java language, the Java Virtual Machine, APIs, and development tools. Enterprise Java Get under the hood of the technologies that are shaping the future—from J2EE to Web services and beyond—in this discussion for enterprise application developers. XML has taken off as a practical way to represent data. What are the best tools? This is the place to share ideas about how to take advantage of this emerging technology.

20. TCP Et UDP Avec Java
et utilisation des protocoles TCPUDP/IP en java.......

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