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161. STAT-USA/Internet * Home Page Service of the US Department of Commerce provides market research and business data. http://www.stat-usa.gov/ | |
162. SwidMAN - A Full Service Internet Provider UsÅugi teleinformatyczne na obszarze wojew³dztwa lubelskiego. http://www.swidman.pl/ | |
163. IAB Interactive Marketing Standards And Guidelines Internet Ad Unit Guidelines Global nonprofit group open to companies actively engaged in the sale of interactiveadvertising and marketing. Membership features IAB events, http://www.iab.net/ | |
164. ACES Internet Fornecedor de servi§os para internet. Acesso internet por dialup ou circuito dedicado; alojamento de sites em servidores pr³prios; desenvolvimento de conteºdos; consultoria e forma§£o; registo de domnios; webmail. http://www.aces.pt |
165. ClickZ Stats internet Activity Index Identifies Cyclical Usage July 22, 2005 June s internetActivity Index tracks consistency and seasonality in online usage. http://www.clickz.com/stats/ | |
166. Agencja Interaktywna Empathy Internet :: Projektowanie Serwisów Internetowych, Projektowanie serwis³w internetowych. RozwiÄ zania projektowe, realizacje. http://www.empathy.pl | |
167. VocalTec Communications Ltd. Enables voice and multimedia communications over packetized networks, the internetand intranets. http://www.vocaltec.com/ | |
168. Cyberlibel:Innocent Dissmination On The Internet Article that discusses defamation on the internet from a UK perspective. http://www.spr-consilio.com/cyberlibel.html | |
169. AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages, Toll-Free Numb Phone numbers and addresses for persons and businesses in the United States.Includes links to directories for other countries. http://www.anywho.com/ | |
170. Département Fédéral De Justice Et Police Les communiqu©s aux m©dias du D©partement de Justice et Police (DFJP) sur la cybercriminalit©. http://www.ejpd.admin.ch/f/themen/mm_r_int.php?Topic=Internet-Kriminalitaet |
171. Welcome To The Internet Sacred Text Archive Archive of primary texts relating to all major world religions and many otherspiritual practices, including all major scriptures and hundreds of other http://www.sacred-texts.com/ | |
172. Internet Aktiv Projektowanie stron, baz danych i portali tematycznych w Internecie. http://www.internet-aktiv.org | |
173. InterNIC | The Internet's Network Information Center Information about internet Protocol addresses (such as is availablefrom the internet Assigned Numbers Authority web site. http://www.internic.net/ | |
174. Personales.com Amb definicions. http://personales.com/espana/barcelona/isaac/diccionario.htm | |
175. Doctor S Guide To The Internet Has professional and patient editions containing news, medical information andresources. http://www.docguide.com/ |
176. Arena Internet - KIELCE, KOMPLEKSOWE US£UGI INTERNETOWE, WEBDESIGN - PROJEKTOWA Dostawca usÅug internetowych. http://www.arena.net.pl | |
177. Internet Chess Club: Where The Grandmasters Play Online Chess The internet Chess Club, where beginners to grandmasters play online. Serious chess.Serious fun! http://www.chessclub.com/ | |
178. WEB DESIGN TENIT Internet - Projektowanie Stron Www, Tworzenie Stron Www Projektowanie serwis³w internetowych. http://www.tenit.com.pl | |
179. RCN - Homepage Provides bundled cable TV, phone, and internet service as well as web hosting,colocation, voice, and data transport for businesses. http://www.rcn.com/ | |
180. Diariored.com - Noticias Y Análisis De La Actualidad De Internet, Informática, Consejos, t©cnicas, y artculos para vender en internet. http://diariored.com/blog/mkt20/ | |
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