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121. Pearson sitio dedicado a la Investigaci³n de Mercado por internet http://www.panelpearson.com | |
122. Worldwide Internet Music Resources Worldwide internet Music Resources. Individual Musicians (All Genres) and PopularGroups Composers and Composition Groups and Ensembles (Except Popular) http://www.music.indiana.edu/music_resources/ | |
123. Interactive Maps, Web Mapping, Statistics, Atlas, USA Map : Geoclip Logiciel de cartographie interactive pour internet cartes statistiques dynamiques, valorisation cartographique de bases de donn©es. Produits et prestations payantes autour de ce logiciel. http://www.geoclip.net | |
124. Internet Library For Librarians A portal designed for librarians to locate internet resources related to theirprofession. Provided by Infoworks Technology company. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/ | |
125. Internet Fulfilment Services Web integrated warehouse and despatch solutions for product samples or literature via the internet http://www.internetfulfilment.co.uk/ |
126. ICANN The internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the newnonprofit corporation that was formed to take over responsibility for the IP http://www.icann.org/ | |
127. Sparkly Sky Guild Forum officiel de la guilde de Sparkly Sky pour le jeu sur internet Neopets (cr©atures virtuelles). http://www.sparklysky.forumactif.com | |
128. Hobbes' Internet Timeline - The Definitive ARPAnet & Internet History Robert H. Zakon highlights key events and technologies that helped shape the internet. http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/ | |
129. CyberVision Marketing internet advertising and marketing services for both Publishers and Advertisers. http://www.cybervisionmarketing.com | |
130. HRI - Human Right Internet - Russia Mothers With HIV and Their Children Face Stigma and Discrimination Jul18, 2005 More Info. Nigeria violence against women must stop http://www.hri.ca/html/ | |
131. Task Internet Acesso discado e banda larga, hospedagem, notcias e links. http://www.task.com.br/ | |
132. Internet Archaeology - Electronic Journal - Home Page Fully refereed electronic journal for archaeology, international in scope.A collaboration of the British Academy, CBA and the Universities of Durham, http://intarch.ac.uk/ | |
133. Strafrecht Aktuelle Deutsche Urteile zu Einzelf¤llen des Mibrauchs. http://www.internet4jurists.at/intern35a.htm | |
134. GLOSARIO DE INTERNET A cargo de Jos© Cuadrado Marn, de la Universidad de C³rdoba. Con enlaces. http://www.uco.es/ccc/glosario/glosario.html | |
135. ICRA: Working For A Safer Internet The internet Content Rating Association runs a global selflabelling systemproviding internet users with the choice to limit access to content they http://www.icra.org/ | |
136. Asociación Mexicana De Internet - Principal Asociacion civil que impulsa el desarrollo de internet en Mexico. http://amipci.org.mx | |
137. SANS - Internet Storm Center - Cooperative Cyber Threat Monitor And Alert System SANS internet Storm Center A Cooperative cyber threat monitor and alert system.Featuring daily handler diaries with summarizing and analyzing new threats http://isc.sans.org/ | |
138. DOS, MSDOS, PCDOS, DR-DOS, OpenDOS, FreeDOS, PTSDOS, And 16 Bit Windows V3.1, V3 Provides links to software and information about using MSDOS and MS-DOS-like operating systems to access the internet. Includes information about a wide range of applications including telnet, web browsers and severs, and FTP clients. http://www.undercoverdesign.com/dosghost/dos/dosw31.asp | |
139. Internet 800 Directory - Directory Of Free Toll Free (tollfree), 800,866,877 And internet 800 Directory Directory of free toll free, 800, 888, 877, and 866listings of businesses by company, number and type of industry, regardless of http://inter800.com/ | |
140. ETHICOMP2001. Gdansk, Poland. June 2001 2001 academic conference proceedings; includes summaries (abstracts) of the accepted papers. http://www.ccsr.cse.dmu.ac.uk/conferences/ccsrconf/ethicomp2001/abstracts/vedder | |
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