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41. Information Technology History - Outline Stan Augarten, BIT By BIT An Illustrated history of computers (New York Ticknor Fields, 1984). R. Moreau, The Computer Comes of Age The People, http://www.tcf.ua.edu/AZ/ITHistoryOutline.htm | |
42. February 16, 1996, Hour One:History Of Computers February 16, 1996, Hour Onehistory of computers. history of computers. Fifty years ago this month, the US Army and the University of Pennsylvania http://www.sciencefriday.com/pages/1996/Feb/hour1_021696.html | |
43. History Of Computers Helping People Use Computers! history of computers About Us Contact Us Client Testimonials Store Locations News Services Employment History of http://www.nerdz.com/9999/history_of_computers.htm | |
44. Met Office: History Of Computers At The Met Office history of computers at the Met Office. history of computers 1959 to 2004. In the beginning About 50 years ago, the Synoptic and Dynamical Research http://www.met-office.gov.uk/research/nwp/numerical/computers/history.html | |
45. Past Notable Women Of Computing Alice Burks has coauthored numerous articles on ENIAC and the history of computers with her husband, Arthur Burks, a computer scientist who was part of the http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/tap/past-women-cs.html | |
46. World History Compass, History Of Computers Links to computer history sites. Computer History Collection Exhibitions, reference materials, interviews. Smithsonian National Museum of American http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/compute.htm | |
47. Quiz On History Of Computers And Information Technology Quiz on Computers. Learn more about the people who were and are behind computing and the PCs. Learn about the history of computers, the development and more http://www22.brinkster.com/beeandnee/quiztime/historyofcomputers.asp | |
48. Bernie Poole's Presentation On The History Of Computers 15Sep-01 A Brief history of computers. http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/historyofcomputers.htm | |
49. Bernie Poole's Presentation On The History Of Computers http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/historyofcomputers_files/frame.htm |
50. Intel Education: TJI: Explore The Curriculum: Intro To Computers In this section, you will learn a bit about the history of computers, the four essential components of a computer, and the differences between your brain http://www97.intel.com/discover/JourneyInside/TJI_Intro/default.aspx | |
51. Intel Education: TJI: Intro To Computers: Lesson 1 Introduction to Computers, Lesson 1 history of computers history of computers Throughout time, humans have invented ingenious calculating machines. http://www97.intel.com/discover/JourneyInside/TJI_Intro_lesson1/default.aspx | |
52. The Language And History Of Computers -- Index The Language and history of computers. Willie W. Webfoot Speaks The Language of Computers. Understanding Computer Jargon Need help unscrambling the http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb/history/history.html | |
53. WIReD: History Of Computers - SJLibrary.org Information about library resources for research, including online databases, selected websites and subject guides for academic coursework. http://www.sjlibrary.org/research/web/iguide_subjectList.htm?t=134&catID=59 |
54. EDUCATION PLANET - 7167 Web Sites For History Of Computers EDUCATION PLANETSearch Results for keyword history of computers. http://www.educationplanet.com/search/search?keywords=History of Computers |
55. EDUCATION PLANET - 7167 Web Sites For History Of Computers CHAC History Pages * Computers, Calculators, Pre-electronic The history of computers During My Lifetime * - The history of computers During My http://www.educationplanet.com/search/search/?keywords=History of Computers |
56. History Of Computers Computer History Images Pictures of many of the pioneering computers. Computer Industry History - Comprehensive list of links to the best computer http://www.edinformatics.com/computers/history.htm | |
57. Talk:History Of Computers - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Talkhistory of computers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Article Discussion Edit this page + History. Personal tools http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:History_of_computers | |
58. The History Of Computers babbage.gif (15130 bytes), The History of the Computer He designed two computers during his lifetime; the Difference Engine and the Analytical http://www.elanguest.com/reporter/computer.html | |
59. TASCHEN Books: Design - All Titles - The Computer. An Illustrated History - Fact Discover the fascinating history of computers, interfaces, and computer design. The Computer. An Illustrated History Wurster, Christian http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/books/design/all/facts/02976.htm | |
60. History Of Computers | Free Term Papers The earliest existence of a modern day computer\ s ancestor was the abacus. These date back to almost 2000 years ago. It is simply a wooden rack holding http://www.oppapers.com/term-papers/29932.html | |
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