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21. Computer History An illustrated history of computers with over 50 rare photos. http://www.computersciencelab.com/ComputerHistory/HistoryPt4.htm | |
22. History Of Computers In Education History, the history of computers, and the history of computers in Education. 1780 Early public schools adopt the teacher/manager model with the teacher http://www.csulb.edu/~murdock/histofcs.html | |
23. Biblioteca Pública Por Internet: History Of Computers & Internet A History of Apple Computers http//applehistory.com/frames/? This site is intended to provide a broad history of Apple Computers, inc., http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum30.03.30/ | |
24. History Of Computers/Internet Theme Page The primary focus of the Community Learning Network (CLN) is to help K12 teachers integrate Information Technology into their classrooms. http://www.cln.org/themes/computer_history.html | |
25. The Virtual Museum Of Computing history of computers course material from North Carolina State University, USA. The History of Modern Computers and their Inventors by Mary Bellis. http://vmoc.museophile.com/ | |
26. A Brief History Of Computers And Networks From the early proposals, through World War II, and into the computer age, this history tracks the development of modern computing. http://goldenink.com/computersandnetworks.shtml | |
27. History Of Computers [encyclopedia] history of computers. Kosmoi.com Computer History. The modern electronic digital computer is the result of a long series of developments, which started http://kosmoi.com/Computer/History/ | |
28. History Of Computers During 1980 To 1990 Listing of major computer history events during the 1980 s to 1990. http://www.computerhope.com/history/198090.htm | |
29. Statistics: Power From Data! History Of Computers The history of computers, and the history of computers in education. 500 BC. Evidence of the abacus, the world s first calculating machine, exists from as http://www.statcan.ca/english/edu/power/ch4/history/computers.htm | |
30. History Of Computers And The World Wide Web Computer History Association of California Computer History and Emulation Page History of Computing Apple Computer. The Apple Corporate Timeline http://www.anselm.edu/homepage/jpitocch/rescomphist.html | |
31. The History Of Computing Project history of computing, computerhistory, history of computers. Timeline of the main events in the history of computing. History of Video games http://www.thocp.net/ | |
32. The Telson Spur: Field Nodes -- Tools (9): Computers & Computer Science (cont.) history of computers History of the Internet The Year 2000 Problem Perspectives of the Smithsonian Smithsonian Computer History Pierce Computer http://www.snark.org/~pjhughes/cs2.htm | |
33. History Of Computers And Computing history of computers and Computing. 1. Module Code Number G5AHOC. 2. Title of Module history of computers and Computing. 3. Number of Credits 10 http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/Modules/0405/G5AHOC.html | |
34. G5AHOC - History Of Computers & Computing - Lectures The module aims to provide a broad overview of the history of computers and computing. It will trace the history of computing devices and technologies, http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~tpp/G5AHOC/lectures.html | |
35. MacKiDo/History/brief_history A BRIEF history of computers A History of Microcomputers, My history starts with the Personal Computer kit computers need not apply. http://www.mackido.com/History/brief_history.html | |
36. History Of Computers The History in Computer Science is a major topic. Many people have come and gone Thank You for your time at the supreme website of Computer History. http://techcenter.davidson.k12.nc.us/fall022/INDEX2.HTM | |
37. Computer History history of computers Internet. history of computers Internet. In 1937 Alan Turing s Turing machine pioneered the idea of machines that could http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/computers-and-the-internet_history-and-the-human- | |
38. History Of Computers History and information about computers. The first electronic digital computer was called ENIAC built in 1945 in Philadelphia. It used so much electricity http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/9-25-2004-59721.asp | |
39. History Of Computers Extensive guides to speeding up your PC, solving your PC problems, tutorials on VB, C++, Photoshop, Flash as well as classic Flash and Java games. http://www.cyberiapc.com/cmphistory.htm | |
40. History Of Computers Books And Articles - Research History Of history of computers Scholarly books and articles on history of computers at Questia, world s largest online library and research service. http://www.questia.com/library/science-and-technology/history-and-philosophy-of- |
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