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41. Mozilla Hacking In A Nutshell (If you re looking for the document called hacking Mozilla that used to live atthis page, hacking Mozilla with Bonsai (aka Being on the Hook ) http://www.mozilla.org/hacking/ | |
42. The Hacking Depot - Kies Je Taal - Choose Your Language Informatie over cryptografie, computerbeveiliging, hacken en phreaking. http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~ll152 | |
43. C++ Portability Guide Module Owners hacking Get the Source Build It Testing Releases Nightly Builds Report A Bug Tools Bugzilla Tinderbox Bonsai LXR http://www.mozilla.org/hacking/portable-cpp.html | |
44. Hacking For Human Rights? Article about the Cult of the Dead Cow, the Hong Kong Blondes, and hacktivism. Wired http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/13693.html |
45. Mark Dery Mark Dery popularized the term culture jamming , and wrote a pamphlet titled Culture Jamming hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs . http://www.levity.com/markdery/ |
46. Annual Hacking Game Teaches Security Lessons We did intentionally deemphasize defense, because it is a hacking competition,after all, said the organizer. By agreement, the group that ran the game http://www.securityfocus.com/news/11269 | |
47. Network Security Archive Archive of network security related lists. http://www.networksecurityarchive.org | |
48. SFF Net By Wil McCarthy; Basic Books, 2003, ISBN 046504428X. Programmable matter, via quantum dots, will someday change our lives. Author visits labs of major firms, talks to researchers developing this extraordinary technology. SFF Net http://www.sff.net/people/wmccarth/hm.htm | |
49. Hacking The TiVo This site contains information and utilities to use to hack your TiVo. http://www.tivofaq.com/hack/ | |
50. U.S. Arrests Los Alamos Lab Employee For Alleged Hacking CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/computing/01/10/losalamos.hacker.reut/index.html |
51. Hacking The TiVo FAQ You have no frames! So, click here to go to the TiVo Hack FAQ. http://www.tivofaq.com/hack/faq.html | |
52. Hacking Exposed - Web Applications Book that covers how to hack web applications, and how to secure against the attacks detailed. Author profiles, links to tools referenced in the book and reviews. http://www.webhackingexposed.com/ | |
53. Hacking Linux Exposed Companion Website to hacking Linux Exposed, Osborne/McGrawHill. Source code fromthe book, updates, and other tools to secure your Linux system. http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/ | |
54. Your Spectrum 12 - Hacking Away & QL Affairs Adds a platform to the First Landing allowing Willy to reach the cross and the hidden object. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~jg27paw4/yr12/yr12_05.htm | |
55. Hacking Linux Exposed The hacking Linux Exposed Companion Website. hacking Linux Exposed Authorswrite more than they wish to admit. Brian Hatch has coauthored Building http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/ | |
56. Computer Hacking And Ethics Computer hacking and Ethics. Brian Harvey paper was written for the ``Panelon hacking held by the Association for Computing Machinery in April, 1985. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/hackers.html | |
57. GameBoy Dev'rs - What's New? Detailed information concerning the programming, modification, and hacking of Game Boy hardware. http://www.devrs.com/gb/ | |
58. A History Of Hacking hacking has been around for more than a century. An Indiana hacker knownas Fry Guy so named for hacking McDonald s is raided by law enforcement http://www.sptimes.com/Hackers/history.hacking.html | |
59. CNN.com - Technology - Mitnick Schools Feds On Hacking 101 - March 3, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/03/03/mitnick.the.prof/mitnick.the.prof.h | |
60. Elevator Hacking - Engadget - Www.engadget.com Elevator hacking. Posted Aug 2, 2005, 1212 PM ET by Peter Rojas Related entriesMisc. Gadgets elevator buttons. Calling this a hack is way too generous, http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000340052853/ | |
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