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101. CommuniGate Fax Set up a fax server with CommuniGate; freeware for Macintosh http://shareware.netscape.com/computing/shareware/software_title.tmpl?p=MAC& |
102. Welcome To Bull AIX Freeware Site Archive of freeware and shareware for AIX (R) 4. http://www.bullfreeware.com/ |
103. Themes - By Topdownloads! Collection of categorized links in tree format of shareware and freeware themes. http://www.topdownloads.net/themes/ | |
104. Jans Freeware Collection http://jansfreeware.com/ |
105. Wenzlaff Windows Freeware Tools Kostenlos Und Ohne Geld Eine Sammlung von frei verf¼gbaren Programmen von Thomas Wenzlaff mit Schwerpunkten bei Programmen rund um Zeit und Sicherheit. Mit Programmbeschreibungen, Screenshots und Downloads. http://www.wenzlaff.de/ | |
106. Most Popular Freeware On GRC.COM When the Lavasoft folks created the much more comprehensive AdAware freeware,I turned spyware policing over to them. This file remains on our site only http://www.grc.com/freepopular.htm | |
107. FireFly's Homepage - GP32 A freeware GamePark 32 emulator for Windows. http://users.skynet.be/firefly/gp32/ |
108. Freeware Downloads A directory of freeware programs in the categorized index. http://www.freeware-downloads.com/ | |
109. IconsPLUS - Comic Book, Sci-fi, TV And Movie Desktop Icons Site dedicated to creating cool comic book, scifi, tv, movie and other pop culture icons and desktop wallpaper to decorate the Mac or Windows 95/98/NT. freeware http://www.iconsplus.com/ | |
110. Reviews And Free Downloads At Download.com Our Favorite freeware. FoxyTunes 1.1 Control almost any MP3 player from MozillaFirefox, Thunderbird, or the Mozilla suite. Google Earth http://www.downloads.com/ | |
111. Waretheque: L'annuaire Des Sites De Freewares Et Sharewares Annuaire des sites francophones de freewares et sharewares. Classement et annotations du webmaster. Newsletter. http://www.waretheque.com/ | |
112. Open Source Software In our (Prime Time freeware s) idealized definition, free software Finally,we are still troubled by the question of binaryonly freeware and shareware http://www.ptf.com/free.shtml | |
113. Bridge Bidding Program By Platon Beletsky MSDOSbased computer Bridge bidding software. Download freeware. http://hammer.prohosting.com/~pmbel/ | |
114. Craig Rutledge's Home Page Large collection of development and management tools. http://home.alltel.net/craigru/ | |
115. Freeware Publishing Site - Free Software Downloads ERROR 404 THE PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND OEPS De pagina die u probeerde te openen,is niet (meer) beschikbaar. Gelieve uw bookmarks aan te passen. http://www.katho.be/freeware/freeware.htm | |
116. Christian Freeware freeware Bible study programs including 1899 DouayRheims Catholic Bible and King James Version, each with original Deuterocanonicals. Also several foreign language Bibles including Arabic Bible. Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt. http://www.zeitun-eg.org/freewidx.htm | |
117. Astronomy Freeware And Shareware This freeware program by David C. Irizarry works on Windows 3.x and Windows 95 . I have tried a lot of freeware and software in astronomy. http://www.cvc.org/astronomy/freeware.htm | |
118. Sigma Chess - Macintosh Chess Software freeware Free Macintosh OS/X chess program has 3D set, prints games with diagrams, includes HIARCS 9.6 demo, runs UCI chess engines. out May 31, 2005 http://www.sigmachess.com/ | |
119. Freeware Section Free tool for creating 3Dlooking elements for websites and software interfaces.Easily paint raised or lowered shapes such as buttons, rings, and boxes. http://www.steffengerlach.de/freeware/ | |
120. Downloads Many old commercial C64 games released as freeware or shareware with the author's permission. http://www.c64gg.com/DLs.html |
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