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21. FreewareWeb - Your One Stop Freeware Source! freewareWeb is your source for the latest and greatest in freeware. Features a quick loading, well organized, regularly updated and searchable http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
22. Emerald City Fontwerks Large collection of freeware and shareware fonts for the PC and Mac. http://www.speakeasy.org/~ecf/ |
23. SnapFiles - Download Freeware And Shareware Software Programs Virtual archive for web related windows shareware and freeware. More than 2000 downloads with full description and screenshots. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
24. Only Freeware Only freeware for Win 95/98/ME/XP. No shareware. Large selection organized bycategory. http://freeware.intrastar.net/ | |
25. Freeware Heaven Annuaires de logiciels gratuits test©s par l'auteur des pages. http://www.ifrance.com/freeheaven/ | |
26. Jumbo Free Shareware MP3 Files, Games, Screen Savers Computer Source of free and shareware computer programs and utilities for PC and Mac. Evaluate software and read product reviews. Download games and screen http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
27. Astronomy Free Software Astronomy freeware planetarium, moonset-moonrise and much more. Free softwareis arranged in over fifty categories. http://freeware.intrastar.net/astronmy.htm | |
28. Bagusoft Freeware & Shareware Developer of password organizer, and a utility to find executables or DLLs in Windows 95/98 or NT/XP. http://bagus-software.de/ | |
29. ZDNet Downloads This comprehensive directory of freeto- try software offers thousands of downloads, including utilities, Internet and desktop software, downloads http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
30. FREEWARE GUIDE - Your Guide To The Best Free Software And Freeware Sites! Daily news of freeware updates, Program of the Month, Top 10 freeware, freewarelinks, Featured freeware. http://www.freeware-guide.com/ | |
31. Software Freeware Italiano - Vetrina Di Programmatori E Programmi Italiani Offre spazio ai programmatori per esporre le proprie opere e per il download gratuito. http://www.freeonline.it/italia/ | |
32. FreewareWeb - Your One Stop Freeware Source! freewareWeb is your source for the latest and greatest in freeware. Features aquick loading, well organized, regularly updated and searchable freeware http://www.freewareweb.com/ | |
33. RFKcache 1.0.1 - A PHP Caching Engine An cache engine for PHP programs. freeware http://rfkmap.sourceforge.net/download/rfkcache.html | |
34. SnapFiles - Download Freeware And Shareware Software Programs, Fully Reviewed An Virtual archive for web related windows shareware and freeware. More than 2000downloads with full description and screenshots. http://www.webattack.com/ | |
35. Windows Shareware For 3.x, 95 And NT Assorted Windows shareware and freeware including award winners in both 16 and 32 bit versions. http://www.smartcode.com/software.htm | |
36. Freeware For Solaris precompiled Gnu C and C++ binaries for Solaris, for Sparc and Intel architectures. http://www.sunfreeware.com/ |
37. HP E3000 Software Downloads HewlettPackard's own site for HP e3000 freeware, some of which is supported to various degrees by HP support or directly by CSY. HP produced and supported software includes Apache, BIND/DNS, Java, LDAP, LineJet Utilities, Patch/iX, Porting Scanner, Porting Wrappers, Samba, VT3K. http://jazz.external.hp.com/src/ | |
38. FreewarePalm: The One And Only Site For Downloading Freeware Files For PalmOS Ha This is an excellent resource for those of you interested in freeware for yourPalm OS handheld. The site is easy to navigate and is updated daily. http://www.freewarepalm.com/ | |
39. Footy Fanatic freeware Australian rules football management game. Offers news, game information, and game download. http://www.geocities.com/footy_fanatic_pc/ | |
40. DimensioneX Multiplayer Game Development Kit - Freeware Game Engine Offers a freeware Java software capable of building and running multiplayer adventure games, playable with any browser. Several multiplayer games are available for free as a demo. http://www.dimensionex.net/en/ | |
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