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81. The BBC Micro And Electron Games Archive - WWW.STAIRWAYTOHELL.COM Archive of software released for the Acorn range of 8bit home computers. BBC Micro Games, Acorn Electron games, BBC Micro Emulation and BBC emulators with reviews, scans, music mp3, mags, instructions and documentation. http://www.stairwaytohell.com/ | |
82. Sun Java Studio Mobility - Using UEI Emulators Plugging in UEIcompliant emulators is virtually automatic. NetBeans MobilityPack 4.0 already contains UEI-compatible emulators from the J2ME Wireless http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/javatools/mobility/reference/techart/nbmp40-e | |
83. THPFL.com Resource guide list of links to shareware, freeware and demos. Features games and game cheats, applications, emulators, roms, Mp3s, and webmaster tools. http://www.geocities.com/thehellphoenix/index.html |
84. Www.powerlan-usa.com - Terminal Emulators, X Servers, Microsoft Office Conversio www.powerlanusa.com - Terminal emulators, X Servers, Microsoft Office Conversions. http://www.powerlan-usa.com/ | |
85. Game Emulators You have come to the most powerful Game emulators resource in the world.Access instant solutions for your most demanding Game emulators problems. http://www.experts-exchange.com/Miscellaneous/Games/Emulators/ | |
86. Ergon's ZX Spectrum Emulators WEB Page Home of Zexcel (Spectrum 48k/128k emulator for Sinclair QL) and the ZM/hT system (emulator, Z80 dynamic compiler and converters). http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/6533/zxemulators.htm | |
87. 80x86 PC Emulators 80x86 PC emulators. A little explanation is necessary. Of interest is both CPUand OS emulation systems, since for example, you can t normally run an http://www.uruk.org/emu/pc.html | |
88. Dorando List of available emulators and compatibility tests for these. http://dorando.emuverse.com/ | |
89. 68K Macintosh Emulators There are no known emulators for PowerMac. This line of emulators from Appleare distinguished in that they emulate even the trickiest parts of the old http://www.uruk.org/~erich/emu/mac.html | |
90. Warm Silence Software A selection of commercial emulators for RISC OS. Available are emulators of 6502, Z80 and Spectrum, along with a range of utilities for supporting these platforms under RISC OS, and for reading DFS disks. http://www.warmsilence.demon.co.uk/products.html | |
91. Ashling Microprocessor Development Systems Designs and manufactures incircuit and JTAG/BDM emulators, source-level debuggers, Smart Card development tools and systems. http://www.ashling.com/ | |
92. Computer History And Emulation Homepage Some of them are still alive in the shape of emulators. Others are still beingused by the scaterred Computer emulators Archive at wilbur.stanford.edu http://www.komkon.org/fms/comp/ | |
93. HiTech Equipment Corp - Wireless & Embedded Systems, Product Development, Engine Low cost 8051 based single board computers and in circuit emulators. Engineering services, including custom designs and design reviews. http://www.hte.com | |
94. More Roms - Super Nintendo, Roms, Emulators emulators, Roms(games), utilities, game manuals and much more. All related withthe Super Nintendo. http://www.moreroms.com/ | |
95. Play Casino Games Online! MAME ROM downloads, arcade emulators and game information. http://www.megacade.com | |
96. Colin's Atari 8-Bit Emulation Page Several emulators and games. Also provides links to similar sites. http://www.cwc.dircon.co.uk/ | |
97. The Ultimate MSX FAQ - MSX Emulator Section Personally, I really like this emulator (as far as I use emulators!). Virtual MSX is not really worthwhile, as current emulators are much better. http://www.faq.msxnet.org/msxemu.html | |
98. { Retrodev - For All Your Coding Needs... } Some freeware emulators for the GP32 handheld system. http://www.emulnation.info/retrodev/ | |
99. The Retrocomputing Museum Our exhibits include many languages, some machine emulators, and a few games . There have been several demonstration emulators for machine architectures http://www.catb.org/retro/ | |
100. Redirect Manuals, emulators and reviews. http://www.woodcock88.freeserve.co.uk/html/zxf.html |
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