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         Dsp:     more books (100)
  1. DSP Primer by C. Britton Rorabaugh, 1998-10-01
  2. C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP by Paul Embree, 1995-05-27
  3. DSP Applications Using C and the TMS320C6x DSK by Rulph Chassaing, 2002-01-25
  4. Embedded DSP Processor Design, : Application Specific Instruction Set Processors (Systems on Silicon) by Dake Liu, 2008-06-13
  5. Digital Media Processing: DSP Algorithms Using C by Hazarathaiah Malepati, 2010-06-03
  6. DSP Software Development Techniques for Embedded and Real-Time Systems (Embedded Technology) by Robert Oshana, 2006-01-11
  7. DSP Filter Cookbook (Electronics Cookbook Series) by John Lane, 2000-12-01
  8. Embedded Image Processing on the TMS320C6000 DSP: Examples in Code Composer Studio and MATLAB by Shehrzad Qureshi, 2005-04-07
  9. Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms: With Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C6713 DSK (Information Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage) by Steven A. Tretter, 2008-01-04
  10. Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms: With Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C6701 and TMS320C6711 (Information Technology: Transmission, ... Transmission, Processing and Storage) by Steven A. Tretter, 2003-01-01
  11. Signal Processing Study Guide: Fourier analysis, FFT algorithms, Impulse response, Laplace transform, Transfer function, Nyquist theorem, Z-transform, DSP Techniques,Image proc. & more by MobileReference, mobi, 2007-07-31
  12. Digital Signal Processing Applications With Motorola's DSP56002 Processor by Mohammed El-Sharkawy, 1996-08-18
  13. The DSP Handbook: Algorithms, Applications and Design Techniques by Andy Bateman, Iain Paterson-Stephens, 2002-10-26
  14. Mixed-signal and DSP Design Techniques (Analog Devices)

161. Engineering And Training Tools
Kits include all the hardware, software and workbooks for microprocessor design and dsp programming electronic curriculum.
Training Tools

Data Acquisition

I/O Cards

Development Tools
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About AMS Chronology Contact Sales Offices US International Publication EBOOKS Articles Press Release CAE Glossary ... PCB FABRICATION Resource Resource Page EZMicro Resource Support Registration Support Payment Terms ... Product Warranty Site Designed by GlobalAMS CIRCUIT CREATOR- Click here for More Info... Circuit CREATOR SpiceCREATOR - Circuit Simulator Click here for More Info... Spice Creator Simulator Feature/Information Table EZ-MICRO ADVANCED - Microprocessor Design Course Click here for More Info... America's first and only complete microprocessor design course. Now available for community colleges, colleges and universities. The easy and affordable way to make a microprocessor design course part of your engineering curriculum. The advanced course is based on the Motorola and Intel microcontroller. EZ-DSP - Digital Signal Processing Design Course Click here for More Info...

162. DSP And Speech Technology Lab. ¼Æ¦r°T¸¹³B²z ¤Î »y­µ§Þ³N¹êÅç�
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Last Updated on 1st August, 2005

163. Software To Spec, Embedded Software Development, Consulting, Products, Solutions
Software development for realtime, embedded and dsp applications on microprocessor systems. Custom board bringup and device drivers under real-time operating systems (VxWorks, pSOS, RTLinux). Based in Silicon Valley.

164. RLE - Digital Signal Processing Group
The Digital Signal Processing Group at MIT's Research Laboratory of Electronics.
Digital Signal Processing Group RLE's Digital Signal Processing group carries out fundamental research on algorithms for the representation, utilization, transmission, and processing of signals and information. The group's activities encompass theory, applications, and implementations. The Digital Signal Processing group is part of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT
Principal Investigators
Professor Arthur Baggeroer leads an investigation into applications of signal and array processing to ocean and structural acoustics and geophysics. These problems require the combination of digital signal processing tools with a knowledge of wave propagation to develop systems for short time spectral analysis, wavenumber spectrum estimation, source localization, and matched field processing. The project emphasizes the use of real-world data from laboratory and field experiments such as the Heard Island Experiment for Acoustic Monitoring of Global Warming and several Arctic acoustic experiments conducted on the polar ice cap. Professor Alan V. Oppenheim

165. Plantronics )) Computer )) Computer )) DSP-400 Foldable PC Headset
Plantronics headsets deliver superior sound, style and comfort. Choose from a widevariety of hands-free solutions office, mobile, computer, residential,
DSP-400 Foldable PC Headset
Plantronics DSP-400 digitally-enhanced foldable stereo headset with full-range stereo sound. The foldable design allows for easy storage and transport. Listen to your CDs, DVDs, or MP3 files. Its noise-canceling microphone enhances speech accuracy. Plantronics PerSono™ Audio Control Center Software available via internet download. The PerSono™ Audio Control Center Software allows users to adjust microphone and audio characteristics like volume, bass and treble, launch their favorite voice or audio applications, as well as select audio presets like rock, jazz or classical, all from a central software interface.
Product Features:
  • Folds for easy storage and transport Noise canceling microphone QuickAdjust™ microphone boom Inline digital volume and mute controls PerSono™ Audio Control Center Software
Technical Specifications:
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166. The World Of DSP Merrill Lynch

167. Welcome To DSP ALGORITHMS
Signal processing consultancy from algorithm development to assembly optimization, with emphasis on audio dsp.
DSP Algorithms Signal processing consultancy from algorithm
development to assembly optimization.

Home Consultancy Publications Download ...
Echo Cancellers
Looking for an efficient, easy to use network or acoustic echo canceller? Select from our extensive range of echo cancellation algorithms that cover echo tail from a few milliseconds to few minutes.
The Adaptive Signal Processing Toolbox.
Save time, money, and effort. Design and test a complete multi-channel active noise and vibration control in a few minutes. Implement a complex adaptive antenna array with a few lines of code. Quickly test the performance of any adaptive algorithms in an echo canceller. Improve existing adaptive algorithms without time consuming implementation and testing. Develop in the language and for the platform of your choice. All this and much more in one single box.
Noise Reduction and Speech Enhancement.
Get rid of all this noise. Back ground noise, wide band and harmonic noise, fan noise, microphone noise, car, motor, and train noise. You choose and we deliver.
Sample Rate Conversion
Get ready to meet the ultimate solution for sample rate conversion. A high quality low cost flexible solution for desktop and embedded audio applications.

168. Embedded Linux Distro Supports TI DSP-based Digital Media Processors
Comprehensive information and resources on using Linux in embedded applications. This site provides embedded Linux news, articles, events, links, jobs,
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Linux smartphones!
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"Great Gadget Smack-Down" Hot topics:
Linux Device Showcase Linux mobile phones Executive interviews Carrier Grade Linux ... Is embedding Windows 4X cheaper than Linux? 2005 Embedded Linux market snapshot: Quick Reference Guides Getting started Embedded Linux distro's Real-time Linux Embedded graphics ... Embedded processors Embedded Linux books Read ELJonline here: Popular discussions Article talkbacks Linux on PDAs Technical questions Real-time Linux ... General discussion Submissions... news events products resource links ... other news feed Embedded Linux distro supports TI DSP-based digital media processors Jan. 08, 2004 Pigeon Point Systems is marketing GPL "editions" of its Monterey Linux that support three Texas Instruments (TI) DSP-based digital media processors. The $1,500 offerings include "comprehensive documentation" and tools, and target digital media receivers, set-top boxes, video conferencing, and other consumer electronics products. According to Pigeon Point, Monterey Linux is a narrowly focused Linux distribution that emphasizes high quality, cost-effective support for selected System-on-Chip (SoC) processors, including the TMS320DM310, TMS320VC547x, and TMS320DA180. These chips provide a general purpose CPU, a C54x DSP, and numerous peripheral interfaces on a single inexpensive, low-power chip.

169. Home Page
Focuses on embedded computation and dsp research and development.

170. Another Native-DSP Linux Port -- This One To ADI's Blackfin
Comprehensive information and resources on using Linux in embedded applications. This site provides embedded Linux news, articles, events, links, jobs,
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Linux smartphones!
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...and other cool stuff Don't miss the...
"Great Gadget Smack-Down" Hot topics:
Linux Device Showcase Linux mobile phones Executive interviews Carrier Grade Linux ... Is embedding Windows 4X cheaper than Linux? 2005 Embedded Linux market snapshot: Quick Reference Guides Getting started Embedded Linux distro's Real-time Linux Embedded graphics ... Embedded processors Embedded Linux books Read ELJonline here: Popular discussions Article talkbacks Linux on PDAs Technical questions Real-time Linux ... General discussion Submissions... news events products resource links ... other news feed Another native-DSP Linux port this one to ADI's Blackfin Nov. 06, 2003 We asked the question " World's first native-DSP Linux port? " and an astute reader dropped us an email with news of another native-DSP Linux port one to Analog Devices Inc.'s (ADI's) Blackfin DSP . Without splitting hairs on which one of the two native-DSP ports came first (it probably depends on how you define "came first"), we thought we'd provide details on this additional native-DSP Linux option.

171. Facts About Croatia: File Not Found
For dsp specialists.
Impressum Feedback Site Map Odaberi jezik : Hrvatski h omepage w ... ut search within web directory and show results Location: Homepage Facts about Croatia File not found Facts about Croatia > File not found!
Due to the recent site update, some pages have been removed, some have been reorganized and restructured. We have tried to redirect old URLs to the new ones, but the fact that you're reading this is a proof we didn't succeed. :) However, here's a list of pages that we still maintain, which have been moved to server. WWW.HR

172. Synplicity: Products: Synplify DSP
Synplicity, Inc. is a supplier of design automation solutions used by the world s leading electronic products companies to create and verify electronic
Home Products Synplify DSP
Evaluation Request FPGA Platform Support Licensing Support ... Device Support
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Synplify DSP soft ware is a true DSP synthesis tool and the only one that performs high-level DSP optimizations from a Simulink specification. These special DSP optimizations allow designers to capture the behavior needed for their DSP algorithm without worrying about the specific implementation in hardware. The Synplify DSP solution automatically produces a highly optimized, technology independent implementation of the design ready for RTL synthesis. Synplify DSP v2.4 Software Now Available!
  • Rapid algorithm design and simulation in Simulink Easy floating and fixed-point conversion and analysis Fully integrated fixed-point blockset of DSP functions User-customizable IP blockset IP blocks ideal for communications applications
    • Digital Frequency Synthesis (DDS) Random Sequence Generation Ramp and custom signal generation
    Automatic generation of code and testbench RTL New system-level optimizations for improved performance and area VHDL and Verilog language support Co-simulation with ModelSim
Home Products Downloads Literature ...
Synplicity, Inc.

173. Embedded Rtos Dsp Fpga Compactpci Resources -
Boardlevel (applied computing), dsp, embedded systems, software, real-time or rtos and internet-enabling information.
select db vendors conferences google sections keywords vendors news ... UML real time profile based on SDL
Real Time Developer Studion allows real time software developers to: * Reduce development time by 50% * Write self-documented code * Increase quality, * Debug graphically on target
Mentor Graphics is your 'index' to the best sites for embedded, dsp, rtos, soc, and boards. don't miss the forthcoming embedded systems conference , as well as new keyword coverage of advancedmc sip , and esl . don't miss this week's new sites , and news headlines
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174. Decision Support Panel
Decision Support Panel (dsp) is a global ISV specializing in the integration dsp’s flagship product, dsp Portal Edition, is used to create BI Web Parts

About us Products Services ... Contact us
Decision Support Panel (DSP) is a global ISV specializing in the integration of Business Intelligence information into SharePoint. DSP’s flagship product, DSP Portal Edition , is used to create BI Web Parts for presenting information from a Data Warehouse within SharePoint Portal Server or Windows SharePoint Services. DSP Portal Edition sold through reselling partners (other Microsoft industry partners) worldwide and through OEM deals as part of integrated BI Solutions.
In Scandinavia, DSP supplies general professional services around Portals and Business Intelligence based on the Microsoft Office System platform.
Latest version
DSP Portal Edition 4.2
for SharePoint 2003 is now available. You can download a demo version here
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DSP Portal Edition 4.2 released
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Decision Support Panel Årstaängsvägen 1A 117 43 Stockholm Sweden Phone +46 8 669 03 40 Fax +46 8 556 056 86 US Office Phone: +1.703.286.6459

175. Ham Radio / Amateur Radio, Shortwave, CB, DSP Software
HAM radio, short wave, CB, and dsp software. Demo available.
Ham radio / amateur radio, shortwave, CB, DSP software
Memorial Freeware Version Download the Freeware version: download View latest changes Please view the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page farther on if you are downloading the software.
Software Functions and Features
Easy to use for ham radio / amateur radio, shortwave listeners, and CB (citizens band) radio operators alike with extensive context sensitive online help DSP (digital signal processing) of audio signals for improved radio reception AGC (automatic gain control) filtering Automatic notch filtering (removes man made, predicable, and digital signals) Automatic peaking filter (pass only steady, predictable, man made, and digital signals) Noise reduction (with variable aggression and/or presets) Instant filtering on/off for quick signal comparison and radio tuning with zero delay Complete filter control by frequency, graphical display point and click, or preset filter selection DSP filter p User made presets consisting of any combination of filter settings may be created and saved CTCSS (continuous tone coded squelch system) tone decoding and audio recording to disk activation - can record audio only when a selected CTCSS tone is present DTMF (dual tone multiple frequency - telephone touch tone) tone generation, decoding

176. EA2BAJ's Ham HomePage
There is a place to begin searching about dsp and HAM, it is at Tuckson Amateur One of the most advanced dsp used by Ham is the Motorola 56002 which is
Related histories, facts and opinions by EA2BAJ hit(s) since 15 May 1998
(Last modified 9-Mar-1999)
I am a new Ham, I have recently (July-1996) get my CEPT-1 Class licence after having owned the following Callsigns: EB2FUQ and EC2AGF. I am mainly interested in digital modes, as I come from the computer environment. I haven't still made a HF voice QSO..... I am presently trying to learn as much as possible (very little time, very little results) from digital modulation over radio. More especifically using DSP evaluation cards from Texas and Motorola. At the moment I am almost exclusively using them not programming, but I think that time will arrive.
The idea is to use a DSP to produce the modulation/demodulation (Modem) part of a Multimode Controller. What does this mean? For example, if you get a VHF 1200 packet modem, once you load the DSP with it you have the equivalent of a TNC in kiss mode, you need a soft driver to get for example a HOST interface and later a program that is able to talk to a HOST TNC. So if you want to have a Mailbox running you need a computer running all the time.
There are several advantages using DSP:
    The cost is low (comparing to standard Multimode Controllers).

177. DSP-CW Main
You may use dspCW either with your soundcard or via comport for FSK. Features CW and RTTY, Accurate decoding, Easy tuneup with 1-3000 Hz display,

178. Always Shop The Snowmobile Store For Snowmobile Parts And Snowmobile Accessories
Parts and accessories for all brands of motorcycles.
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Shop "The Snowmobile Store" for all your clothing, parts and accessories for Arctic Cat, Polaris, Ski Doo, Bombardier, and Yamaha Snowmobiles. Great selection and prices on all your snowmobile clothing, parts and accessories. We feature X-Calibar stainless steel studs, Cobra windshields, Holeshot skid plates, FXR clothing and CKX helmets. Purchase your snowmobile parts and accessories from us on line or directly at the snowmobile trade shows we attend (click on the icon below).
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179. GeoVision GV-DSP, Real-Time Display Card
GVdsp-8. 240fps. GV-dsp-16. 480fps. Video Resolution Dimensions. GV-dsp8 191mm x 98mm. GV-dsp16 204mm x 100mm. Installation Guide. GV-dsp

Digital Surveillance System
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Live Demo

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Remote viewing
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IP Server. HDD Calculator Bandwidth Calculator Center V2 WebCam Specifications Interface 40-pin IDE connector TV output RCA connector x 1 Number of channels Display rate GV-DSP-8 GV-DSP-16 Video Resolution NTSC PAL Compatible Models GV-250, GV-600, GV-650, GV-800, GV-900, GV-1000 Dimensions GV-DSP8: 191mm x 98mm GV-DSP16: 204mm x 100mm Installation Guide GV-DSP

180. PROGNOZ Research Institute, DSP Laboratory. Welcome!
Develops and produces equipment based on modern Digital Signal Processors.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory of PROGNOZ Research Institute.

PROGNET Radar Navigation 2.1 module
reached the North Pole for the first time. It is successfully operated on board of "Academic Fedorov" - flagship of Russian Academy of Science scientific - expeditionary fleet. April
New version of GSM Conductor (GC-500S) was presented in the 8th Intrnational Exhibition for Electronic Components and Technological Equipment (EXPO ELECTRONICA-2005) in Moscow. The product was demonstrated by one of the biggest component supplier COMPEL.
New version of GSM Conductor (GC-500S) is tested. This new model is developed on new components and is based on small-sized GSM/GPS unit. GC-700 size is one-fourth of GC-500 (previous version) size. A number of new properties (GPRS in particular) are realized July
DSP Laboratory of Prognoz RI tests now PROGNET Radar Navigation 2.1 (PROGNET RNM 2.1) hardware and software module. PROGNET RNM 2.1 is intended for solving navigational tasks and for transmitting radar images via yacht Ethernet networks. The module allows one to receive, to process and to display real time sea radar transceiver signals on monitor screen of yacht PC or of any board notebook. PROGNET RNM 2.1 hardware is ADSP-21160 based. It has embedded Ethernet 100Mb interface and is realized in dust/moisture - proof case (IP55). PROGNET RNM 2.1 software package is implemented as independent application controlled by Microsoft Windows 2000, XP operating systems. PROGNET RNM 2.1 is fully software compatible with dKart Navigator and C-MAP ECDIS and is fully hardware compatible with different types of Raytheon, Furuno, JRC, Litton Decca or Simrad sea radar transceivers.

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