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         Dsp:     more books (100)
  1. Model based design of Adaptive Noise Cancellation: Using TI DSP TMS 320C6713 processor by Subramaniam Ganesan, 2009-09-22
  2. NEW KODAK MC3 COMBINES TI DSP/KODAK IMAGING SCIENCE.: An article from: Multimedia Publisher
  3. Using Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Digital Signal Processors (DSP) for Reliable Space Based Digital Signal Processing by Matthew J. Wukitch, 2001
  4. A Novel Compiler-friendly Micro-architecture for Rapid Development of High-performance and Low-power DSPS (Berichte Aus Der Electrotechnik) by Gordon Cichon, 2004-11-08
  5. Motorola delivers new DSP software tool kit. (digital signal processor): An article from: Software Industry Report
  6. Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms by Steven A. Tretter, 1995
  8. Les DSP - Famille ADSP218x : Principes et applications by Michel Pinard, 2000-02-17
  9. An Optimization Framework for Auto-Modify Addressing Modes: Newly-Introduced Compiler Optimization Algorithms for Embedded DSP Processors with Auto-Increment and Auto-Decrement Addressing Modes by Chok Sheak Lau, 2009-05-24
  11. The 2007-2012 World Outlook for Digital Signal Processors (DSP) by Philip M. Parker, 2006-06-26
  12. Study of CDMA system and its hardware implementation: Design of CDMA System and Its Real Time Implementation Using TMS320C50 DSP Kit by Md. Jahangir Alam, 2009-07-24
  13. Learning Success (Prepared for Tennessee State University DSPS 0800) by Various, 2002
  14. Analogix Semiconductor signs Huawei-3Com as first customer; joint venture to use new DSP-Based SerDes ICs in next-generation network gear.(Partnership): An article from: China Telecom

121. Arius - Embedded Signal Processing Solutions For PC/104 DSP
Frederick, MD based producer of solutions for PC/104 dsp; includes product descriptions and specifications, as well as related links.
Arius, Inc. - Embedded Digital Signal Processing Solutions for PC/104 DSP
PC104 DSP Modules
The is a based Digital Signal Processing module for the PC/104 bus. Providing an 80 MFLOPS 'C31 DSP processor, up to 256 Kwords of no wait state SRAM, 2 Mbytes of Flash memory, a master or slave PC104 interface and I/O expansion via two AIO module sites the PC104C31 can handle your signal processing needs and still fit in a single PC104 slot. A flexible PC104 interface allows the module to be a high performance slave or to be a bus master for system control. Multiple high capacity FPGAs provide high performance, reconfigurable data processing on board. Download the data sheet now!
Soon to be Announced
The is a based Digital Signal Processing module for the PC/104 bus. Using a 160 MIPs processor, memory and I/O expansion via 4 AIO module sites the PC104C54 can handle any of your signal processing needs and still fit in a single PC104 slot. A flexible interface allows the module to be a high performance slave or to be a bus master for system control. The is built around a Digital Signal Processor from TI. Supporting the

122. Embedded Development Tools XC16x, TC1130, TC1796, ARM7, ARM9, ST10, C166, C16x
Development tools that support the Infineon C16x, XC16x, TriCore uCdsp architecture as well as the STMicroelectronics ST10 and the ARM7 TDMI.
Development Tools Products UDE Debugger UDE MemTool ... SiteMap
Embedded Development Tools for 16/32Bit Microcontrollers
With ' Universal Debug Engine UDE ) pls offers on top solutions for software development of systems-on-silicon including debug support for the 16 bit and 32 bit microcontrollers TriCore from Infineon and STMicroelectronics and derivatives in a new multicore debug environment as well as technical support. The extensive feature list includes functions like: high speed and flexible target access via JTAG OCDS L1 and OCDS L2, ASC, SSC, 3Pin and CAN, in-system programming of FLASH / OTP with UDE MemTool , support of various RTOS, OSEK and test automation tools.
Newest TriCore derivatives , the and from Infineon and the TDMI derivates and Derivate are supported !
pls supports 16 bit and 32 bit Microcontrollers from... and and other

SPIRIT delivers embedded voice and communication software products and consulting services to the world s leading telecommunication OEMs,
In the Spotlight
is awarded
Product of the Year
Experience SPIRIT-driven voice quality in real-time IP communication and hear the difference!

F-SMS/MMS software enhances the functionality of fixed-line phones with multimedia capabilities previously available only on mobile devices.
Echo- and noise-free double and multitalk on various platforms: perfect voice quality, stable in difficult conditions.
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SPIRIT delivers embedded voice and communication software products and consulting services to the world's leading telecommunication OEMs, semiconductor suppliers and software vendors.
SPIRIT products are used in 70+ countries, and power 50+ million voice channels.
SPIRIT experience adds a lot of value in applications where voice quality and reliability are essential: Web Conferencing and Collaboration Software VoIP over Wi-Fi Telecom Equipment Radio Communication Complete hardware + software solution for high-speed reliable and secure Digital Voice/Data communication over HF/UHF/VHF radio channels. SPIRIT products are available for immediate deployment on a multitude of platforms:

124. MIKET DSP Solutions
Tool kits and specifications of dsp algorithms for line and acoustic echo canceller, DTMF, call progress, caller Id signal detectors for clientside telephony and VoIP. dsp consulting, white papers on adaptive filtering.
High Performance
DSP Applications
products services downloads ... home MIKET DSP Solutions provides customers with DSP-related/embedded software consulting service , helping them to turn their ideas into a fully functioning and tested commercial products, and working with customers on their problems with
  • Voice Processing and Voice over Data Network Technology,
  • Adaptive Applications and System Identification,
  • Precise Signal Detectors,
  • more general DSP issues as Applied Mathematics, Numerical Recipes, and efficient assembly coding.
MIKET DSP Solutions is a member of TI's 3rd Party Network. MIKET DSP Solutions provides FREE SOURCE CODE algorithms for building next-generation telephony and tele/video-conferencing plaftorms, designed for 'C55xx/C54xx DSP archiectures:
  • G.167 Acoustic Echo Canceller is capable of providing perceptually full duplex quality in above-average sized office rooms when used even in inexpensive speakerphones with a single omni-directional microphone.
    AEC supports echo tails up to 400ms and, in addition, provides up to 15 dB of noise reduction (Ephraim-Melah).
  • Line Echo Canceller in optimized to provide the maximum attainable, fully transparent voice quality for de-echoing of a PSTN or POTS connection in VoIP / LAN systems with internal delays, or on a codec end of a telecom switch (20ms echo tail).

125. DSP On EDN: Voice Of The Electronics Engineer - 2852
and Stefano Frattesi, Indesit Co EDN, 6/23/2005 dspbased motor control delivers benefits for home-appliance engineers and users alike.
Reed Electronics Group
EDN: The Voice of the Electronics Engineer
EDN Asia EDN China ... Contact Us Register for EDN Newsletters Register Change Profile Technical Channels Analog


Design Ideas
Programmable Logic/Memory

TI paints DaVinci as master of video-application development By John Dodge, Editor in Chief EDN, 9/9/2005 Hoping to jump-start what it views as a white-hot market for video on just about any electronic device, Texas Instruments yesterday unveiled a platform that it promises can cut development time for video applications in half. Global Designer: Ecosystem supports collaborative product development By Chitra Giridhar, EDN Asia EDN, 9/1/2005 ADI's (Analog Devices Inc's) India development center is focusing on DSP design and application engineering and helping Indian companies develop products for domestic and international markets. Chipmaker introduces 2.5-Gbps GPON devices By Jeff Berman, News Editor EDN, 8/22/2005 Cable chip targets fixed-mobile convergence By Matthew Miller, Executive Editor, Online EDN, 8/22/2005 Texas Instruments today previewed a voice-over-cable chip that will be capable of processing cellular codecs, claiming the device will pave the way for phones that operate on either cellular or VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) connections.

126. EInfochips Electronics Design Solutions & Services Company: ASIC, FPGA, Embedded
Develops device drivers, protocol stacks, and dsp applications.

eInfochips to tap into DSP growth strengthens Texas Instruments collaboration

ChipMaestro from eInfochips Extends SoC Design and Verification Expertise to Computer Peripherals and Communications markets

…eInfochips was very responsive in resolving the bugs that were identified and had literally a 24*7 support team available to resolve our queries…
Ari Cohen
VP Engineering and Operations More...
Video On Demand Application

Audio/ Video streaming application based on TI’s DM642 platform.

SPI 4 Phase II Verification Component
FSA Suppliers Expo

October 5-6, 2005 San Jose, CA Visit us at Booth #443. To schedule a one-on-one meeting at FSA 2005 San Jose Click here... Technology news and updates Read Past Issues Subscribe now!

127. DSP FAQ Index
dspfaq/part1 Subject comp.dsp FAQ 1 of 4 Maintainer (Kenton Williston) FAQ Home Page http//
Search FAQs - Full Text Search Subject/Archive Names Search Article Headers DSP FAQ Usenet FAQs Search Web FAQs Documents ... Cities PLEASE NOTE: The official FAQ Home Page is available by selecting the link listed as the 'FAQ Home Page'. The maintainers of this archive are NOT the authors or maintainers of the individual FAQs. To correct or contribute to these documents, send email to the specific FAQ maintainers identified in each of the FAQs.

Signal processing consultants specializing in signal and image processing, geolocation, dsp and other signal noise reduction techniques.;;;;

129. Numerix Ltd. DSP Home Page
Provides dsp, signal and image processing software and libraries for defence, intelligence, analysis and telecommunications applications. Based in the UK.
Welcome to the :
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This web site has been prepared by John Edwards
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130. Sounds Logical Audio Software: WaveWarp Effects Processor, ReSample WAV File For
Modular PCbased real-time audio processing toolkit with seamless integration to the MATLAB environment allowing rapid prototyping of signal processing algorithms at pro-audio sample rates. No peripheral dsp hardware required.
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Tech tip want to use your own icon in your compiled MATLAB applications? The winchangeicon function in our M-Utilities toolbox makes this simple... Try it Buy it M-Utilities function list
Backup CD's now available for all products ... "We are pleased to welcome Sounds Logical's M-Pack 1 into the MATLAB Connections Program," said Jim Tung, chief market development officer at The MathWorks. "The program enables our partners to provide customers with tools and capabilities that build on and complement our own products. Sounds Logical's products - built using the MATLAB open-system architecture - are good examples of this." Try it Buy it Function list home news products store support ... privacy statement

131. EPanorama
Typical dsp application fields are audio signal processing, video signal Digital signal processing requires a large amount of realtimecalculations.
index back site search acronyms ... post message Search this site Company search Acronym info on Semiconductor data Discussion search Circuit sites search
Digital Signal Processing Page

132. Helion Technology - ASIC And FPGA Design Services - High-performance Encryption
Offers a range of data security silicon IP cores and provides dsp algorithm development and implementation.
home products design-services dsp technology ... contact us
Helion are a small well established British company based in Cambridge, England, offering a range of proven Data Security silicon IP cores and expert DSP algorithm development consultancy backed up by our highly experienced and professional design service capabilities.
How can Helion help? Data Security silicon IP cores
- if your requirements are for data security solutions in ASIC or FPGA, Helion offer a comprehensive range which are the smallest, fastest, lowest-power and most flexible solutions in the business. See our Products page for more details......
DSP algorithm development and implementation
- if you require expert assistance with digital signal processing, either in the development or enhancement of custom algorithms, or with implementation requirements, our team offers specialist help and consultancy. See our DSP page for more details...... ...
- if you are looking for help with an ASIC or FPGA development, Helion's team of experienced engineers are well equipped and able to tackle a diverse range of design problems, and can offer skills which can complement or supplement those of your own team. See our Design Services page for more details..... Latest site updates >>
© Web Site Developed by Goldstag Limited var site="sm6helion"

133. DSP 2002 14th International Conference On Digital Signal
The 2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (dsp2002) was held last July (13.7.2002) on the Aegean Island of Santorini (Thera) in
new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "right", 177, 215, 177, 315) The 2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002) was held last July (1-3.7.2002) on the Aegean Island of Santorini (Thera) in Hellas (Greece). The Organising Committee would like to express once again their sincere thanks to ALL participants and authors.
Download Conference Poster

134. Sysacom
Specialize in dsp, FPGA, CPLD, embedded, analog design, software and PC Windows's software.

135. Digital Signal Processing, University College Dublin
The principal research areas of the dsp group at University College Dublin are algorithms for biomedical and audiovisual signal processing.

136. DelResearch Homepage; DSP Consultant
delResearch is a company which has 20+ years in dsp firmware design and development. Services include IP development and dsp consultancy.
Useful Links:
Texas Instruments


IEEE Signal Processing

Transforming ideas into premium technology! Great technology is born out of the right blend of mathematics, innovation and careful implementation. Getting this mix perfect yields the best product in rapid time to capture a market. This is how you win. This is how we can help. We bring 20+ years of engineering experience in:
  • Telecommunication Consumer Products Instrumentation
Superior DSP software design and implementation At delResearch we specialize in the design and development of signal processing algorithms. Algorithms are designed and characterized using high level languages. These designs form the basis of highly efficient fixed point DSP implementations. The result is high functionality at very low cost.
Optimal Electronics Design Low cost, reliable electronic designs that outperform more expensive solutions is what delResearch is about.
Let us help you with your next product.
DSP Consulting If you need a DSP Consultant to determine the feasibility of your next idea and develop new intellectual property, give us a call. If you need a DSP Consultant to calculate RAM ROM and MIPs sizings for DSP Software, call us. If you need a DSP Consultant to develop and implement DSP Software, call us. delResearch

137. DSP-2002
The 10th IEEE Digital Signal Processing (dsp) Workshop and the 2nd IEEE Workshop The dsp workshop is designed to unite top researchers from around the
SPE-2002 Main Page
Committee Members Schedule Technical Program Registration ... DSP Links Visitor number
IEEE Signal Processing Society

10th Digital Signal Processing Workshop
2nd Signal Processing Education Workshop
October 13-16, 2002
Callaway Gardens,
Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA The 10th IEEE Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Workshop and the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Education (SPE) will be jointly held at Callaway Gardens in the southernmost foothills of Georgia, October 13-16, 2002. The DSP workshop is designed to unite top researchers from around the world to discuss novel signal processing theories and methods. The SPE workshop is devoted to discussions on novel theories and methods for signal processing education. Both workshops will feature plenary speakers from prominent individuals in the signal processing community as well as technical sessions for presenting contributed papers. Sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Signal Processing Education Technical Committee

138. Improv Systems - Configurable DSP Company
Supplier of configurable dsps for communications and consumer products including VoIP, wireless, media processing, DSL, MPEG4 and audio engines.

139. Oddcastv2 Winamp2/5 PluginOddcastv2 Winamp2/5 Plugin Oddcastv2
somewhat fixed the display of systray icons in the event of dsp stacking .There is still a problem (it s wxWindows fault) but at least it works better
h o m e d o w n l o a d f o r u m o d d s o c k
Oddcastv2 winamp2/5 plugin Oddcastv2 winamp2/5 plugin Oddcastv2 winamp2/5 plugin
Version 2.0.15
Download oddcast_dsp_wa2_v2.0.15.exe
  • Fixed some unicode/UTF8 issues. Thanks to Ross for the bug-report. Version 2.0.14
    Download oddcast_dsp_wa2_v2.0.14.exe
  • Added support for FAAC (as with LAME, you'll need to download libfaac.dll yourself and place it the main Winamp directory). Note that there are many types of AAC encoders out there, most of them are proprietary and ALL of them require a purchase of a encoding license. FAAC is a free encoder and is currently on the "low-end" of the quality scale. FAAC doesn't implement AAC-HE or AAC-PS (AACPlusV2). You also cannot use FAAC for anything lower than 80kbps. It's really only here for completeness and on the offchance that FAAC starts implementing AAC-HE or (god forbid) the Parameteric Stereo - which I not sure it would legally be able to do. Either way, it's here now in oddcast.
  • Fixed oddcast to work with the new Vorbis 1.1 and also the aoTuV builds. I am distributing aoTuVb3 with oddcast which adds a new quality mode (-2) try it out, it's quite good. You'll be able to optionally install either of the stock vorbis 1.1 or the aoTuVb3 dlls when oddcast is installed. Version 2.0.13
  • 140. Amphion Semiconductor
    Amphion IP Cores. Conexant provides an extensive portfolio of licensable semiconductor intellectualproperty (IP) solutions for consumer and communications

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