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101. DremTechnologies Active in computer software and hardware development, production and sales, plus internet digital data communications. http://www.dreamtechnologies.com/en/ | |
102. Telecommunications And Data Communications Continuing Engineering Education Cour University of Wisconsin offers continuing education courses for telecommunications professionals. http://epdweb.engr.wisc.edu/catalogs/telecom.lasso | |
103. Sleepycat Software: Solutions: Markets: Data Communications data communications and telecommunications vendors need to build new devices quickly, reliably and at low cost. They have a very short time to market to http://www.sleepycat.com/solutions/datacom.shtml | |
104. CWNP Learning Center - Search Radio Frequency data communications RF/Wireless Basics An Intro to Wireless Data Collection Networks, Products, Standards and Solutions by LXE Inc. http://www.cwnp.com/learning_center/search.php?subcat=101&term=Radio-Frequency-D |
105. VoIP Blog - VoIP News, Gadgets RAD data communications TDMoIP technology,RAD data communications,voip,TDMoIP. http://blog.tmcnet.com/blog/tom-keating/voip/rad-data-communications-tdmoip-tech | |
106. Cyndi's List - GEDCOM: GEnealogical Data COMmunications More than 209300 links! 206850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2450+ uncategorized new links in the works. http://www.cyndislist.com/gedcom.htm | |
107. Radio Frequency Data Communications ( RF, Data Communications, RF Read a description of Radio Frequency data communications. This is also known as RF, data communications, RF Communications, and RF data communications. http://www.bitpipe.com/tlist/Radio-Frequency-Data-Communications.html |
108. Comstar OferÄ soluÅ£ii de localizare Åi monitorizare prin intermediul echipamentelor de poziÅ£ionare globalÄ (GIS). Sunt oferite informaÅ£ii utile despre soluÅ£iile, produsele Åi serviciile prestate. http://www.comstar.ro | |
109. Alexa - Browse: Data Communications Alexa web search a new kind of search engine. With traffic rankings, user reviews and other information about sites, Alexa is a web site discovery tool. http://www.alexa.com/browse?&CategoryID=117 |
110. SEA Data Communications Products SEA Inc. manufactures high quality Marine Products. http://www.sea-dmi.com/marine/datacom.htm | |
111. KDDI Au: Data Communications Packet communications service. Highspeed data transmission (maximum 144kbps) data communications ¥0.1/packet (¥0.105 including tax) (In the case of au. http://www.au.kddi.com/english/data/ | |
112. Digital Data Communications Nederland BV Importeur en distributeur van LevelOne netwerkproducten en E'Quip netwerk en computerbekabeling. Nieuws, algemene informatie, producten en links naar hulpmiddelen die te downloaden zijn. http://www.digital-data.nl/ | |
113. KDDI Au: CDMA 1X WIN: Data Communications If you are using the dedicated data communications card W01K for PacketWIN Single Service, In addition to software that optimizes data communications, http://www.au.kddi.com/english/win/data/ | |
114. Data Communications And Their Performance data communications and their Performance 1995 Istanbul, Turkey Data Communication Networks and their Performance 1993 Raleigh, NC, USA http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/dcsp/ | |
115. Expanding Mobile Email And Data Communications Across The Enterprise In today s highly competitive business environment, staying connected isn t just a good idea, it s essential. The Internet and a wave of global http://www.nokiamobility.ziffdavis.com/article2/0,1895,1780354,00.asp | |
116. Naval Technology - Innovative Concepts - Wireless Data Communications Innovative Concepts, a communications technology development firm specializing in the research, design, development, production, and support of wireless http://www.naval-technology.com/contractors/navigation/innovative_concepts/ | |
117. Data Communications The M.Sc. (Eng.) in data communications, offered jointly by the The M.Sc. in data communications will provide an excellent basis for graduates wishing http://www.shef.ac.uk/eee/post/datacoms | |
118. Networking Courses: Introduction To Data Communications & Networking Course Networking Courses Introduction to data communications Networking Training Courses from PTR Associates, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK. http://www.ptr.co.uk/datacommunications-networking.html | |
119. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Computers/Data_Communications University Applied Physics Laboratory Series in Science Engineering) by Bradley G. Boone November 01, 1997. More books about data communications http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Computers/Data_Communications | |
120. Voice And Data Communications By ARINC No one understands aviation voice and data communication systems and networks better than ARINC. http://www.arinc.com/products/voice_data_comm/ | |
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