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81. CS 555 - Data Communications Welcome to the homepage for CS 555, data communications. This course is offered by the Computer Science Department here at Boston University. http://cs-www.bu.edu/faculty/djy/cs555/ | |
82. Cirronet -- Wireless Data Communications Solutions Designs and manufactures 900MHz, 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz spread spectrum wireless modules, modems and Ethernet bridges for industrial data communications. http://www.cirronet.com/ | |
83. TLEN 5330 - DATA COMMUNICATIONS 1 - FALL 2005 TLEN 5330 data communications 1 - SPRING 2005. PEOPLE. Professor Mr. Michael H. Borsuk. Grading Assistant Mr. Supparerk (Supp) Udomcharoensook http://itp.colorado.edu/borsuk/tlen5330/ | |
84. EPanorama General information Directories data communications Data communication interfaces Fiber optic communication High speed networking http://www.epanorama.net/links/telecom.html | |
85. Data Communications On The Web data communications on the Web data communications is the only global magazine written for networking professionals who plan, design, http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/d/msg01289.html | |
86. Network Systems And Data Communications Analyst Research and recommend network and data communications hardware and software. For some network systems and data communication analysts, http://jobs.state.va.us/careerguides/NetworkSystemDataAnalyst.htm | |
87. Idea Group Publishing: Publication Details International Journal of Business data communications and Networking data communications and Networks are no longer peripheral issues best left to the http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=4293 |
88. Data Communications And Frame Relay: Intermedia data communications and Frame Relay Intermedia Communications, Inc. http://www.intermedia.com/ | |
89. Voice And Data Communications Voice and data communications. Electronics have evolved over the years and new technology has led to improved performance and suprisingly affordable prices. http://doityourself.com/communication/index.shtml | |
90. Triple Play Solutions & Boards A developer and supplier of software for remote access OEM applications in the telecom, data communications, telephony and consumer electronics industries. http://www.surf.co.il/ | |
91. Wiley::Data Communications Networking Devices: Operation, Utilization And Lan An Extensive coverage of the fundamental concepts of data communications More than a comprehensive reference book, data communications Networking Devices http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-047197515X.html | |
92. M BORSUK & ASSOCIATES Computer Communications Consultants M Borsuk Associates provides technical assistance and education for today's voice and data communications systems including fiber optic systems, radio, LANs, and telecommunications systems. All our consultants hold graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering. http://mborsuk01.home.comcast.net/ | |
93. Wiley::Business Data Communications And Networking, 8th Edition Business data communications and Networking, 8th Edition Jerry FitzGerald, Alan Dennis ISBN 0471-34807-4 Hardcover 560 pages July 2004 http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471348074.html | |
94. Ultimate Technology, Inc. Developing computer telephony products and applications for UNIX and Windows NT platforms. Also involved in telecommunications, user interface design, database systems, and data communications. http://www.ultimatetech.com/ | |
95. RS232 Tutorial On Data Interface And Cables Electronic data communications between elements will generally fall into two broad categories singleended DCE data communications Equipment eg. modem http://www.arcelect.com/rs232.htm | |
96. Engineering Training Courses - IDC Technologies - Engineering Book Sales - Austr We specialise in the fields of industrial data communications, telecommunications, automation and control, and are continually adding to our portfolio of http://www.idc-online.com/ | |
97. B&B Electronics Industrial Ethernet Switches, Serial Servers, RS-485 Converters, Your Serial and data communications Experts These switches send data communications only to your specific target devices, cutting out unnecessary http://www.bb-elec.com/ | |
98. MSc Broadband & High Speed Data Communications MSc Broadband High Speed data communications FT. http://www.wmin.ac.uk/cscs/page-126 | |
99. Data Communications: Use The Right Medium For Your Message Understanding data communications, 7th Edition Understanding data communications, 7th Edition. $44.99 (Save 10%). In this chapter http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=26321 |
100. NTT DoCoMo: Data Communications Home Core Business Services data communications. data communications. Highspeed data communications The broadband capability of FOMA supports http://www.nttdocomo.com/corebiz/services/data/ | |
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