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         Cgi:     more books (100)
  1. CGI Programming with Perl by Gunther Birznieks, Scott Guelich, et all 2000-01-15
  2. CGI Programming 101 by Jacqueline D. Hamilton, 2000-02
  3. Advanced RenderMan: Creating CGI for Motion Pictures (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) by Anthony A. Apodaca, Larry Gritz, 1999-12-22
  4. CGI Programming 101: Programming Perl for the World Wide Web, Second Edition by Jacqueline Hamilton, 2004-03-01
  5. CGI Programming in C and Perl by Thomas Boutell, 1996-04-29
  6. The Web Wizard's Guide to Perl and CGI by David A. Lash, 2002-01-15
  7. Teach Yourself Cgi Programming With Perl 5 in a Week (Teach Yourself Series) by Eric Herrmann, 1996-12
  8. Writing CGI Applications with Perl by Kevin Meltzer, Brent Michalski, 2001-02-25
  9. Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guide) by Elizabeth Castro, 1998-11-13
  10. CGI: Internet Programming in C++ and C by Mark Felton, 1997-03-28
  11. Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web, Second Edition by Elizabeth Castro, 2001-06-08
  12. Official Guide to Programming with by Lincoln Stein, 1998-04-03
  13. Perl, CGI, and JavaScript Complete, 2nd Edition by Sybex Inc., 2003-05-12
  14. Sams Teach Yourself CGI in 24 Hours (2nd Edition) (Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours) by Rafe Colburn, 2002-09-17

1. CGI - Business Solutions Through Information Technology
cgi provides the full range of information technology services (IT) including consulting, systems integration and the management of IT and business

2. CGI: What The Heck Is That?
What is cgi? It's a way to get a web server to do something for you.
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CGI: What the Heck Is That?
Let's unlock a little bit of the mystery about something called CGI. If it helps any, CGI means Common Gateway Interface. This is a method which is used to exchange data between the server (the hardware and software that actually allows you to get to your web site) and a web client (your browser). CGI is actually a set of standards where a program or script (a series of commands) can send data back to the web server where it can be processed. Typically, you use standard HTML tags to get data from a person, then pass that data to a CGI routine. The CGI routine then performs some action with the data. Some of the more common uses of CGI include:
  • Guestbooks - The CGI routine is responsible for accepting the data, ensuring it is valid, sending an email acknowledgement back to the writer, perhaps sending an email to the webmaster, and creating the guestbook entry itself. Email Forms - A simple CGI forms routine just formats the data into an email and sends it back to the webmaster. More complicated routines can maintain a database, send an acknowledgement and validate data.

3. CGI Made Really Easy
Very basic introduction to what cgi is. Designed for programmers.

4. The Common Gateway Interface
of the Common Gateway Interface (cgi). Contains also some tutorial pages about decodings forms and Error Document handling.......
The Common Gateway Interface
The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a standard for external gateway programs to interface with information servers such as HTTP servers. The current version is CGI/1.1.
CGI Documentation
If you have no idea what CGI is, you should read this introduction Once you have a basic idea of what CGI is and what you can use it for, you should read this primer which will help you get started writing your own gateways. If you are interested in handling the output of HTML forms with your CGI program, you will want to read this guide to handling forms with CGI programs Security is a crucial issue when writing CGI programs. Please read these tips on how to write CGI programs which do not allow malicious users to abuse them. When you get more advanced, you should read the interface specification which will help you utilize CGI to the fullest extent. If you are a server software author, it will help you add CGI compliance to your information server. There is now also a tutorial for writing ErrorDocument handling CGI scripts.

5. CGI Programming By Collin Forbes: Introduction
Simple, readable programs written in Perl which will make your web server dance.
CGI Programming by Collin Forbes Introduction Updated: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 Introduction

Improbable Postcards

Calendar of Events
King of the Sandbox

Do you have a Perl program idea?
Tell me about it and maybe I'll write it! I'm looking for brilliant ideas to use as creative seeds for new programs that are fun and challenging to write (and exciting to use, hopefully). Please be fairly specific about any requirements you might have. In particular, tell me what kind of server you use, what kind of inputs and interactions the program should perform, and what the output should look like. Email me and we can talk: Want to link to a page?
Use the first part of the URL, up to (but not including) . The remainder of the URL is ephemeral and will often change as pages are updated. Were you looking for a program called "advertise?"
Its horizons broadened and it's now calling itself "Insert Tab Into Slot."

6. The Common Gateway Interface
Examples of cgi behavior and programs

7. The Common Gateway Interface Specification
The cgi Specification. This is the specification for cgi version 1.1, or cgi/1.1. The server and the cgi script communicate in four major ways.
The CGI Specification
This is the specification for CGI version 1.1, or CGI/1.1. Further revisions of this protocol are guaranteed to be backward compatible. The server and the CGI script communicate in four major ways. Each of the following is a hotlink to graphic detail. Return to the overview CGI - Common Gateway Interface

8. Howstuffworks "How CGI Scripting Works"
Tutorial that describes how to add cgi scripting to a web site.
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How CGI Scripting Works
by Marshall Brain Table of Contents Introduction to How CGI Scripting Works Web Servers The CGI Mechanism Simple CGI Scripts Forms: Sending Input Creating a Real Form Putting It All Together Summary Lots More Information Compare Prices for CGI Scripting The article How Web Pages Work discusses the basic features of HTML and shows you how to create Web pages that contain text and graphics. It also shows you how to get your page "on the air" with a hosting service. One of the questions frequently asked by new Web site designers once they get their site up is, "What is CGI Scripting and how can I use it on my site?" or, "How do I create interactive forms on my site?" In this article, we will answer your questions about CGI scripting and show you how to create your own scripts. You'll also learn a bit about Web servers in the process. Let's get started!

9. The Common Gateway Interface Specification
The cgi Specification. This is the specification for cgi version 1.1, or cgi/1.1. Further revisions of this protocol are guaranteed to be backward

10. Matt's Script Archive, Inc. :: Free Perl CGI Scripts
This site includes 20+ useful free Perl scripts for most basic tasks. One of the most popular resources.
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Welcome to Matt's Script Archive. Offering free CGI scripts to the web community since 1995!
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12. The CGI Resource Index
A site that lists useful cgi scripts and programs in a variety of languages by category.

13. The CGI Resource Index
4498 cgi resources listed in 357 categories at The cgi Resource Index. cgi World Professional cgi Scripts - Install in Minutes!
with ResourceIndex:
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Over 1,000 PHP
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Sponsor Links TripAdvisor Research Hotels Vacations at TripAdvisor Web Hosting by iPowerWeb Over 330,000 Sites; Unix, Windows, Other Sites by Matt Matt's Script Archive free cgi scripts hosted form mail ... perl web surveys CGI resources listed in categories at The CGI Resource Index Programs and Scripts Thousands of pre-made CGI's written in Perl, C, C++, and other languages! Remotely Hosted Can't run your own CGI applications? Get them hosted for you remotely! Documentation Information, documentation and tutorials regarding CGI programming. Books Books related to the various topics found in CGI programming. Programmers Freelance CGI programmers and companies to solve your problems. Jobs Jobs specific to CGI are posted here for applicants to see. Web Hosting Need a web host for your CGI programs? Find one here.

14. Web Programming In Delphi
This reference is designed to take you from a basic understanding of Delphi, to creating Web cgi applications.

15. CGI Programming 101 - Learn CGI Today!
An introduction to cgi/Perl. From the basics of what is cgi, to being able to write useful scripts.

16. The CGI Resource Index: Programs And Scripts: Perl
Perl is the scripting language of choice for hundreds of cgi scripts.
with ResourceIndex:
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Over 1,000 PHP
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Sponsor Links TripAdvisor Research Hotels Vacations at TripAdvisor Web Hosting by iPowerWeb Over 330,000 Sites; Unix, Windows, Other Sites by Matt Matt's Script Archive free cgi scripts hosted form mail ... Programs and Scripts: Perl Access Counters Display how many visitors you've had in a text-based or graphical manner. Advertisements Set up banner rotations on your web page and track their statistics. Auctions Conduct online web-based auctions using these Perl CGI scripts. Audio Management Manage and provide audio files in different formats for users to listen to. Bulletin Board Message Systems On-line message forums allowing for threaded discussions. Calendars Schedule events on-line and/or allow users to post dated information. Chat Real time chat scripts you can use to build a community on your web site.

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Hurricane Katrina Relief
I'm not really sure what to say about the recent catastrophe. I know I have been glued to news sources for the past few days trying to just get a vague idea of what the people there are going thru with no hope of actually understanding. This is the first time in my lifetime, and others I'm sure that I have seen an entire American city completely destroyed. Flipping thru all the images that are coming out of the area just leave you in a state of shock and disbelief. To anyone that reads this that have loved ones there or are there themselves my thoughts are with you and if anyone needs any resources that I can contribute please let me know Jon Ringuette . Also this group comes very highly recommended from a few sources if you can spare any money to donate.
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18. Matt's Script Archive, Inc. Free Perl CGI Scripts
Welcome to Matt's Script Archive. Offering free cgi scripts to the web community since 1995! What's New @ MSA?

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