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101. Red Bird Island: Artificial Life Simple world with automata that act to form complex systems. Implimented on the Macintosh. http://homepage.mac.com/redbird/brew/alife.html | |
102. Artificial Life In Computer Graphics Videos from the SIGGRAPH 9 Course on artificial life. Flocks (Craig Reynolds Quicktime, 10 mbytes) Fish (Dimetri Terzopoulos - Quicktime, 14 mbytes) http://www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph/animation/art_life/art_li | |
103. Get A-Life An overview essay on some aspects of artificial life. http://www.infidels.org/~meta/getalife/index.html |
104. ECAL'95 Call For Papers Semantic Closure A guiding notion to ground artificial life; Jon Umerez et al. Grounding and the Entailment Structure in Robots and artificial life; http://kal-el.ugr.es/ecal95.html | |
105. Www.brunel.ac.uk8080/research/AI/alife/home.htm artificial life VIIartificial life VII, Portland, OR, USA, August 2000. http://www.brunel.ac.uk:8080/research/AI/alife/home.htm |
106. Artificial Life artificial life (Alife) is a field of study devoted to understanding life by artificial life is an alternative lifeforms - literally life made by Man http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~nd/surprise_96/journal/vol2/tcw2/article2.html | |
107. Creature Labs Innovative company researching artificial life technology to produce believable digital and mechanical creatures. Download and Developer sections. http://www.creaturelabs.com |
108. Artificial Life, Alife , Evolving Artificial Brains - Àΰø»ý¸í, Àΰø artificial life . Articles for artificial life Artificial Brains artificial life alife intelligence consciousness self. http://brainew.com/research/alife/ | |
109. Center For Complex Systems Research Founded in 1986, the Center for Complex Systems Research studies systems that display adaptive, selforganizing behavior and systems that are usually characterized by a large throughput, such as turbulent flow, lightning, and the flow of information through the internet. Models and techniques drawn from nonlinear dynamics and chaos, neural nets, cellular automata, artificial life, and genetic algorithms are then developed to describe these complex systems. A collection of technical reports and scientific publications of CCSR researchers is available. http://www.ccsr.uiuc.edu | |
110. James Greenbank's HomePage: Wonders Of The World artificial life and Creature Behaviour An overview. Creature Behaviour Simulator FREE! My artificial life Simulation, programmed in Java. http://members.fortunecity.com/jngreenb/ | |
111. Artificial Life Links The field of artificial life has fascinated me for several years now. artificial life is breaking down the barriers between our ideas of machines and http://www.arch.usyd.edu.au/~rob/links/artificial-life.html | |
112. Digital Biology Digital Biology was established in order to conduct research into, and develop technology based on, artificial life. http://www.digitalbiology.com/ | |
113. Artificial Life And Other Experiments artificial life and genetic algorithm experiments in java and tcl with free source code; 3D doll pictures and web design experiments. http://arieldolan.com/ | |
114. Artificial Life artificial life. Go to the journal s homepage. Click for more detail about the paper. Click ( ) to the citation page. http://www.isrl.uiuc.edu/~amag/langev/pubtype/article_ArtificialLife.html | |
115. Alife.net - Main: Promotes the artificial life community by offering news, discussions, polls, software. Free registration. http://www.alife.net/ | |
116. EFF "Net Culture - Artificial Life & Intelligence" Archive EFF Net Culture artificial life Intelligence Archive. http//www.eff.org/pub/Net_culture/AI/. Last Updated Thu Mar 13 104254 PDT 2003 http://www.eff.org/Net_culture/Artificial_life/ | |
117. Artificial Life As Philosophy Is artificial life best seen as a new philosophical method or a new phenomenon? In short, artificial life research is the creation of prosthetically http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/papers/alifephl.htm | |
118. Artificial Life People, institutions and projects related to artificial life, brought to you by your About.com Guide. http://psychology.about.com/od/artificiallife/ | |
119. Physis - Platform For Digital Evolution Physis is a software platform for testing the evolvability of different assembly like programming languages. http://physis.sourceforge.net | |
120. Artificial Life artificial life. artificial life (MIT Press). Volume 10 2004 Volume 9 2003 Volume 8 2002 Volume 7 2001 Volume 6 2000 Volume 5 1999 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/alife/ | |
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