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81. DarwinBots Home Page DarwinBots is an artificial life software in some ways similar to CRobots and other programming games. Every simulated creature is a virtual robot with complex input and outputs and each DNA is in fact a program that acts on a memory cells array. Freeware. http://digilander.libero.it/darwinbots/ | |
82. Carlos.Gershenson@COGS.Sussex Work of Carlos Gershenson Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, Behaviourbased systems, artificial societies, artificial life http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/users/carlos | |
83. ECAL'99 Home Page The 5th European Conference on artificial life. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; 1317 September 1999. Conference reports. http://diwww.epfl.ch/lami/ecal99/ |
84. Artificial Life Evolutionary Models artificial life Evolutionary Models. Node to be completed. artificial life (ALife), as an area of investigations, took its form in the late 1980s 1,2. http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/ALEVOMOD.html | |
85. Complex Systems & Networks @ Indiana University CSN is a selforganized network of people spanning various academic units at Indiana University, interested in the broad areas of complex systems, network science, modeling, simulation, artificial life, and visualization. http://csn.indiana.edu/ | |
86. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Artificial Life' Comes Step Closer Researchers at Rockefeller University make small synthetic vesicles that resemble a crude kind of biological cell. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4104483.stm | |
87. Www.frams.poznan.pl/ A Philosophy of artificial life BibliographyAscott, Roy, The Death of Artifice and the Birth of artificial life a The Philosophy of artificial life . {Proposes a view of life centered on supple http://www.frams.poznan.pl/ |
88. Evolution Of Complexity - HOME selfemergence and artificial life, genetic algorithms, genetic programming - essays and links http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/1402/ | |
89. Kasprzyk's ALife Page artificial life for the Macintosh. http://www.kasprzyk.demon.co.uk/www/ALHome.html | |
90. Framsticks Artificial Life 3D Evolution And Simulation http://www.frams.alife.pl/ | |
91. Topic: Areas/alife/systems/ This directory contains artificial life software packages. CDROM Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Keywords artificial life http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/areas/alife/systems/0.html | |
92. Swarm Has Moved To Www.swarm.org! The Swarm Simulation System, created by The Sante Fe Institute, can be used both as a simulation tool for artificial life and ecological models and ecosystems. http://www.santafe.edu/projects/swarm/ | |
93. SpringerLink - Publication www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=112249 ALifeartificial life and Genetic Algorithms Page good intro Gene Pool for Wndows - an artificial life simulation where populations of physics-based http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=1433-5298 |
94. Boids (Flocks, Herds, And Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model) artificial life meets Entertainment Lifelike Autonomous Agents (1995) by Pattie Maes Complexity The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos http://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids/ | |
95. Artificial Life artificial life. I ve always had an interest in how the mind works, After attending the first artificial life conference in 1987 (named and organized http://www.beanblossom.in.us/larryy/ALife.html | |
96. Artificial Life Links to new research and emerging issues. http://geocities.com/goldenziby/alife.html | |
97. Generation5 - An Introduction To Artificial Life Generation5 aims to be the most comprehensive Artificial Intelligence site on the Internet. Communityorientated, Generation5 deals with all AI topics http://www.generation5.org/content/2000/alife.asp | |
98. Evolving AI-Life By Natural Selection (Alastair Channon's Artificial Life) Alastair Channon's artificial life project. http://www.channon.net/alastair/ | |
99. Artificial Life artificial life or ALife is one of my greatest fascinations. With artificial life, you hope that the complexity of the programs is of an order that new http://douweosinga.com/projects/artificiallife | |
100. International Society For Artificial Life Framsticks is a versatile simulator of artificial life forms, used for research and Call for Papers 7th European Conference on artificial life http://alife.8media.org/ | |
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