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161. ResearchIndex Complete Logic Systems, Inc, September 1987. 80. D.H.D. Warren Prolog Instruction Set, Technical Note, SRI International artificial intelligence Center, D.S. Warren, S. Dietrich, F. Pereira. The SB Prolog System, SUNY at Stony Brook. Several references for this Prolog. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/122169.html |
162. MainFrame: Artificial Intelligence Material on artificial intelligence as engineering with emphasis on the exploitationof logic. A topography is presented with logic at the center. http://www.rbjones.com/rbjpub/cs/ai022.htm | |
163. University Of Bradford Department Of Cybernetics Cybernetics in Bradford is Centered in Control, Robotics and artificial intelligence. Cybernetics has an Active Research Programme Mapping out Future Developments and Applications of the New Revolution (UK). http://www.brad.ac.uk/acad/cybernet/ |
164. Stock Market Capital Markets Prediction With Neural Networks SprinN artificial intelligence based capital markets expert system. http://www.aernsoft.com/eng/sprinn/index.htm | |
165. Minsky, Marvin artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology (MIT, USA) http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/minsky/minsky.html |
166. Intelligent Data Analysis Provides a forum for the examination of issues related to the research and applications of artificial intelligence techniques in data analysis across a variety of disciplines. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ida/ | |
167. Amitabha Mukerjee Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Geometric Modelling, Robotics. http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/amit/index.html | |
168. ECONbase - Journal Of Economic Dynamics And Control Tables of contents and abstracts of papers in computational economics, including artificial intelligence, decision support systems, genetic algorithms, and neural networks. http://www.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/econworld/econbase/dyncon/frame.htm | |
169. Ernesto Costa's Home Page University of Coimbra, Portugal artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation. http://www.dei.uc.pt/~ernesto/ |
170. A.I.-Intelligenza Artificiale - Intelligenza Artificiale - Artificial Intelligen Recensione del film di Steven Spielberg. http://www.centraldocinema.it/Festival/Venezia/Venezia2001/a.i..htm | |
171. Hamburger Morgenpost - Www.mopo.de - Archiv Seattle (dpa) Roboter, die nicht nur aussehen wie Menschen, sondern auch Gef¼hle haben - so sieht im neuesten Film von Steven Spielberg die nicht allzu ferne Zukunft aus. Der Titel des Streifens lautet A.I., das steht f¼r artificial intelligence, und dieser K¼nstlichen Intelligenz widmete sich auch eine Konferenz, die am Freitag in Seattle (US-Bundesstaat Washington) endete. http://archiv.mopo.de/archiv/2001/20010810/dpa/onl77_5_1008_0810153241.html | |
172. Tom's Home Page Researcher in Autonomous Sensor Systems. Assistant Professor at the Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems at rebro University in Sweden. Research interests include autonomous robots, machine learning and neural networks, artificial intelligence, navigation systems, and biologically inspired sensor systems. http://aass.oru.se/~tdt/ | |
173. A.I. : Artificial Intelligence, The Spielberg Movie General information on the film and its cast and crew, downloads of the trailers and an introduction to the Evan Chan mystery. http://www.angelfire.com/movies/aithemovie | |
174. Mark Steedman's Home Page University of Edinburgh Computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, formal grammar, intonation, spoken language processing, animated conversational agents. http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~steedman/ | |
175. How To Increase Our Intelligence Based on the processes in the artificial intelligent system, we show how persons can be more efective, more intelligent, in reaching their objectives. http://www.intelligent-systems.com.ar/intsyst/incrint.htm | |
176. Briot, Jean-Pierre Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Object-oriented programming, concurrency/parallelism, distributed programming, flexible and adaptive programs, meta-programming and reflection, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, software agents, mobile agents, artificial life, computer music. http://www-poleia.lip6.fr/~briot/index2.html | |
177. IDIAP : Welcome To IDIAP Research Institute (Speech Processing - Multimodal Inte semiprivate research institute affiliated with the Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology (EPFL) at Lausanne and the University of Geneva and carrying http://www.idiap.ch/ | |
178. ScienceDirect - Artificial Intelligence - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09333657 More results from www.sciencedirect.com AI on the WebLots and lots of pointers to AI resources intelligent agents, search and gameplaying, logic and knowledge representation, planning, reasoning with http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00043702 | |
179. Springer - Your Publishers Of Books, Journals, And Electronic Media Publishes workshop and conference proceedings as well as monographs in computerscience and its subfields. http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/ | |
180. Redirect To Www.ofai.at We ve changed . Our site has been restructured and renamed to www.ofai.at.Your browser may automatically redirect you to the new site within a few http://www.oefai.at/ofai-launch.html | |
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