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Artificial Intelligence: more books (100) | ||||
141. AI Lab Of The EPFL Research in constraint satisfaction, modelbased reasoning, case-based reasoning,intelligent agents, and natural language processing. http://liawww.epfl.ch/ | |
142. Databases And Artificial Intelligence 3 Databases and artificial intelligence 3 artificial intelligence Segment artificial intelligence Programming in Prolog artificial intelligence http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~alison/ai3notes/all.html | |
143. AI-Trader : Tradingsystems For US Stocks Based On Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence trading systems for US stocks. Daily buy / sell overview. http://www.ai-trader.com | |
144. 28th German Conference On Artificial Intelligence, 2005, Koblenz 2005, September 1114, Koblenz, Germany. 28th Conference covering general AIareas like reasoning, autonomous agents, machine learning and neural networks. http://ki2005.uni-koblenz.de/ | |
145. Generation5 - John Searle A short interview focusing on Searle's views concerning artificial intelligence. http://www.generation5.org/searle.shtml | |
146. Home Page For School Of Computer Science And Software Engineering School of Computer Science and Software Engineering. Research areas include artificial intelligence; audiovisual information processing; digital systems hardware; computing education; database systems; distributed, parallel and mobile computing; logic and theory; reasoning under uncertainty; and software engineering. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/ | |
147. Artificial Intelligence Originating in artificial intelligence with the study of robot learning and modelsof natural learning, it has led to spinoffs like neural and evolutionary http://www.ai.cse.unsw.edu.au/ | |
148. Politecnico Di Milano Department of Electronics and Computing. Research areas include artificial intelligence and robotics, computer architecture, databases and information systems, multimedia, software engineering, theoretical computer science, http://www.elet.polimi.it/ |
149. Brown CS: Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence at Brown University is concerned with theoretical andempirical studies involving problems ranging from natural language http://www.cs.brown.edu/research/ai/ | |
150. What Is Artificial Intelligence? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer This page describes the term artificial intelligence and lists other pages onthe Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/artificial_intelligence.html | |
151. Julia Hodges's Computer Science Home Page Mississippi State University artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, knowledge discovery in databases, expert systems, document understanding. http://www.cs.msstate.edu/~hodges | |
153. Push Singh MIT Media Lab artificial intelligence, open source web collaborations, leader of Open Mind Commonsense project. http://www.media.mit.edu/people/push/ | |
154. 2002 Australasian Natural Language Processing Workshop 2 December 2002, Canberra, Australia. To be held in conjunction with the 15th Australian Joint Conference on artificial intelligence (AI'02). Organized by the Centre for Language Technology at Macquarie University. http://www.clt.mq.edu.au/Events/Conferences/anlp2002/ | |
155. MIT // The Algorithms Group At CSAIL The Algorithms Group, part of the Theory of Computation (TOC) group in the Computer Science and artificial intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). People and research projects. http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/groups/algorithms.html | |
156. Carlosweb Carlos Calderon's research combining virtual environments and artificial intelligence techniques to enhance the interactivity of a VE. http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/carlos.calderon/ |
157. Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society FAIS Links to events, list of publications, information about the society. http://www.uwasa.fi/stes/eindex.html | |
158. Introduce Computational Modelling And Simulation, By Running Applets And Learn T Features include Elizalike talk to computer artificial intelligence, enhanced Conway Game of Life, featuring two-colonies universe and monte carlo polymer simulations. http://www.entropy-way.com | |
159. PC AI - Forth Programming Language Forth history and selected links, with a focus on artificial intelligence. http://www.pcai.com/web/ai_info/pcai_forth.html | |
160. The AI Group At The University Of Manchester artificial intelligence IIartificial intelligence II. artificial intelligence II Introduction AI Systems and Definitions An example of intelligent action Summary http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/ai/ | |
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