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81. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach artificial intelligence A Modern Approach. (Second Edition) by Stuart Russelland Peter Norvig. The leading textbook in artificial intelligence. http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/ | |
82. About.com Search - Find It Now! Examine the history, uses and consequences of AI. Beginners can learn the basics here while researchers can access extensive technical resources. Formerly known as the Mining Co. AI Guide. http://ai.about.com/ | |
83. PC AI - Artificial Intelligence Where Intelligent Technology Meets the Real World. The PC AI Home Page has moved.PC AI Magazine PO Box 30130 Phoenix, AZ 85046 Voice 602.971.1869 Fax http://www.pcai.com/pcai/ | |
84. PCAI Artificial Intelligence - Free EMagazine, White Papers, Demos, Products, Gl Real World artificial intelligence applications including rulebased systems,knowledge, logic, expert systems, agents, NLP, data mining, learning, http://www.pcai.com/ | |
85. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH LABORATORY A List of pointers to online publications on data mining algorithms, software, and applications. Many pubs include full pdf or ps versions. http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/publist.html | |
86. University Of Michigan AI Lab Home The artificial intelligence (AI) program at the University of Michigan comprises a The faculty and graduate students of the artificial intelligence http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/ | |
87. Mr. Hall's Class Website This first grade teacher in Riverton, Utah, USA presents class activities and games, as well as a link to an artificial intelligence chat program. http://mrhall.org | |
88. European Coordinating Committee For Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) ECCAI, the European Coordinating Committee for artificial intelligence, wasestablished in July 1982 as a representative body for the European Artificial http://www.eccai.org/ | |
89. Chris Malcolm's Homepage University of Edinburgh Architectural and representational issues in automated assembly, robot and sensor technology, Philosophical issues and social implications of artificial intelligence. http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/daidb/people/homes/cam/ | |
90. IJCAI-05 2005, July 31 August 5, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Large, all encompasing artificialintelligence conference. http://ijcai05.csd.abdn.ac.uk/ | |
91. SpringerLink - Publication Integrates computer science with economic and management science, including symbolic information processing, numerical procedures, computational aspects of mathematical programming, hardware developments, operational research, artificial intelligence, user interfaces, database interfaces, and software research. Provides tables of contents and abstract archive. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0927-7099 | |
92. The Game AI Page: Building Artificial Intelligence Into Games Publications, predictions, source code, and quotes having to do with AI andartificial life in games; mostly commercial video games, some board and card http://www.gameai.com/ai.html | |
93. Eugene Charniak's Home Page Brown University Influential researcher in Natural Language Processing and artificial intelligence. His home page features some of his publications, in postscript. http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/ec/home.html | |
94. Navy Center For Applied Research In Artificial Intelligence The Navy Center for Applied Research in artificial intelligence (NCARAI) has beeninvolved in both basic and applied research in artificial intelligence http://www.nrl.navy.mil/aic/ | |
95. Artificial Intelligence - Pigrecoemme- Recensione. Recensionde del film di Steven Spielberg, a cura di Marco Rambaldi. http://www.pigrecoemme.com/artificial_intelligence.htm | |
96. SpringerLink - Publication www.kluweronline.com/issn/02692821/contents More results from www.kluweronline.com Indian International Conference on artificial intelligence2005, December 20-22, Pune, India. General International AI conference held in India. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0269-2821 | |
97. TU Wien, Institute Of Information Systems, Database And Artificial Intelligence Research focus is on database systems and theory and the connection between databases and AI. http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/ | |
98. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH LABORATORY AT IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Information on research, publications, and courses on artificial intelligence,machine learning, neural networks, information integration, http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~honavar/aigroup.html | |
99. Memetic Scienc: General Introduction Discussions of the quantitative analysis of cultural transfer, with focus on creativity, memes, replicators, language, ideas, evolution, computers, viruses, knowledge, artificial intelligence, brain and the mind. http://databank.oxydex.com/m2.html | |
100. IIIA Information on research in Learning Systems, Intelligent Agents, Logical Reasoningand Search, Electronic Markets, Autonomous Robots, and AI applications in http://www.iiia.csic.es/ |
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