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61. Udine, University Of Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Research areas include databases, software engineering, medical informatics, artificial intelligence, programming languages, formal methods, robotics, and computer vision. http://www.dimi.uniud.it/ | |
62. Eric Hansen's Home Page Mississippi State University artificial intelligence, planning and reasoning under uncertainty, and resource-bounded computing. http://www.cs.msstate.edu/~hansen |
63. Www.aimovie.com/ CMU artificial intelligence RepositoryCollection of files, programs, publications, of interest to artificial intelligenceresearchers, educators, students, practitioners. http://www.aimovie.com/ |
64. Index Page 26 December 2002 in Canberra, Australia. Workshops, tutorials, invited speakers, call for papers, topics, registration and accommodation information. http://www.cs.adfa.edu.au/~abbass/AI02/ | |
65. Laboratory Of Research CNRS/Universit© de Paris Sud. Research Topics Graph Theory and principles of Network Communications, Algorithms and Complexity,Programming, Databases,Proofs and programs, Parallel Architecture, Parallelism, artificial intelligence and Inference systems (IASI),Inference and Learning. http://www.lri.fr/introduction.en.shtml | |
66. SIGART Homepage SIGART is the ACM Special Interest Group on artificial intelligence. http://www.acm.org/sigart/ |
67. NICVE Salford Centre for Virtual Environments at the University of Salford, specialising in Collaborative Virtual Environments and artificial intelligence http://www.nicve.salford.ac.uk/ |
68. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Applied Artificial Intelligence Applied artificial intelligence addresses concerns in applied research andapplications of artificial intelligence (AI). The journal also acts as a medium http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/08839514.asp | |
69. ACIMS -- Arizona Center Of Integrative Modeling & Simulation artificial intelligence and Simulation Group. The page contains summaries of ACIMS simulation projects, simulation links, and news. One of the main research projects is the Discrete Event Specification Formalism (DEVS). http://www.acims.arizona.edu/ | |
70. OFAI - Biblio Query Contains 62566 books, research papers, conference papers, journal articles from many subareas of artificial intelligence. From the University of Vienna and the Austrian Research Institute for artificial intelligence. http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/biblio.html | |
71. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Journal Of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Int Journal of Experimental Theoretical artificial intelligence (JETAI) is advancingscientific research in artificial intelligence (AI) by providing a public http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tf/0952813x.html | |
72. Mind.Forth Robot Artificial Intelligence Based On Spreading Activation Robot AI (in Win32Forth) based on an original theory of mind. http://mind.sourceforge.net/mind4th.html | |
73. Prolog AI Blog Of Open-source Artificial Intelligence For Robots Open Source AI projects in Prolog. http://mind.sourceforge.net/prolog.html | |
74. Department Of Cybernetics And Artificial Intelligence Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia. http://www.tuke.sk/kkui/kkui-a.html | |
75. AILab, University Of Zurich artificial intelligence Laboratory Department of Information Technology University of Zürich. Director Prof. Dr. Rolf Pfeifer http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/groups/ailab/ | |
76. Stock Market Investing Insights Via Artificial Intelligence A stock market investment method based on trend following. http://www.aiqresearch.com/ | |
77. John McCarthy artificial intelligence (Stanford Univ., USA) http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/index.html | |
78. New Scientist Expert Coverage Of Info-Tech Computers Internet Viruses Communicat Traditional measures of human brain power are no good for artificial intelligences, with distributed denial of service attacks, says UK intelligence http://www.newscientist.com/channel/info-tech | |
79. European Group For Intelligent Computing In Engineering Information on events, members and links. http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/Civeng/egseaai/ | |
80. Heuristics And Artificial Intelligence In Finance And Investment Resources on general heuristics, neural networks, genetic algorithms, simulatedannealing and tabu search databases, articles, references, journals, http://www.geocities.com/francorbusetti/ | |
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