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41. Computational Semiotics A concise outline of this field from the perspective of defining knowledge units for artificial intelligence systems. http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/~gudwin/compsemio/ | |
42. Artificial Intelligence An Introduction to the Science of. artificial intelligence. ArtificialIntelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that http://library.thinkquest.org/2705/ | |
43. Error 404b School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. Research groups Applied artificial intelligence; Distributed multimedia systems and security; Information systems. http://www.livjm.ac.uk/inside/schools/cms/3286.asp | |
44. Applied Intelligence A consultancy specialising in realworld applications of artificial intelligence and data mining. http://www.applied-intelligence.co.uk/ | |
45. 20Q.net An experiment in artificial intelligence, the program is very simple but itsbehavior is complex. All questions and objects were entered by other people http://www.20q.net/ | |
46. Singularity Institute For Artificial Intelligence Nonprofit organization devoted to creating, discussing and coordinating singularityrelated efforts, and publish introductory material and research papers on the topic. http://singinst.org/ | |
47. MIT Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of research,publications, and news.......Research in a variety of areas in computer science. http://www.lcs.mit.edu/ | |
48. Eric Brill's Home Page Johns Hopkins University Empirical natural language processing, speech recognition, spoken language systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Lexical disambiguation, parsing, classifier combination, spelling correction, language modelling. http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~brill | |
49. Electronic Transactions On Artificial Intelligence, ETAI Electronic Transactions on artificial intelligence. http://www.ida.liu.se/ext/etai/ |
50. Ai Research - Creating A New Form Of Life artificial intelligence NV (Ai) is the world s leading AI research project,focusing on creating genuine artificial intelligence the technology that http://www.a-i.com/ |
51. Our Molecular Future By Douglas Mulhall; Prometheus Books, 2002, ISBN 1573929921. Examines vast potential of new technologies to help us cope with many problems. Site has table of contents, excerpts, news release. Prometheus Books Publishers http://www.ourmolecularfuture.com/ | |
52. Assoc For Uncertainty In AI Main association for belief network researchers. Runs the annual Uncertainty inartificial intelligence (UAI) conferences, and the UAI mailing list. http://www.auai.org/ |
53. Site Officiel DA.I. Site officiel fran§ais du film de Steven Spielberg avec Jude Law et Haley Joel Osment. http://www.ai-lefilm.com/ | |
54. Topic: (/) Collection of files, programs, publications, of interest to artificial intelligence researchers, educators, students, practitioners. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/0.html | |
55. Singularity Institute For Artificial Intelligence The Singularity Institute for artificial intelligence is a 501(c)(3) nonprofitresearching beneficial artificial intelligence. http://www.singinst.org/ | |
56. Advanced Stock Technical Analysis, Market Timing, Prediction And Trading System Stock technical analysis and trading system based on advanced artificial intelligence http://www.deepinsight.com | |
57. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Artificial Intelligence Department of artificial intelligence, University of Edinburgh, UK. artificial intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK. http://archive.comlab.ox.ac.uk/comp/ai.html | |
58. Searle's Chinese Room Argument: Entry A detailed review by Larry Hauser of Searle's arguments against artificial intelligence. Features an extensively annotated bibliography. http://host.uniroma3.it/progetti/kant/field/chinese.html | |
59. Faculty Of IT School of Computing Sciences. Major research labs investigate computer graphics, cooperative systems, algorithms and languages, artificial intelligence, adaptive methods, distributed systems and multimedia infrastructure, usability, and object oriented systems. http://www.socs.uts.edu.au/ | |
60. About.com Search - Find It Now! artificial intelligence (III) How do you define AI?http//psychology.about.com/library/weekly/aa072001a.htm (About Psychology) http://search.about.com/fullsearch.htm?terms=ai&IAM=URL_ai |
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