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21. Plausible Futures Newsletter News weblog on topics that include robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and sciences that could dramatically affect the future of society. http://www.plausiblefutures.com/ | |
22. Newsday.com Artificial Intelligence Has Invaded The Medical THE ROOT IS IN. artificial intelligence has invaded the medical world, serving in roles from scrub nurse to doctor standin. Email this story http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
23. The A. L. I. C. E. Artificial Intelligence Foundation - Chatbot - Chat Bot - Cha The ALICE AI Foundation promoties the adoption of the ALICE and AIML free opensource software for chatrbots, chat robots, chatterbots or chatterboxes, http://www.alicebot.org/ | |
24. All-Reviews.com Movie/Video Review: A.I.: Artificial Intelligence Reviews of the movie. http://www.all-reviews.com/videos-3/ai-artificial-intelligence.htm | |
25. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach artificial intelligence A Modern Approach http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
26. ECONOMIC THEORY, ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS AND ARTIFICIAL ADAPTATIVE AGENTS Article proposing an artificial intelligence approach to simulation in economics based on a multiagent system, based on Holland's classifier systems and genetic algorithms. http://www.beje.decon.ufpe.br/rivero/rivero.htm | |
27. AI On The Web Organizations AAAI* ACL* ACM list* Irvine Machine Learning* SIGART* Journals artificial intelligence* JAIR* People http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
28. SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center Founded in 1966, the artificial intelligence Center is one of the world s foremostcenters of research in AI. http://www.ai.sri.com/ | |
29. Welcome To LBR - Living Breathing Robots MIT artificial intelligence Laboratory group led by Rodney Brooks. Working on robots Cog, Kismet, Coco Macaco. http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/humanoid-robotics-group/ | |
30. MIT Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Science and artificial intelligence Laboratory. About CSAIL. Lab Organization. Directory. Faculty. Research Abstracts. Research http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126 |
31. Artificial Intelligence - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia artificial intelligence (also known as machine intelligence and often Much ofthe (original) focus of artificial intelligence research draws from an http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence | |
32. FU-Berlin: Institut Für Informatik Institute of Computer Science. Research groups cover software engineering and systems software, databases and information systems, programming languages, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, computer science in education and society, theoretical computer science, and mathematical foundations of computer science. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/ | |
33. Elsevier.com - Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence, which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generallyaccepted artificial intelligence Specialists, Computer Scientists, http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/505601 | |
34. Damjan Bojadziev: Mind Versus Gödel Compares the mind to advanced computers and artificial intelligence, as Goedel would possibly view them. http://nl.ijs.si/~damjan/g-m-c.html | |
35. Elsevier.com - Artificial Intelligence In Medicine artificial intelligence in Medicine Editorin-Chief K.- P. Adlassnig artificial intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles from a wide http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/505627 | |
36. Department Of Computer Science Department of Computer Science. Major research areas include artificial intelligence, graphics, image processing, expert systems, mathematical software and modeling, distributed computing, and theory of computation. http://www.cs.uregina.ca/ | |
37. Informatics@Edinburgh: Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Scie School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Research,undergraduate and postgraduate courses. BSc, BEng, MSc, PhD degrees in http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/ | |
38. The Philosophy And Future Of AI A personal perspective, with many links, from artificial intelligence researcher Mark Humphrys. http://www.compapp.dcu.ie/~humphrys/philosophy.html | |
39. Artificial Intelligence And Meteorology Collection of links to web resources related to the applications of artificialintelligence to the field of weather forecasting. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/AIMET/ | |
40. International Symposiums On Artificial Intelligence And Mathematics 7th International Symposium. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA; 24 January 2002. http://rutcor.rutgers.edu/~amai/ | |
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