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21. Uncataloged Microfilm -- H-K wanhal, johann Baptist. Concerto per Viola Concertante violino primo F major. 55M1224 Hle, Georgio de la. Octo Missae. Antwerp Plantini, 1578. http://www.lib.unc.edu/music/film/filmhijk.html |
22. Southern Miss Clarinet Studio: Repertoire wanhal, johann, Sonata in Eb Major. Weber, Carl Maria von, Quintet, Op. 34. Weber, Carl Maria von, Concertino, Op. 26, 1811. Weber, Carl Maria von http://www.nonseq.org/clarinet/repertoire.php | |
24. 258 VANHAL, JOHANN BAPTIST, 1739-1813. 258b /note wanhal, johann BAPTIST. see VANHAL, johann BAPTIST, 17391813. 261 WENDLING, johann BAPTIST, 1723-1797. Trio sonatas, op. 5 http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dmmc/Music/MackaySmith/mackay9.html | |
25. Ragtime Alphbetic Index ASCAP); Save New Year s Eve For Me (John Paul Hudson Natalie Charlson 1965) . Wand Garret Dallas Blues (1912); wanhal, johann Sonata in Bflat http://www.rtpress.com/titles.htm | |
26. THEMATIC INDEXES USED BY THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS FOR FORMULATING 9 wanhal, johann Baptist Bryan, Paul Robey. The symphonies of johann Vanhall, Doctoral dissertation series, publication no. 21, 134. http://www.music.indiana.edu/tech_s/mla/themlist.96 |
27. Clarinet wanhal, johann, Sonata No. 2, Southern Music Weber, Carl Maria von, Concertino, Op. 26, Southern (16 Solos). ORCHESTRAL STUDIES. Beethoven, Symphonies No. http://www.wku.edu/~john.cipolla/wabus398/clarinethome.htm | |
28. Håkan Rosengren | Clarinet | Concerto/Solo Repertoire wanhal, johann. Sonata. Weber, C. M. von. Quintet for clarinet and string quartet. Grand Duo Concertant, op. 48 Introduction, theme and variations for http://www.hakanrosengren.com/repertoire/chamber.html | |
29. W Composers Index Wallmann, johannes; Wallnofer, Adolf; Walmisley, Thomas II Attwood Wang, Xiaohan; wanhal, johann Baptist; Wanski, Jan I; Warbeck, Stephen; Ward, John http://www.geocities.com/musiclassical/composers/w.html | |
30. IMSLPForums.org :: View Topic - Composer Names Misspellings And Diacritics Vanhal, johann Baptist Va hal, Jan K titel (Original Czech Name) wanhal, johann Baptist (German Spelling) Va hal may also be searched for under the http://imslpforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=574 |
31. Johann Baptist Vanhal Biography. Download Classical Music By Johann Baptist Vanh Detailed discussion, including my reasons for spelling his name with a W , may be found in my book, johann wanhal, Viennese Symphonist, His Life and His http://www.naxos.com/composerinfo/bio21127.htm | |
32. Sheet Music Plus - Luigi Verdi Search Results By Ada Richter; Anonymous; Carl Czerny; F.D. Marchetti; Franz Joseph Haydn; Giacomo Puccini; Guiseppe F Verdi; johann Baptist wanhal; johann F.F. Burgmuller http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/a/search.html?id=50330&select=composer&more=Luigi |
33. Index Of Composers wanhal, johann Baptist (17391813). WEBER, Carl Maria von (1786-1826). WERNER, Josef (1695-1766). WIENIAWSKI, Henri (1835-1880). WILFERT, Bruno http://www.violinman.com/Violin_Family/history/composer/content.htm | |
34. HOASM: Johann Baptist Vanhal johann Baptist Vanhal wanhal, Jan Krtitel Vanhal; Jan Ignatius. (1739 1813). johann Baptist Vanhal. After early musical study in Bohemia Vanhal went http://www.hoasm.org/XIIC/Vanhal.html | |
35. Werner Icking Music Archive: Johann Baptist Wanhal Werner Icking Music Archive Sheet Music; Archives musicales partitions; Archivio di Musica Spartiti; Musikarchiv Noten; wanhal. http://icking-music-archive.org/ByComposer/Wanhal.php | |
36. A Concise History Of Western Music - Cambridge University Press wanhal, johann Baptist 143. watch 85. see also clock. Weber, Aloysia 140, 141. Weber, Carl Maria von 170, 181. Webern, Anton 227, 231, 238239, 254255, 259 http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521842945&ss=ind |
37. James Perone S Clarinet And Saxophone Repertoire.htm wanhal, johann Baptist. Sonata in Bflat Major. (1) First Sundays at Four (Church of the Ascension, Buffalo, New York), March 3, 1991. http://raider.muc.edu/~peroneje/repertoire.htm |
38. Johann Baptist Vanhal - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia johann Baptist Vanhal (Jan K titel Va hal) 1 also spelled wanhal, Wa hall or wanhall He himself spelt his name johann Baptist wanhal; his Viennese http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Baptist_Vanhal | |
39. Music For Violin, Clarinet And Piano Trio! Vanhal (wanhal), johann Baptist ( Jan Krtitel ) ( 1739 1813 ) Title Trio for Clarinet, Violin and Piano, Op. 20, No. 5, in E flat http://www.violinist.com/discussion/response.cfm?ID=7742 |
40. JSTOR Johann Wanhal, Viennese Symphonist His Life And His There never has been much doubt that, once the evidence was in, johann wanhal (Vanhal) would be awarded a prominent place among eighteenthcentury Austrian- http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0027-4380(199903)2:55:3<659:JWVSHL>2.0.CO;2-7 |
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