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61. History Of The 48th OVVI - Appendix Killed Clem tudor, david Morgan, Elias Henry. Wounded Sergeants William Willis and B. W. Ladd. Corporals Geo. R. Conard and Daniel T. Williams. http://www.48ovvi.org/appendix.html | |
62. New Music Playlist Winter 2002-2003 Richard Maxfield Piano Concert for david tudor. david tudor, piano. From The Oak of the Golden Dreams . New World Records CD 805552. http://www.kalvos.org/playr02.html | |
63. Milwall 3 - 2 Cambridge | Match Reports | Guardian Unlimited Football Shaun Marshall, Stevland Angus, Andrew Duncan, Adam Tann, Terry Fleming, Paul Wanless, Daniel Chillingworth, Warren Goodhind, Omer Riza, Shane tudor, david http://football.guardian.co.uk/Match_Report/0,,-41216,00.html | |
64. New World Records: Album Details , david tudor Rainforest Gordon Mumma 4 Mographs, 2 sections from Gestures II, david tudor and Gordon Mumma, keyboards and electronics...... http://www.newworldrecords.org/album.cgi?rm=view&album_id=16859 |
65. Bunbury Cricket Club Watching Andrew Flintoff, Ben Hollioake, Alex tudor, david Sales, Liam Botham, Gareth Batty, Mark Chilton, Owais Shah and david Nash meeting each for the http://www.bunburycricket.com/pages/warren/articles/art07_21memories.html | |
66. CD T Toub, david For Christina Fong tudor, david Pulsers Untitled Tutschuku, Hans Moment Tranströmer, Tomas Dikter Tranströmer, Tomas Klangen säger att http://home.swipnet.se/sonoloco/CD/cdT.html | |
67. [ 20th Century Composers ] Titles At Aquarius Records Electronic music from composer pianist david tudor, realized at the Center for tudor, david JOHN CAGE Rainforest II Mureau, A simultaneous http://www.aquariusrecords.org/cat/20thcenturycomposers7.html | |
68. Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase Is Not Inhibited By Its Substrate, (S)-aspartate Be PubMed; Borthwick, Emma B.;Connell, Susanne J.;tudor, david W.;Robins, david J.;Shneier, Andrea.;Abell, Chris.; Coggins, John R. Escherichia coli http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1223910 |
69. Cage/Tudor: Indeterminacy / John Cage, David Tudor Classical Cage / tudor Cage tudor Indeterminacy John david CD music CD album $20.39 in stock at CD Universe, This selection contains 90 oneminute stories read by. http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/1055147/a/Cage/Tudor: Indeterminac | |
70. Music Database Rockrom-musician115 tudor, david, tudor, Eddie, tudor, Edward Tenpole . tudor, Johnny, tudor, Mike, Tudpucker, Clarence. Tuers Dela Lune, Les, Tuethe, Ben, Tufano, Dennis http://www.rockrom.ukhq.co.uk/musician/rockrom-musician115.shtml | |
71. 40 Tudor Current Image Tags 40 tudor, david Foreaker, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, pistolpete13, readers rides,. Describe this Picture Edit Tags http://www.streetrodding.com/index.cfm/f/docs.view/id/323542/backFA/members.read | |
72. FZMw - Cross - David Tudor Die folgenden Lebenserinnerungen dokumentieren bestimmte Ereignisse in den Biographien von david tudor (19261996), John Cage (1912-1992), http://www.fzmw.de/2001/2001T1.htm | |
73. Buy.com - Five Stone Wind/Cartridge Musi - J. Cage - CD Work Notes This work is performed by Takehisa Kosugi, Michael Pugliese and david tudor using phonograph cartridges and amplified small objects. http://www.buy.com/prod/five-stone-wind-cartridge-musi/q/loc/109/60481839.html | |
74. Guide To The William Gedney Photographs And Writings, 1950s-1989 david in Hospital. Indian painting. male. Mice and frog .. Caroline Brown, Gordon Mumma, david tudor, david BehrmanElectric Circus set up, http://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/rbmscl/gedney/inv/ | |
75. +MINUS L ECOUTE LIBERE 1CD ESQUILO ES001 22.99US$ 22.99CA$NEWMUSIC david MARIANNA TRENCH 1CD ORAL 05 18.99US$ 18.99CA$NEWMUSIC KRONOS .. 2CD EDITION RZ RZ 1018/19 31.99US$ 31.99CA$NEWMUSIC tudor, david RAINFOREST http://www.cheapthrills.ca/catalog/NU_MUSIC.TXT |
76. Tudor Family Genealogy Forum Albert tudor of Worthing, Sussex. Cheesemaker, Poulterer Dealer in Game 1898 Brenda Azzaro 10/16/06. Martha Riddick Disosway tudor - david Henderson http://genforum.genealogy.com/tudor/ | |
77. Colby | Athletics | News Release Dan Vassallo was fifth in the 10000 meters (3228.41) and Dave Civitello was fifth Anwell FR Wesleyan 12.12m 12.08m 3 tudor, david JR Wesleyan 12.33m http://www.colby.edu/athletics/releases/archive_0405/track4-30-05.shtml | |
78. David Tudor, 70, Electronic Composer, Dies - New York Times david tudor, a composer and performer of avantgarde electronic music who was closely associated with John Cage and who succeeded him as the music director http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C05E5DE1231F936A2575BC0A96095826 |
79. Poster Abstracts - Disease Susceptibility And The Environment | Science Forum | Author Geoff Patton, Igor Sidorov, Dimiter Dimitrov, Xiaodong Xiao, Robert Shoemaker, Gabriela tudor, david Covell, Robert Stephens http://www.epa.gov/sciforum/2006/posters_disease_susc.htm | |
80. Blackwell Synergy - Higher Education Q, Volume 13 Issue 1 Page 34-44, November 1 Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1468-2273.1958.tb00085.x | |
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