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41. Sonido Experimental tudor, david, Microphone, Milán, Cramps Records, 1978. _, Rainforest IV, Berlín, Edition Block tudor, david, Rainforest, Nueva York, Mode Records, 1988. http://www.uclm.es/artesonoro/Discografa/html/Sonido.html | |
42. A Discography Of Recorded Works By Artists tudor, david. Microphone. LP. Milano Nova Musicha No. 16, Cramps Records 52o6 116, 1978.*. tudor, david. Rainforest IV. LP. Berlin Edition Block GREB i, http://www.ubu.com/papers/artists_recordings.html | |
43. 70-71 Football League Autographs Bryan Robson, Jim Scott, Jackie Sinclair, Dave Smith. Jimmy Thompson, John tudor, david Young, Unknown. The unknown signatures are. from a sheet 197071 http://www.justcatnaps.com/collection/teamsnewcastle.html | |
44. Tudor, David david tudor Rainforest Gordon Mumma 4 Mographs Excerpts . tudor, david (2010) 2. Mumma, Gordon (027) 3. Mumma, Gordon (209) 4. Mumma, Gordon (022) 5. http://www.growinglifestyle.com/us/j646099 | |
45. Black Mountain College Collection - Related Sites The Research Library at the Getty Research Institute has several collections relating to Black Mountain College including the david tudor Papers and the http://www.ah.dcr.state.nc.us/archives/bmc_web_page/bmc3.htm | |
46. TU // XC // TF Jason JR Conn College 1616.00 1606.60 21 Rogawski, david FR Williams 1623.63 .. Anwell FR Wesleyan 12.12m 12.08m 3 tudor, david JR Wesleyan 12.33m http://gojumbos.com/results.php?id=83 |
47. American Mavericks: Composers tudor, david Buy Tyranny, Blue Gene Buy Ussachevsky, Vladimir Buy Vierk, Lois Buy site Varèse, Edgard Buy SFS American Mavericks Concerts http://musicmavericks.publicradio.org/composers/ | |
48. Licensed To Northeast Sports Timing Serv. - Contractor License Hy Anwell Wesleyan 12.00m 11.10m 4 5 Smith, Ryan Amherst 12.25m 10.90m 3 6 Canevari, Nick Amherst 11.79m 10.40m 2 7 tudor, david Wesleyan 12.60m 10.00m 1 8 http://www.nesportstiming.com/results/LITTLE305RESULTS.htm |
49. JSTOR A Chance Operation The John Cage Tribute Recording Reviews tudor, david Van Tieghem, Christian Wolff, Roger Zahab, and Frank Zappa. 2 compact discs. 1993. Koch International Classics 37238-2 Y6x2. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0734-4392(199523)13:3<389:ACOTJC>2.0.CO;2-# |
50. CAGE, JOHN / TUDOR, DAVID - INDETERMINACY / - Record Price Guide CAGE, JOHN / tudor, david INDETERMINACY / record price guide. http://www.record-price-guide.org/catalogue/showrecord/record_id/712880 | |
51. Highlights Of Recent Acquisitions: Compact Discs Various performers Arizona Friends of Chamber Music F97 PhonCD T7985 win1997 tudor, david. Rainforest, no. 1 Rainforest. http://libraries.mit.edu/music/news/399/cd.html | |
52. Three-Year Index For Paint Lick Reflections Section S-Z tudor, Betty Meadows 11 (p. 13photo, 14-photo) tudor, Chris 8 (p. 26) tudor, Daisey Lee 2 (p. 43) tudor, david 7 (p. 40) tudor, david Keith 11 (p. 18) http://www.paintlickreflections.com/threeyearindexS-Z.html | |
53. Williams College | Sports Information Dan Wesleyan 50.00m 40.10m 4 4 tudor, david Wesleyan 53.00m 39.50m 3 5 Matthews, Alex Williams 42.67m x34.30m 6 Canevari, Nick Amherst 38.40m 30.90m 2 7 http://www.williams.edu/athletics/news.php?id=8569 |
54. To The Homepage Search The Store Login Or Create A Home The World Davi tudor Rain Forest. Mode Records Import Country (not USA). CD. $17.98. . 3. david tudor and Gordon Mumma. New World Records Import Country (not USA) http://www.buymusichere.net/rel/v2_home.php?storenr=115&deptnr=20&rc=1.2[sn=34/s |
55. University At Buffalo Libraries - Music - Center For The Creative And Performing Takemitsu, Toru Teitelbaum, Richard Tenny, James Thomas, John Thomas, Michael Tilson Tillbury, John Toncitch, Voya Trythall, Richard tudor, david http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/music/spcoll/ccpaarc.html | |
56. David Tudor - Rainforest david tudor, who passed away in 1996, was a brilliant musician whose musical career can be viewed in two parts. He was as the foremost avantgarde pianist http://www.moderecords.com/catalog/064tudor.html | |
57. Title /tag; tagscribformat=audio/tag; tagscribtitle=harry partch. john cage/tag; tagscribpubyear=1978/tag; tagscribauthor=tudor, david/tag http://svn.scriblio.net/demo_content/demo_content.xml | |
58. ANABlog: John Cage/David Tudor, "Indeterminacy" John Cage/david tudor, Indeterminacy I II III IV. Labels david tudor, jodru, John Cage. posted by jodru at 0153 http://www.analogartsensemble.net/2007/07/john-cagedavid-tudor-indeterminacy.htm | |
59. The David's A - Z List â SideFlowerâs Journal â Users At Last.fm david tudor Rainforest Version 1 (1968) Dave Navarro Rexall Dave Navarro Rexall david Wilcox Eye of the Hurricane david Wilcox Eye of the http://www.last.fm/user/SideFlower/journal/2006/02/7/72289/ | |
60. Ophthalmologists Directory By Name And By State - Free Doctor Reports Wisconsin. Dr. david Tuman Wausau, Wisconsin William Tuttle , Gary Tylock , Kenneth Tuck , Mary Tucker , Anthony Truxal , Robert tudor , david Tuman. http://www.healthgrades.com/directory_search/physician/profiles/ophthalmology/al | |
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