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21. David Tudor â W. Tudor : ZoomInfo Business People Information View the professional backgrounds of tudor, david through tudor, W. from ZoomInfo, the largest index of business people in the world. http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page40664.aspx | |
22. KFJC 89.7 FM : KFJC On-Line Reviews : Tudor, David - “David Tudor: Music F and began instead writing for david tudor. Here EditionsRZ has culled German radio archives for 1950s/60s tudor recordings of the choicest indeterminate http://spidey.kfjc.org/?p=2640 |
23. Leonardo Music Journal, Volume 14, 2004 - Table Of Contents Understanding david tudor s transition from performer to composer is critical to Of the works of david tudor, none would seem to be better known than http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/leonardo_music_journal/toc/lmj14.1.html | |
24. Intute: Arts And Humanities - Search Results Born in Philadelphia, david tudor (19261996) was an American composer and pianist. The Art of david tudor Indeterminacy and Performance in Postwar http://www.intute.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/cgi-bin/search.pl?term1=Tudor, David, |
25. Center For The Study Of History And Memory: William E. Jenner And Indiana Politi interviews from this project, please contact the Center for the Study of History and Memory office. Access Status, Open. Interviewer, tudor, david F. http://purl.dlib.indiana.edu/iudl/findingaids/cshm/ohrc103 | |
26. Musicworks - Back Issues tudor, david. Still Listening Reflections on the Life and Music of david tudor, david. Composing the Performer david tudor remembers Stefan Wolpe s http://www.musicworks.ca/backissues-artistlist.asp | |
27. John Cage News - The New York Times - Narrowed By 'TUDOR, DAVID' News about John Cage. Commentary and archival information about John Cage from The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/john_cage/index.htm |
28. Rainforest By David Tudor (Used, New, Hard-to-Find) - Alibris Alibris has Rainforest and other music by david tudor, including new used copies. http://www.bibliocity.com/search/music/qwork/400347947/used/Rainforest | |
29. Tudor - Definitions From Dictionary.com Definitions of tudor at Dictionary.com. 190987, English choreographer and dancer. 2. david (Eugene), 19261996, U.S. pianist and composer. 3. Mary. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Tudor | |
30. Weirdo Records. david tudor Music for Piano 2cd Christian WolffDuo for Pianists I Version II, Sylvano Bussotti-Piano Piece for david tudor, John Cage-Winter Music, http://www.weirdorecords.com/cpCommerce/product.php?id_product=1518 |
31. INVENTORY OF THE DAVID TUDOR PAPERS, 1884-1998 (BULK 1940-1996) Papers of the avantgarde pianist and electronic music composer, david tudor, comprehensively document his participation in post-World War II experimental http://content.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/tf2j49n5h3/ | |
32. Resume - John D.S. Adams Independant Consultant Reformatting of david tudor Tape Collection Rainforest IV - david tudor s interactive resonant instrument environment. http://www3.sympatico.ca/adams.donovan/jdsamusic/jdsaresume.html | |
33. 20060726 [OCLC] New 100 1 tudor, david, ßd 19261996. n 83221245 Old 100 1 Veress, Sâandor, ßd 1907- New 100 1 Veress, Sâandor, ßd 1907-1992. no2003069811 http://www.oclc.org/rss/feeds/authorityrecords/20060726.htm | |
34. Ciao Produktindex david Vernon Playing With Fire - Davies Symphony 6 Time and the Raven david tudor - david tudor Plays John Cage And david tudor david tudor http://www.ciao.se/David Che~Dead_10_AZ_se.html | |
35. H B Recordings Direct - Browse Classical Music Performers Driscoll, John; Edelstein, Phil; Fischer, Linda; Harris, Marsha; Kalve, Martin; Kosugi, Takehisa; tudor, david; Viola, Bill http://www.hbdirect.com/browse_classical.php?v[0]=specific_instrument&specific_i |
36. Sonic Memorial For David Tudor Sonic Memorial for david tudor. a collection of sound files created in his honor to the david tudor www site by John D.S.Adams and D Arcy Philip Gray http://www.newmus.net/smfdt.htm | |
37. The Deep Listening® Catalog - DAVID TUDOR Pianist and composer david tudor in the 1982 recording of John Cage s Solo for Piano (from the Concert for Piano and Orchestra) and the 1993 performance of http://www.deeplistening.org/dlc/79tudor.html | |
38. Hughes With their children, Joseph tudor, david Edward, John Arthur and Margaret, D.E. Hughes parents and siblings were often musical performers. http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/history/hughes.html | |
39. Sendings Archives Art by Ariel Wulff, david Zawitaj, Linda Tam, and Dixie McCartney. Cartoons by Mari Hershtudor, david Zawitaj, and Dixie McCartney. Issue 6 Aug. - Sept. http://www.elfquest.com/fan/sendings/archives.html | |
40. Noted Relations: TUDOR Family tudor, Antony 19081987 British dancer and choreographer. Née William Cook; tudor, david (Eugene) 1926-1996 American pianist and composer; *tudor, http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~dav4is/people/TUDOR.htm | |
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