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1. David Tudor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Karlheinz Stockhausen dedicated his Klavierstück VI (1955) to Tudor. Tudor also gave early performances of works by Morton Feldman and La Monte Young. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Tudor | |
2. Obituary: Tudor David | Independent, The (London) | Find Articles At BNET.com Obituary tudor david from Independent, The (London) in Array provided free by LookSmart Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20000226/ai_n14292805 | |
3. Chapters.indigo.ca: Mary Tudor: David Loades: Books Although achieving notoriety as the persecutor of Protestants, Mary I of England had to contend with great personal, religious and dynastic stress. http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Mary-Tudor-David-Loades/9781903365984-item.h | |
4. David Tudor - Wikipedia Translate this page Der Komponist, mit dem David Tudor aber am meisten in Verbindung gebracht wird, ist John Cage. Cages Music of Changes, sein Concerto For Piano and Orchestra http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Tudor | |
5. GR MUSIC: Composers & Musicians Tower, Joan 1 Tower, Joan -2 Tower, Joan -3 Tsontakis, George Tudor, David -1 Tudor, David -2 David tudor david TUDOR David Tudor. http://www.newartmusic.com/compsers.html | |
6. For Trade 10ft Tudor David Nuuhiwa Noserider II - New York Surf Message Board Reply to this topic Start new topic. For Trade 10ft tudor david Nuuhiwa Noserider II. Options V. glider. Rating 0. View Member Profile http://www.newyorksurf.com/modules/ipboard/index.php?showtopic=9819&view=new |
7. Mary Tudor David Loades - Books | Books Ireland | Books Online Mary tudor david Loades Although achieving notoriety as the persecutor of protestants, Mary I of England had to contend with personal, religious and http://www.booksunlimited.ie/Books/Loades-David/Mary-Tudor/9781903365984.htm | |
8. Tudor David C Vmd - Cranbury, NJ 08512 - Reviews: Veterinarians Read Reviews of tudor david C Vmd in Cranbury, NJ. http://www.insiderpages.com/b/15238284526 | |
9. Educational 6.50, Building the Book Cathedral ~ David Macaulay Houghton Mifflin/Walter . in Secondary Classrooms ~ Ruth tudor david Fulton Publish Ruth Tudor http://www.mykidsbookbee.com/cat902303.html |
10. David Tudor | Classical Music Composer About classical music composer David Tudor life, biography, compositions, sheet music, recordings, CDs, books. http://www.classical-composers.org/comp/tudor | |
11. Books For Christmas 2006: Biography Mary tudor david Loades The celebrated Tudor historian examines the life of Mary I hbk £19.99. bullet, Diaries, 19421954 James Lees-Milne This volume http://www.johnsandoe.com/Catalogue_349.htm | |
12. The David Tudor Pages (19261996) Comprehensive database of information on him and his music. http://www.emf.org/tudor/ | |
13. The Art Of David Tudor (Research At The Getty) A site focusing on the archival collections at the Getty Research Institute relating to the work of pianist/composer david tudor (19261996). http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/digitized_collections/davidtud | |
14. David Tudor (Lovely Music Ltd.) Includes biography and discography. http://www.lovely.com/bios/tudor.html | |
15. Tudor, David (Harper's Magazine) THINGS CONNECTED TO tudor, david. HUMAN BEINGS. Boulez, Pierre Bussotti, Sylvano Cage, John Feldman, Morton. MUSICS. Boulez Sonata 2 (Music) http://www.harpers.org/subjects/DavidTudor | |
16. Tudor, David / Mumma, Gordon: David Tudor And Gordon Mumma: Squidco Squidco sells avantgarde unusual, experimental, improvisational music CDs, magazines and books. Free shipping for all US orders. http://www.squidco.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=6865 |
17. Browse By Artist: TUDOR, DAVID david tudor, pianist a profession, a vocation, a life. From 1950 until around 1965, david tudor was the epitome of the pianist who could simply play http://www.forcedexposure.com/artists/tudor.david.html | |
18. RadiOM.org - Search Results For Tudor, David radiOM.org John Cage and david tudor in Concert in San Francisco, Jan. Chance operations People Cage, John ; tudor, david, 1926-1996 Recording Date http://www.radiom.org/mno_radiom.cgi?q=Tudor, David |
19. David Eugene Tudor -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on tudor, david Eugene US avantgarde composer and pianist who gained prominence after 1950 as an interpreter of the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9113397 | |
20. Tudor, David - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Tudor, David Hutchinson encyclopedia article about tudor, david. tudor, david. Information about tudor, david in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Tudor, David | |
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