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41. Track Information The youngest son of Johann strauss, and brother to the Waltz King (Johann strauss II), eduard was always in the shadow of his two elder brothers. http://external.nobts.classical.com/listen/infopopup3.php?order_view=5&rectrack_ |
42. BuyMusic At Buy.com - Johann Strauss/Josef Strauss/Eduard Strauss WMA Johann strauss/Josef strauss/eduard strauss Music WMA. http://www.buy.com/prod/valses-polkas/q/loc/18250/200471776.html | |
43. Composers ~ Sl STRAUS, Oscar (18701954); strauss, eduard (1835 - 1916); strauss, Franz Joseph (1822-1905) strauss, Johann II ( 25 OCT 1825 - 1899)Austrian=Com-Con http://members.tripod.com/~musiclassical/compsl.html | |
44. Ewiger Walzer - Movie - Review - New York Times Baron Carlo Todesco . . . . . Leonard Steckel Baron Victor Todesco . . . . . Michael Toost eduard strauss . . . . . eduard strauss Jr. Josef strauss . http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9C06E2DF143BEF3BBC4153DFB1668382649ED |
45. The Fine Music Product S Detail Page Kunzel/Cpo - Strauss,JEin Ohne Aufenthalt Polka for orchestra, Op 112 Composer strauss, eduard Conductor Erich Kunzel Ensemble Cincinnati Pops Orchestra ChineserGalopp for orchestra http://www.thefinemusic.com/shopexd.asp?id=323 |
46. COMPOSER LIST Albinoni, Tomaso, 1671-1750 Giazotto, Remo. Tomaso S9A38 5735552 strauss, Josef, 1827-1870 Weinmann, Alexander, 1901- Verzeichnis samtlicher Werke von Josef und eduard strauss. Wien, Musikverlag L. Krenn http://www.music.indiana.edu/tech_s/manuals/thematic/by.com |
47. Clear Track Polka / Strauss, Eduard / Reed, Alfred / Concert Band Music Mart One of the Nation s Leading Sheet Music Dealers. Specialists since 1959. http://www.musicmart.com/Clear-Track-Polka-Strauss-Eduard-Reed-Alfred-Concert-ba | |
48. Eduard Videos, Eduard Clips, The Eduard Movies In The Leechvideo- Video Search E eduard strauss Ohne Bremse, Polka schnell, op.238. Interpretada en el Concierto de año nuevo de 2007 en Viena. Wiener Philharmoniker. Zubin Mehta. http://www.leechvideo.com/tag/eduard/ | |
49. Browse - Encyclopédie Universalis 3 Related Articles strauss, eduard (from the article strauss, Johann, The Elder ) strauss s other sons, Josef (182770) and eduard (1835-1916), http://www.universalis.fr/eb/s/s115.html | |
50. ChamberMusic S To Z see strauss, Johann and Josef strauss and eduard strauss. strauss, Johann. BEAUTIFUL BLUE DANUBE WALTZ FOR ONE, OR TWO VIOLINS AND PIANO. N.Y., http://libraries.adelphi.edu/bar/Stoelzer/ChamberMusicStoZ.htm | |
51. Philippe Bach, Dirigent strauss, eduard, Bahn frei, Polka schnell. strauss, Franz, HornKonzert op. 8. strauss, Johann, An der schönen blauen Donau. strauss, Johann, Die Fledermaus http://www.philippebach.ch/repertoire.php | |
52. Starr Collection Categories: Sheet Music: The Collections: The Lilly Library: In 18091894, see U.S. Biography Holst, eduard, 1843-1899 Hood, Thomas, . Maurice Straus, Oscar, 1870-1954 strauss, eduard, 1835-1916 strauss, Johann, http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/starr_section1.shtml | |
53. A Guide To The Natchez Trace Sheet Music Collection strauss, eduard. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston, n.d. 11 p. Cover title strauss Dance Music; catalogs on p. 11 and back cover. Decorative border. 2 copies. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00138/cah-00138.html | |
54. DMOZ : Arts : Music : Composition : Composers : S : Strauss, Eduard DMOZ Arts Music Composition Composers S strauss, eduard., |
55. Read About Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, S, Strauss, Eduard From Thumbsho Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/S |
56. Europadisc: Classical Music On CD And DVD : The Strauss Family In London Johann Ii strauss PotpourriQuadrille eduard strauss Old England for ever Polka, Op. 239 eduard strauss Greeting Valse, on English Airs http://www.europadisc.co.uk/classical/46110/The_Strauss_Family_in_London.htm | |
57. Johann, Josef & Eduard Strauss: Valses & Polkas / Boskovsky Classical Willi Boskovsky Johann Josef eduard strauss Valses Polkas Boskovsky Willi CD music CD album $31.29 in stock at CD Universe, 5cdsWilli Boskovsky http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/2887698/a/Johann, Josef & Eduard S | |
58. JSTOR Albert Katz S Homiletic Essays eduard strauss contributes two chapters of a forthcoming book in letters, dealing with the intricate problems of mysticism, liberalism and revel ation. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0021-6682(192401)2:14:3<385:AKHE>2.0.CO;2-C |
59. Dartford Symphony Orchestra strauss Annen Polka strauss, eduard Polka Schnell Unter der Enns strauss, Johann II TritschTratsch Polka strauss Roses from the South http://www.dartfordsymphony.co.uk/1298/2542.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*va |
60. Early Sheet Music Collection strauss, eduard, GirofleGirofla Waltz, Early. strauss, Johann, An Der Schonen Blauen Donau (Banks of the Blue Danube), See Michaelis, Th. - Turkish Patrol http://nutrias.org/~nopl/spec/composerqtoz.htm | |
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