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41. Classical Composers John Philip Sousa. The Collected Works of John Sousa s Band stamitz, johann. stamitz, johann. johann Smitz. Karadar.net. http://www.zeroland.co.nz/composers_7.html | |
42. Biografia De Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz Translate this page johann Wenzel Anton stamitz. (Nemecky Brod, actual República Checa, 1717-Mannheim, actual Alemania, 1757) Compositor, violinista, director de orquesta y http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/stamitz.htm | |
43. Hutchins & Rea - Sheet Music Catalog Titles: QED - INSPIRED BY WRITINGS OF RICHA QUARTET C MAJOR RECORDER 2 VIOLINS AND VIOLONCELLO SCORE AND PARTS Composer stamitz, johann (17171757) Category Orchestral Parts/Scores http://www.hutchinsandrea.com/browse_titles.php/Q.html | |
44. Musik, Stamitz, Johann - Musik.toppreise.ch - Musik-Preisvergleich Schweiz Translate this page Preis, Preise, Preisvergleich zu Musik,Klassik,Komponisten,Klassik,stamitz, johann. http://musik.toppreise.ch/cd/preisvergleich/c/12748/20/-/stamitz-johann.html | |
45. Preiser Records â Ergebnis Der Suche - Helmut Qualtinger, Kreisler, Akiko N Translate this page Musik für Oboe alleine Apostel (Hans Erich), Britten (Benjamin), Devienne (Francois), Krenek (Ernst), stamitz (johann Anton), Telemann (George Philipp) http://www.preiserrecords.at/contentlisting_album.php?startExtendedSearch=1&komp |
46. Baryton Museum, Musical Instruments, Instrument Collection, Viol Christian Döbereiner brachte als Dirigent des Münchner BachVereins Werke von J. S. Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Franz Xaver Richter, johann stamitz, http://www.orpheon.org/Seiten/Instruments/other/baryton.htm |
47. The Best Of :: Hier Findest Du Alle Informationen Zu Musik(Klassische) - The Bes Translate this page Klarinettenkonzerte. Publisher EMI Classi (EMI) Creator S. Meyer, I. Brown, Academy, Carl+johann stamitz. Allegro Zum Aufwachen http://shop.think-sexy.de/stamitz-johann-shop-2717.html | |
48. Alphamusic | Musik: Streichquartette Von Stamitz Quartet Translate this page Details zum Artikel Streichquartette von Carl stamitz, johann stamitz / Medium CD, jetzt günstig im Online-Shop alphamusic bestellen. http://www.alphamusic.de/7046545.html | |
49. ´ëÇÑÀ½¾Ç»ç Translate this page johann Carl stamitz Clarinet Concertos / Meyer, Brown, Academy of St. Martin in the Carl stamitz , johann stamitz Lona Brown http://www.daihanmusic.co.kr/detail.asp?barcode=9614051281335 |
50. Streichquartette - Stamitz-quartett Test Und Preisvergleich Translate this page stamitz, johann Carl johann Anton (Komponist) - 1 - CD - Bayer - Note 1 - 1. November 2006 - 4011563103547. 8 Angebote von EUR 16,14 bis EUR 19,99 http://musik.ciao.de/Streichquartette_Stamitz_Quartett__2458283 | |
51. Aka Musikverlag - Verlagsangebot Translate this page johann stamitz gilt als der Begründer der Mannheimer Schule. Er ist heute vor allem durch seine Sinfonien und seine zahlreichen Kompositionen für http://www.aka-musikverlag.de/stamitz.html | |
52. Classical-music - Sale-depot.de Translate this page Musik » Klassik » Komponisten » Klassik » stamitz, johann. Allegro Zum Aufwachen Release Date 21. Mai 2001 Manufacturer Scl (Sony BMG) http://sale-depot.de/classical-music/listing/BrowseNodeSearch/539046/1/StamitzJo | |
53. Carl Philipp Stamitz Born in 1745 at Mannheim, Carl stamitz was a son of the famous composer johann stamitz (17171757) of Bohemia. As early as the 1730s johann stamitz had made http://www.mozartforum.com/Contemporary Pages/Carl_Stamitz_Contemp.htm | |
54. Score : Sheet Music, Organ Sheet Music, Allegro Music stamitz, johann Viola Concerto in G. Publisher Peters Edition, £14.95 Buy Now Violin Concerto in C Dresden stamitz, johann http://www.allegro.co.uk/general-sheet-music-score-c-14_275.html?page=4&sort=2d |
55. November 2006 â Bard College At Simon's Rock stamitz, johann. Symphonies. Vol. 2. Naxos, p1999. J257 Brown, Clifford. Clifford Brown and Max Roach. Verve Records, pc2000. W171 Comedian Harmonists. http://simons-rock.edu/academics/academic-resources/library/new-additions/novemb | |
56. CD Baby: CAMERATA BEROLINENSIS: Johann Stamitz ⢠Chr. W. Gluck: Sinfonie A johann stamitz s Op. 4 was published one year after his death in Paris. It consists of Six Symphonies Compris deux Trios qui sont faits pour ex eacute http://cdbaby.com/cd/berolinensis | |
57. Free Music: Nocturne - Rhapsody Online Carl stamitz, Antonin Dvorak, Luigi Boccherini, Mauro Giuliani, johann Carl stamitz, johann Sebastian Bach, Antonn Dvor¡k, Franz Joseph Haydn http://www.rhapsody.com/album/212001_nocturne?artistId=2351 |
58. Jan Václav (Johann) Stamitz | Classical Music Composer About classical music composer Jan Václav (johann) stamitz life, biography, compositions, sheet music, recordings, CDs, books. http://www.classical-composers.org/comp/stamitzj | |
59. Johann Stamitz, MP3 Music Download At EMusic johann stamitz MP3s at eMusic. Download johann stamitz albums, tracks and songs for free with eMusic s trial subscription. http://www.emusic.com/artist/Johann-Stamitz-MP3-Download/11601542.html | |
60. Johann Stamitz Sheet Music - Sheet Music Plus Browse 53 items by johann stamitz at Sheet Music Plus, the world s largest retailer of sheet music, songbooks, songs, tabs, piano vocal chords, music scores http://wwws.sheetmusicplus.com/sheetmusic/artist/S/Johann Stamitz.html | |
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