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61. Download Digital Sheet Music 24/7 | FreeHandMusic.com stamitz, Johann Wenzel anton Stampeders Stamper, D. Stan Lynch, Stan Stanchinsky, Alexey Vladimirovich Standard, Holiday Standard, Patriotic http://www.freehandmusic.com/IndexSearch.aspx?Search=St |
62. Europadisc: Classical Music On CD And DVD : Concerto Koln: A Collection Of Their stamitz Concerto No.4 in C major stamitz Sinfonia in G major Pietro antonio Locatelli, Christian Cannabich, Carl stamitz, anton Fils, Ignaz Franzl, http://www.europadisc.co.uk/classical/51459/Concerto_Koln:_A_collection_of_their | |
63. Johann Stamitz: Biography - Classic Cat Johann Wenzel anton stamitz (Czech Jan Václav Stamic) (June 19, 1717 March 27, 1757) was a Czech composer and violinist. Johann was the father of Carl http://www.classiccat.net/stamitz_j/biography.htm | |
64. Home Page Viola D'amore Society Of America Their second son was anton Tadeas (17501809) who also became a musician. By 1750 Johann was the Direktor of instrumental music. As such, stamitz was also http://www.violadamoresocietyofamerica.org/TheStamitzFamily.html | |
65. Michael Haydn - Carl Stamitz Carl stamitz was born in Mannhein. He was baptised on May 8th. His father, Johann Wenzel anton, was Konzertmeister with the Mannheim Orchestra from 1746 to http://www.haydn.dk/mhc_stamitz.php | |
66. Partituras.info : Autores - Grupos & Artistas AZ stamitz stamitz C stamitz J stamitz, anton stamitz, Carl stamitz, Johann stamitz, Johann Wenzel stamitz, Karl http://www.partituras.info/index.asp?aut=Serrat, Joan Manuel&nm=&key=&md=ALL&AZ= |
67. Anton STAMITZ (Antonín STAMIC) (Havlíckuv Brod) 1754 - Paris (?) 1808(?) Translate this page anton stamitz (antonín STAMIC) (Havlíckuv Brod) 1754 - Paris (?) 1808(?) Fils de Jan anton et frère cadet de Carl, il fit lessentiel de sa carrière à http://www.lamediatheque.be/TCHEQUIE/STAMITZ.htm | |
68. Viola-Repertoire - Composer P-S Translate this page stamitz, anton 6 Duos, D,G,C,B,G,F. Für Vl, Vla Le Menu. stamitz, anton 6 Duos, A,C,B,F,Es,E. op. 10 (P. Doktor). Für Vl, Vla Doblinger, Wien, 1965 http://presence.or.at/IVS/fr/VlaKompPS.htm | |
69. Classical Music Composers And Their Classical Music Compositions stamitz, anton (17501795) stamitz, Carl (1745-1801) stamitz, Johann (1717-1757) Stamp, Jack (b1954) Stanchinsky, Alexei Vladimirovich (1888-1914) http://www.classicsonline.com/composer/S.htm | |
70. STAMITZ, J.: Orchestral Trios Nos. 1 - 3, Op. 1 And No. 3, Op. 4 CD - Listen To Johann stamitz (1717 1757) Orchestral Trios - Volume 1 Johann Wenzel anton stamitz, one of the most influential figures in European music during the. http://www.naxosdirect.com/title/8.553213 | |
71. Jiri Belohlávek | ArkivMusic Schoeck, Othmar (1). Schoenberg, Arnold (1). Sibelius, Jean (1). Smetana, Bedrich (4). stamitz, anton (1). stamitz, Carl (1). stamitz, Johann Wenzel (1) http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/Namedrill?&name_id=56941&name_role=3 |
72. USD Symphony anton stamitz (1750after 1796), the youngest son of the Mannheim maestro Johann stamitz (1717-57) and a younger brother of Carl (1745-1801), http://www.sandiego.edu/symphony/programnotess97.html | |
73. Sheet Music And Scores Of Classical Composers Starting With 'S' stamitz, anton stamitz, Carl stamitz, Johann Stamp, Jack Staub, Victor Stevens, Halsey Still, William Grant Stockhausen, Karlheinz http://www.musicforte.com/shop/lyrics-and-sheet-music/composers/S/ | |
74. Aaron Gershfield - Johann_Stamitz Johann was the father of Carl stamitz and anton stamitz, also cosmopers. Johann Weznel anton stamitz was born in N mecký Brod on June 17, 1717. http://www.aarongershfield.com/wiki/wiki.php?wiki=Johann_Stamitz |
75. Carl Stamitz Biography. Download Classical Music By Carl Stamitz Compilations of Carl stamitz classics and listen to its finest classical music with his brother anton, was a regular performer at the Concert Spirituel. http://www.naxos.com/composerinfo/bio24869.htm | |
76. The Classical Buffet » Stamitz, Johann 1717 Johann Wenzel anton stamitz, composer and violinist, born. 1899 Premiere of Variations on an Original Theme (Enigma variations) by Elgar. http://www.classicalbuffet.com/category/composers/stamitz-johann/ | |
77. Biografia De Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz Translate this page Johann Wenzel anton stamitz. (Nemecky Brod, actual República Checa, 1717-Mannheim, actual Alemania, 1757) Compositor, violinista, director de orquesta y http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/stamitz.htm | |
78. Ferdinand Ries Is Remembered By History Largely As A Pupil, Friend Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://ml.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/XLIX/3/286-b.pdf |
79. MOZART AND THE CZECHS By PAUL NETTL Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://mq.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/XXVII/3/329.pdf |
80. CJO - Abstract - IAN WOODFIELD OPERA AND DRAMA IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY LONDON: THE Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://journals.cambridge.org/production/action/cjoGetFulltext?fulltextid=223088 |
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