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Home - Composers - Stabler Gerhard |
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Stabler Gerhard: more detail |
61. The Sonic Stratosphere Playlist Archive Co wie Kobalt, gerhard Stäbler, SWF Symphony, Scoddanibbio double bass, Gielen cond. im unaufhorlichen Wirbel col legno, WWE 1 cd 20021 http://www.delaurenti.net/archive2.htm | |
62. Publikationen Translate this page Stäbler gerhard (*1949) Warnung mit Liebeslied (1986) für Harfe, Akkordeon und Glasschlagwerk, 13. März 1997, Konzerthaus Wien, mit Ulrike Mattanovich, http://www.kug.ac.at/unser_profil/lehrende_detail.php?idx=133&what=pub |
63. 楽è Gerhard Stäbler / Strike The Ear - Di-arezzo Translate this page Strike the Ear gerhard Stäbler . http://www.di-arezzo.jp/detail_notice.php?no_article=BOOSE05118 |
64. ThreeTwo by gerhard Stäbler (b.1949) Anton Lukoszevieze, cello. Residual Air (1996) AP Ross Feller (b. 1963) Taimur Sullivan, baritone saxophone http://www.taimursullivan.com/threetwo/1998/index.html | |
65. Alle-noten.de - Notenversand Kurt Maas - Nach Komponisten Stäbler, gerhard Staemmler, Johannes Staeps, Hans Ulrich Stagnaro, Oscar Stahl, Bernd Stahmer, Klaus Hinrich http://www.alle-noten.de/generated2/namess.html | |
66. RabbleFish Theater RabbleFishs world class collaborators German and Korean composers, gerhard Stäbler and Kunsu Shim, German percussionist, Dirk Rothbrust, http://www.nbtg.org/rabblefish/ | |
67. Luxembourg Music Information Centre Matinéeconcert given by the Luxembourg Sinfonietta with the world première of Plateau written for the Ensemble by gerhard Stäbler and places by a http://www.lgnm.lu/html/activities/main_2001_2003.html | |
68. PostClassic: Composers Torsten Müller, Kunsu Shim and gerhard Stäbler have put together a book called SoundVisions with excerpts from about 150 scores. http://www.artsjournal.com/postclassic/2005/06/musical_notation_35_years_late.ht | |
69. Presto Classical - Buy Classical Music CDs, Opera CDs, & DVDs Online Stäbler, gerhard (b.1949) Subotnick, Morton (b.1933) Sueyoshi, Yasuo (b.1937) Sumera, Lepo (19502000) Sumner, Gordon Matthew (b.1951) http://www.prestoclassical.co.uk/ei/Contemporary/S-Z | |
70. ZKM | Künstler | Gerhard Stäbler Translate this page Der Cornelius Cardew Memorial Prize (1982) war die erste Auszeichnung, die gerhard Stäbler bislang erhielt, in einer langen Reihe von Preisen, http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/artists/Staebler | |
71. Lettre : S - Recherche Par Initiale : Compositeurs Et Artistes Josef H. Stuppner, Hubert Sturm, Wilhelm Sturzenegger, Kurt Sturzenegger, Richard Stutschewsky, Joachim Stürmer, Bruno Stäbler, gerhard http://www.di-arezzo.com/france/partition-de-musique.php?lettre=s |
72. Stäbler - Complete Piano Music - Paulo Alvares Test Und Preisvergleich Translate this page Titel Stäbler - Complete Piano Music. Künstler Paulo Alvares. Komponist gerhard Stäbler. Genre Soloinstrument ohne Orchester http://musik.ciao.de/Stabler_Complete_Piano_Music_Paulo_Alvares__2660596 | |
73. Stasisfield.com : Artists : Ernesto Rodrigues His main interest shifted towards contemporary improvised and composed music, as well as indeterminate and graphic scores by gerhard Stäbler. http://www.stasisfield.com/artists/ernesto_rodrigues.html | |
74. ...Strike The Ear... / Stäbler - Gerhard - (1949) [notice 20227]. © Ircam - Ce , 1 partition (30 p.) Note, Cotage Sy.3070...... Translate this page Auteurs, gerhard Stäbler. Lieu pub. München. Editeur, Ricordi. Date pub. Cop. 1998. http://xenakis.ircam.fr/cgi-bin-loris/bibvisu.pl?type_doc=Partition&titl=1&loc=1 |
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