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Stabler Gerhard: more detail |
21. Scores Of Gerhard Stabler Scores of gerhard stabler Page 1 Order your sheet music from home on diarezzo. http://www.di-arezzo.co.uk/scores-of-Gerhard Stabler.html | |
22. JSTOR Gubdaidulina De Profundis. Heyn Quetsch. Klaus Huber Ein gerhard stabler is a highly skilful and inventive composer whose music is still little known outside Germany. His suite (my word, not his) Californian http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0040-2982(199306)2:185<52:GDPHQK>2.0.CO;2-K |
23. MSVCD92075 - Gerhard Stabler - "Complete Piano Music" - Paulo Alvares - Crotchet Classical Music Department of the Crotchet Web Store lets you browse the latest releases; search the online database and order securely for worldwide http://www.crotchet.co.uk/MSVCD92075.html | |
24. Dolmetsch Online - Composers Biography S Schwarz, gerhard more Schwehr, Cornelius more Schwencke, Christian but moved briefly to Kraków, Poland at the end of his life. stabler, gerhard http://www.dolmetsch.com/cdefss.htm | |
25. MDT - Please Enable Your Cookies Spinacino, Francesco, Spohr, Louis, Spontini, Gaspare Luigi, Spratling, Huw, Squire, William Henry, stabler, gerhard, Stadler, Anton, Stafford Smith, http://www.mdt.co.uk/MDTSite/pages/category/viewcomposerlist.asp?lstComposer=S&s |
26. Chapters.indigo.ca: Karas.Krahen: Gerhard Stabler: Music Indigo Books Music is a Canadian bookseller committed to providing a stressfree approach to satisfying the booklover. Getting you the right book at the http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/music/Karas-Krahen-Gerhard-Stabler/4010228205626-i | |
27. Stabler, Gerhard : Fallen, Fallen.. Und Liegen Und Fallen, Zeitsprunge, Ungarett Translate this page Und Liegen Und Fallen, Zeitsprunge, Ungaretti-Lieder. stabler, gerhard Otros CD de stabler, gerhard. Haz de PriceMinister tu página de inicio Añadir http://www.priceminister.es/offer/buy/21018900/Stabler-Gerhard-Fallen-Fallen-Und | |
28. Free Record Shop - Karas. Krahen - Gerhard Stabler Karas. Krahen CD is available at freerecordshop.com for only EUR 21,50. http://www.freerecordshop.com/sitemap-com/karas.-krahen-gerhard-stabler | |
29. Gerhard Stäbler: “… Und In Diesem Blau Eine Ahnung Von Grün Translate this page gerhard Stäbler und in diesem Blau eine Ahnung von Grün Montag, 2006-05-22. konzert1.jpg. Paul Auster Facing the Music http://charivari.wordpress.com/2006/05/22/gerhard-stabler-und-in-diesem-blau-ein | |
30. Catalogo Compact Disc Translate this page Info, stabler, gerhard, Rachengold geheime Partitur fur einen Vokalistes, ein Glas Wasser und grosse Stoppuhr, gerhard stabler, Col legno. DDD, CD.A.1241. http://www.conservatoriocomo.it/biblioteca/cataloghi/risultati_CD.php?m_autore=S |
31. Gerhard Stäbler | News (1949 ), Wilhelmsdorf, Germany. Biography, scores, texts, discography, sound files, and bibliography. http://www.gerhard-staebler.de/eng/index.html |
32. Gerhard Stäbler - Wikipedia Translate this page Literatur von und über gerhard Stäbler im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek www.gerhard-staebler.de Webpräsenz von gerhard Stäbler http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerhard_Stäbler | |
33. Gerhard Stäbler Living Composers Project biography, musicography, and list of works. Includes contact information. http://composers21.com/compdocs/stablerg.htm | |
34. Frog Peak Artist: Gerhard Stäbler Palast des Schweigens KassandraStudien. Sta25. $15. gerhard Stäbler/Mayumi Miyata. Sta26. $15. Karas. Krähen. Sta27. $15. gerhard Stäbler fallen, fallen. http://www.frogpeak.org/fpartists/fpstabler.html | |
35. MusicFayre | Classical Music Shop Stäbler, gerhard. Wolken. Bilder (1997) xxx. Vyhledat. Kompletní katalog Stäbler, gerhard. Podrobné vyhledávání. Abecední seznamy http://www.musicfayre.com/classical_music/catalogue/stäbler_gerhard.27580.htm | |
36. University At Buffalo Libraries - Music - Finding Aid For Jan Williams Collectio Stäbler, gerhard Windows M 514 St1232 w. Stockhausen, Karlheinz Zyklus Tr Rm Oversize M46 St628 z U (2). Thomas, John Patrick http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/music/spcoll/williams/scores/separation | |
37. Recent Publications - Arts & Cultures - Newcastle University Angefügt, nahtlos, ans Heute Zur Arbeit des Komponisten gerhard Stäbler Standpunkte, Analysen, Perspektiven. Hofheim, Germany Wolke Verlag, 1994, pp. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/sacs/research/publications/staff/p.g.attinello | |
38. Gerhard Stäbler â Circuit â Musiques Contemporaines Translate this page Né en 1949, gerhard Stäbler a étudié la composition et lorgue à Detmold et à Essen (Allemagne). Après avoir reçu le Cornelius Cardew Memorial Prize en 1982 http://www.revuecircuit.ca/auteurs/stabler_ge/ | |
39. Gerhard Stäbler | Discography JC/NY for 3, 4, 5 or 7 players with manipulators and audience (1992), ErnstAugust Klötzke, Kunsu Shim, gerhard Stäbler (actions), col legno CD 20021 http://www.gerhard-staebler.com/eng/diskoframe.html |
40. OrgMusLst gerhard Stäbler, Stimme. Nayumi Miytata, Sho. Johannes Nied, Kontrabass. Thomas Oesterdiekhoff, Schlagwerk. Recorded in 1998. http://www.toshima.ne.jp/~edogiku/TextTable/OrgMusTab0607.html | |
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