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21. PBS: Think Tank: Who Was John Philip Sousa? Transcript of PBS program with Ben Wattenberg examines him as man, composer, and promoter. http://www.pbs.org/thinktank/show_903.html | |
22. Music - Loyola University New Orleans The john philip sousa Foundation is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to the promotion of international understanding through the medium of band music. http://mfa.loyno.edu/sousafoundation.html | |
23. The John Philip Sousa Mp3 Page -- Classic Cat Links to free sousa Music on the internet. john philip sousa. 6 nov 1854 (Washington D.C.) 6 mar 1932 (Reading, PA) http://www.classiccat.net/sousa_jp/index.htm | |
24. Profile Of John Philip Sousa Information on john philip sousa, also known as The March King . http://musiced.about.com/od/famousmusicians1/p/johnsousa.htm | |
25. - Classical Music Dictionary - Free MP3 Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with life and MIDI audio files. http://www.karadar.it/Dictionary/sousa.html | |
26. John Philip Sousa (I) Filmography noting use of his works in cinema plus writing and personal appearance credits from the Internet Movie Database. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0815971/ | |
27. Our History Perhaps more than anyone else, john philip sousa is responsible for john philip sousa gained great proficiency on the violin, and at the age of 13 he http://www.marineband.usmc.mil/learning_tools/our_history/john_sousa.htm | |
28. The Mediadrome - History - John Philip Sousa: The Leader Of The Band john philip sousa spent a lifetime composing music that reflected his passion for America. He embraced his country penning highstepping marches that, http://www.themediadrome.com/content/articles/history_articles/sousa.htm | |
29. John Philip Sousa & The Transit Of Venus john philip sousa, the famous bandmaster, wrote a 1920 novel Transit of Venus about an imaginary voyage to photograph the event. http://www.transitofvenus.org/sousa.htm | |
30. Untitled Document Nov 25 700 PM, Edinborough Park, Edina. Jan 27 700 PM. Edinborough Park, Edina. Feb 24 700 PM, Edinborough Park, Edina. Mar 23 700 PM, Edinborough Park, http://www.sousaband.net/ | |
31. John Philip Sousa Biography - 8notes.com The Works of john philip sousa (http//www.dws.org/sousa/works.htm) Marches in MIDI format; from the website by David Lovrien, hosted by the Dallas Wind http://www.8notes.com/biographies/sousa.asp | |
32. Background Reading: Music john philip sousa (18541932) was very interested in the 1882 transit of Venus. In 1882-3 he wrote his Venus Transit March. http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/sunearthday/2004/vt_edu2004_venus_back_mus.htm | |
33. YouTube - John Philip Sousa - Amoureuse Waltz Artist john philip sousa (and his band)Title Amoureuse Waltz Label Victor (Victrola)Cat No 17228ARelease Year 1912Country USAFormat 10 Shellac http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXWkFIpbzMY&feature=related |
34. Sousa Band Of Colorado - Home Allvolunteer, non-profit service band highlighting concert schedule, band history, and photos. http://www.sousabandcolorado.com/ | |
35. Humble Harmonica In History. The Marine Band model, which became the most popular harmonica of all time, was named after the famous band led by American bandmaster john philip sousa. http://www.euxton.com/harmonica/history2.htm | |
36. The John Philip Sousa Band Award Since 1954 thousands of high schools have honored their top band students with the john philip sousa Award. It was created with the cooperation of Helen http://www.instrumentalistmagazine.com/awards/sousaband.htm | |
37. NPR Music: Commemorating John Philip Sousa's 150th Weekend Edition Saturday, November 6, 2004 NPR s Scott Simon speaks with Performance Today host Fred Child about the life and music of john philip sousa, http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4156340 |
38. CallmeClassical: Classical Music Mp3s And Artistic Pairings john philip sousa, the king of the American March, is most known for this premiere work. Forever popular, it is the official march of the United States and http://callmeclassical.blogspot.com/2007/07/john-philip-sousa-1897_04.html | |
39. Willow Grove Park - John Philip Sousa Paul Bierley, in his biography john philip sousa, American Phenomenon writes extensively about sousas involvement at Willow Grove and explains how sousa http://www.wgpark.com/page.asp?pid=8 |
40. John Philip Sousa - Music Composer john philip sousa is the March King and one of the most famous American composers and conductors. john was born in Washington, DC on November 6, 1854. http://www.kidzworld.com/article/1798-john-philip-sousa-biography | |
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