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Sinding Christian August: more detail |
61. Help Close Window Displaying 242 For Romantic Composers Composer Search, KLUGHARDT, august, 1847 1902, GERMANY, Classical. Search, KNECHT, Justinus Heinrich . Search, sinding, christian, 1856 - 1941, Classical http://www.hysenmusic.com/search_results/era_Result.cfm?id=4 |
62. New Page Conductor Wergelandsgrotte /christian sinding Conductor/christian EggenFriedrich august Reissiger. Flautist/Arvid Kleven http://hjem.get2net.dk/composers/composer collection/1495.htm | |
63. Masterpieces Of Non-standard Piano Repertoire sinding, christian (august). Norwegian composer born in Kongsberg in 1856 and died in Oslo in 1941. sinding studied violin under Schradieck, http://www.kith.org/jimmosk/piano.html | |
64. A Leeetle Tutorial On Making A Nice Banner Background - Demonstro - By Christian Well this should work in any good graphics program in a similar way. By Hades32, 26. august 2007, 113613 christian Magnus sindingLarsen http://my.opera.com/Demonstro/blog/2007/07/10/a-leet | |
65. TMV Master Index Kotzebue, august von Kristiansand Kristiansen, Hans Kristiansund Kristine Krohg, christian sinding, Otto sinding, christian http://www.ontopedia.net/tmv/master.jsp?tm=NorwegianOpera.xtm |
66. Kulturvaerdiudvalget - Report For 1996 From Norway came Edvard Grieg, christian sinding, BackerGrøndahl, Hans christian Lumbye and his sons Carl and Georg-august, Erkki Melartin, http://www.kulturvaerdier.dk/uk/annual_reports/1996.htm | |
67. Search Results - Borders - Books, Music And Movies Paperback Available august 2004. $7.95. get details christian sinding. Compact Disc Available December 2000 august 2003. $7.99. get details http://beta.bordersstores.com/online/store/SearchResults?all_search=piano&nav=51 |
68. Paul Van Kuik Catalogue 57 Chamber Music 270 Lindner, august Six morxceaux de salon sur des thêmes favoris pour violon .. 329 sinding, christian - Cantus doloris. Variationen für Violine mit http://www.paulvankuik.nl/cat57/cat57frm.htm |
69. (The) Maiden\' S Prayer : Lees Reviews En Vergelijk Prijzen Op Ciao Translate this page Componist christian (august) sinding (1856 - 1941); Tekla Badarzewska-Baranowska (1834 - 1861); Antonín Dvorák (1841 - 1904); Selim Palmgren (1878 - 1951); http://muziek.ciao-shopping.nl/The_Maiden_s_Prayer__442350 | |
70. Opera Composers: S Simons vide J. Candeille; sinding, christian (august) (11.1.1856 Kongsberg 3.12.1941 Oslo). Der heilige Berg (19.4.1914 Dessau); Titandros (1884; np) http://opera.stanford.edu/composers/S.html | |
71. Runeberg.org - Dansk Biografisk Leksikon/index 1. Udgave Bind 15 1856, Læge 238239 Schmiegelow, Ernst Carl august, 1826-88, Malermester 239-240 Schnabel, Bernhard, 1691-1754, Rektor 240 Schnabel, christian, 1728-60, http://runeberg.org/wiki/Dansk_biografisk_leksikon/index_1._udgave_bind_15 | |
72. Musical Biographies - S | Grande Musica Jean Henri Simpson, Christopher Sinclair, John sinding, christian Singelée, Jean Baptiste Singer, Edmund Singer, Otto Singer, Otto, jr. http://grandemusica.net/musical-biographies-s.html | |
73. Chamber Music For Trios, Quartets And Quintets The impulse probably came from the first public performance of christian sinding s successful piano quintet, which Sibelius heard in Leipzig in January 1890 http://www.sibelius.fi/english/musiikki/kamari_triot.htm | |
74. Update 05-04-2000 ALBENIZ, Isaac Cantos D 2 in F Major, Op. 102 Peters sinding, christian (6) Klavierstücke No. 1, Marche Grotesque Peters No. 2, Melodie Peters No. 3, Frülingsrauschen Peters SMITH, http://hem.passagen.se/johpet/nwscrs/nwscrs2.txt |
75. S sinding, christian (18561941); 5 Singers Andre (*1907), George (*1908, (He sometimes gave Ludwig as his christian name, but is better known http://bek.no/~pcastine/Letters/s.html | |
76. The Classical MIDI Connection: The Twentieth Century SILVESTRI, Constantin (19131969) Romanian. Piece for piano No.1 - Magdei (to Magda) (10k) Gabriel Mihai Dragomir. sinding, christian (1856-1941) Norwegian http://www.classicalmidiconnection.com/cmc/twenty.html | |
77. EQT - Dr. Christian Süss christian Süss joined EQT Partners in august 2007. Prior to EQT, he worked 4 years as Consultant for Bain Company in Munich and Zurich. http://www.eqt.se/employee____1316.aspx?epslanguage=EN |
78. BBC - Classical Review - Sibelius/Sinding, Violin Concerto The remainder of the recording is given over to the music of Sibelius Norwegian contemporary christian sinding. Those familiar with sinding as the composer http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/release/5mrg/ | |
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