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Home - Composers - Sierra Roberto |
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61. Roberto Sierra - Polyphonic.org For more than a decade the works of roberto sierra have been part of the repertoire of many of the leading orchestras, ensembles and festivals in the USA http://www.polyphonic.org/contributor.php?id=70 |
62. MSU - College Of Music - Ensembles sierra, roberto, Piezas Características. Singer, Lawrence, Sensatione II for Oboe and Chamber Orchestra. Thomas, Augusta Read. Sun Threads. Silhouettes http://www.music.msu.edu/ensembles/musique.php | |
63. Sam Dixon's Spivey Hall Blog: Roberto Sierra To Attend Spivey Hall Premiere Of H Spivey Hall is proud to present the Southeast premiere of roberto sierra s Songs from the Diaspora on Sunday, February 4 at 300 pm, performed by the http://spiveyhall.blogspot.com/2007/01/roberto-sierra-to-attend-spivey-hall.html | |
64. TO OUR FRIENDS ALL OVER THE WORLD Alicia Alonso, Cintio Vitier, Silvio Rodriguez, Pablo Milanes, roberto Fabelo, . Leo Garcia, Guillermo Duffay, Yolanda sierra, roberto Sotolongo Carmona, http://www.cubanow.cult.cu/global/loader.php?&secc=3&c=2&item=304 |
65. Roberto Sierra Piece I know nothing about roberto sierra and his music but the subtitle intrigued me. I took a chance and invested four bucks to discover something I ll come http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playlistId=81379069 |
66. Arts: Music: Composition: Composers: S: Sierra, Roberto : On A Mission roberto sierra. Official site. Includes biography, list of works, music samples, roberto sierra. Biography, discography, collections from New Albion. http://www.onamission.com/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Sierra__Roberto/ind | |
67. Sam Goody sierra, roberto (5). Donizetti, Gaetano (4). Massenet, Jules (3). Berlioz, Hector (3). SaintSaens, Camille (2). Ferneyhough, Brian (2). Director. Emilio P. http://www.samgoody.com/viewfdsearch.htm?query=Roberto Silvi&facetCalled=SAR&pro |
68. Ionarts: Roberto Sierra's roberto sierra Thursday was another world premiere day for the audience at the Kennedy Center. The National Symphony Orchestra under Leonard Slatkin, http://ionarts.blogspot.com/2006/02/roberto-sierras-missa-latina-premiered.html | |
69. USM CatServ >> Resources >> Local Tools >> Composer Cutter List, R-S sierra, roberto .S56442. Sigler, Jack .S5646. Silverstrini, Gilles .S565. Simandl, Franz .S5653. Simmes, William .S5655. Simon, Anton .S56583 http://www.lib.usm.edu/~techserv/cat/composers/r-s.htm | |
70. Sam Yahel www.samyahel.com/ 2k - Cached - Similar pages Lingua franca JobTracksShay, Robert, Lyon C, AR. Shearer, James, New Mexico S U, NM. sierra, roberto, Cornell U, NY. Snider, Jeffrey, Wartburg C, IA. Stasack, Jennifer, Davidson C http://www.samyahel.com/ |
71. Counter)induction :: Roberto Sierra For more than a decade the works of American composer roberto sierra have been part of the repertoire of many of the leading orchestras, ensembles and http://www.counterinduction.com/people/bio/91 | |
72. Which Versions Of La Folia Have Been Written Down, Transcribed Or Recorded? sierra, roberto (1953 ) Folías for guitar and Orchestra (2002) cover of sheet music sierra - 30kB Folías was premiered with the New World Symphony with http://www.folias.nl/html5s.html | |
73. Playlists For July 25, 2007 sierra, roberto Folias for guitar and orchestra Manuel Barrueco, guitar; Orquesta Sinfónica de Gallicia/Perez, Victor Pablo (Koch 7597) http://www.wgbh.org/playlists/date/cgirw/day/25/month/07/year/2007 | |
74. George F. DeVine Music Library: University Of Tennessee Libraries Psaume XLVII, Schmitt, Florent, CD15040. Radical traditionalism, Shapey, Ralph, CD14757. Turner, sierra, roberto, CD15036. Dreams, Smetana, Bed ich, CD15039 http://www.lib.utk.edu/music/acq/05-nov07.html | |
75. New London Chamber Choir - Repertoire List sierra, roberto, Cantos Populares (wp, ukp). Stockhausen, Litanei 97 (ukp). Stravinsky ^top, Cantata Credo; Pater Noster; Ave Maria The Dove Descending http://www.nlcc.org.uk/public/repertoire.htm | |
76. Honolulu Symphony | Press Release sierra, roberto Missa Latina (Excerpts Introit, Sanctus and Agnus Dei) BEETHOVEN, Symphony No. 9, in D minor. TICKETS $14, $32, $47, $57, $79 (including http://www.honolulusymphony.com/press/2007/12102007.php | |
77. Roberto Sierra Sheet Music - Sheet Music Plus Browse 5 items by roberto sierra at Sheet Music Plus, the world s largest retailer of sheet music, songbooks, songs, tabs, piano vocal chords, music scores, http://wwws.sheetmusicplus.com/sheetmusic/artist/S/Roberto Sierra.html | |
78. James Madison University Libraries Sinfona no. 3 La Salsa sound recording ; Sinfona no. 2 Gran Passacaglia ; Sinfona no. 1 / roberto sierra, sierra, roberto, CD 6178, Music Library http://www.lib.jmu.edu/new_titles/newpage3.aspx?loc=alloc&fund=%mu%&sortby=Call_ |
79. Composers' Work Lists On The Web sierra, roberto, www.subitomusic.com/sierra_bio.htm. Sisask, Urmas, wwww.zzz.ee/edition49/composers/u_sisask/worklist.htm http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/music/worklist.htm | |
80. Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics Volume 37, Number 1 295, The electronimpact dissociative ionization of CCl2F2 Borja sierra, roberto Martínez and Fernando Castaño. Abstract References Citing articles http://www.iop.org/EJ/toc/0953-4075/37/1 | |
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