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Schurmann Gerard: more detail | |||||
41. Schurmann, Gerard : Concertos Pour Violon, Concertos Pour Orch. Charlier, Violon Translate this page schurmann, gerard Concertos Pour Violon, Concertos Pour Orch. Charlier, Violon (. - 39% 1 nuevo desde 8,29 . Precio de origen 13,48 . CD Álbum http://www.priceminister.es/offer/buy/20933622/Schurmann-Gerard-Conc-Pour-Violon | |
42. A CATALOGUE OF SECONDHAND MUSIC schurmann, gerard Six Studies of Francis Bacon, for Orchestra, F/S (Novello ©1970) 113pp. £8.50. 375. _ Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, http://www.austinsj.co.uk/cat15.htm | |
43. SoundtrackCollector: Soundtrack Details: Where No Vultures Fly gerard schurmann). 21. II Dawn and Jungle Advance (0343) gerard schurmann). 24. Saraband and Carnival from Saraband for Dead Lovers (0411) http://www.soundtrackcollector.com/catalog/soundtrackdetail.php?movieid=51943 |
44. Partituras.info : Autores - Grupos & Artistas AZ Schumann, Robert Rose, Margaret - Young, Stuart Schumann, Robert;Schumann, Clara schurmann, gerard schurmann, gerard http://www.partituras.info/index.asp?aut=Serrat, Joan Manuel&nm=&key=&md=ALL&AZ= |
45. Schurmann, Gerard : Concertos Pour Violon, Concertos Pour Orch. Charlier, Violon Translate this page PriceMinister Achat Vente Garanti, CD Album Concertos Pour Violon, Concertos Pour Orch. Charlier, Violon neuf et occasion au meilleur prix. http://www.priceminister.com/offer/buy/48576515/Schurmann-Gerard-Concertos-Pour- | |
46. Mediateca Fundació "La Caixa": Schurmann, Gerard Translate this page Fitxa autor del Portal de la Mediateca Online de la Fundació la Caixa (schurmann, gerard). Centre de documentació a CaixaForum (Barcelona) especialitzat http://www.mediatecaonline.net/estatiques/NEWAUT/165311.html | |
47. Oberlin College Library - New In Our Collections schurmann, gerard. Sonata, string orchestra. London Novello, c2004. M1145.S297 S6 2004. schurmann, Gerhard. Quartets, strings. London Novello, 2007? http://www.oberlin.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/library/special.php?type=scores |
48. Schuss - Definition Of Schuss By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyc Schürmann, Georg Caspar schurmann, gerard Schürpflingen Schurr High School Schurs lemma Schurz Schurz Communications Schurz High School http://www.thefreedictionary.com/schuss | |
49. Composers ~ S schurmann, Georg caspar (c.16721751); schurmann, gerard (Dutch East Indies, - )cond-comp; SCHUSTER, Joseph (1748-1812); SCHUTT, Eduard (1856-1933); SCHUTZ, http://members.tripod.com/musiclassical/comps.html | |
50. COMPOSERS - LYRICISTS DATABASE - 'S' Entries Page 2 On some of his films, he has been credited with such names as gerard schurmann, Gerbrand schurmann, and gerard Schrmann. http://nfo.net/cal/ts2.html | |
51. Www.intrada.com View Topic - December 2000 gerard schurmann fit right in. He was familiar with the concert hall, with experimental His music wasn t used and gerard schurmann stepped in. http://www.intrada.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=51&sid=03dbea2d58bdae37255f12c95aa |
52. Dolmetsch Online - Composers Biography S schurmann, gerard more Schurmans, Werner more Schuster, Joseph Moscow, Russia, Russian composer and pianist. Scronx, Gérard http://www.dolmetsch.com/cdefss.htm | |
53. Gerard Schurmann - Rotten Tomatoes Celebrity Profile Check out Rotten Tomatoes gerard schurmann celebrity profile, celebrity gossip, movies, photos, biography, pictures, news, blogs, forums and more! http://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/gerard_schurmann/ | |
54. Filmmuziek.com - Soundtracks Page - Rene Mensing Lock, Brian / schurmann, gerard Gambler, the 1997 virgin classics Loduca, Joseph Army of darkness 1993 varese sarabande (ger.) http://www.filmmuziek.com/opinies.cgi?go=mycollection&id=5871&lang=en |
55. Alle-noten.de - Notenversand Kurt Maas - Nach Komponisten Schürmann, Georg Caspar Schütky, Franz Josef schurmann, gerard Schuster, Ludwig Schuster, Martin Schutte, Daniel L. http://www.alle-noten.de/generated3/namess.html | |
56. Buy Movies Starring Gerard Schurmann - Movies Unlimited Actor Search Results list for gerard schurmann at Movies Unlimited. http://www.moviesunlimited.com/musite/findresults_actor.asp?search=Gerard Schurm |
57. Gerard Schürmann (The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations To L Free web archive of over 25000 texts (lyrics) to Lieder and other classical vocal pieces in more than 45 languages with over five thousand translations to http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/schurmann.html | |
58. Allmovie ((( Gerard Schurmann > Overview ))) Gavin Millar (01/11/1938) Betty Miles (01/11/1910) Kathleen Byron (01/11/1922). Overview, Biography, Filmography, Awards. gerard schurmann. Send to Friend http://wm04.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=2:110440 |
59. Gerard Schurmann - Overview - MSN Movies gerard schurmann overview biography, filmography, interviews clips, photos, news, awards worked with, message board and more. http://movies.msn.com/celebs/celeb.aspx?c=146125 |
60. Reviews - Gerard Schurmann - Classical Music Recordings - CD, DVD, SACD ClassicsToday.com Review Digest for Works by gerard schurmann gerard schurmann, Concerto for Orchestra; Violin Concerto, Olivier Charlier (violin) http://www.classicstoday.com/digest/pdigest.asp?perfidx=17583 |
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