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1. Clara Schumann - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Schumann admired Clara s playing so much that he asked permission from his mother to discontinue his studies of the law, which had never interested him much http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clara_Schumann | |
2. Clara Schumann -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Clara Schumann née Clara Josephine Wieck German pianist, composer, and wife of composer Robert Schumann. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9066238/Clara-Schumann | |
3. Schumann Clara Wieck D uring an age when women were more or less expected to stay at home, Clara Schumann stands out as an example of a woman who knew what she wanted to do and http://www.maurice-abravanel.com/schumann_clara_wieck.html | |
4. Women Of Note - Clara Schumann Clara Schumann is the world s bestknown neglected women composer. Her life is well documented elsewhere, so I won t cover it here. http://www.ambache.co.uk/wSchumann.htm | |
5. Clara Schumann Clara Schumann, wife of composer Robert Schumann, trained from an early age by Wieck, had a brilliant career as a pianist from the age of thirteen up to her http://www.nndb.com/people/291/000093012/ | |
6. Clara Josephine Schumann - Definition Of Clara Josephine Schumann By The Free On Definition of Clara Josephine Schumann in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Clara Josephine Schumann. What does Clara Josephine Schumann mean? http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Clara Josephine Schumann | |
7. Clara Schumann - Wikipedia Translate this page Die außermusikalische Bildung, die Clara Schumann genoss, war darüber hinaus gering. Laut Eva Weissweilers lässt sich der väterliche Einfluss sogar an ihrem http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clara_Schumann | |
8. Clara Schumann@Everything2.com Clara Schumann s portrait was perhaps (for some times) better known to Germans than that of any other woman, due to the fact that it was printed on the http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=Clara Schumann |
9. Schumann Clara Sheet Music Sheet music schumann clara, Worlds largest sheet music library. Digital sheet music download more 10000s of composers. http://everynote.intissite.com/composer_schumann_clara.html | |
10. How Many Of Me - Clara Schumann Clara, Schumann. There are 232272 people in the U.S. with the first name Clara. Statistically the 283rd most popular first name. http://howmanyofme.com/people/Clara_Schumann/ | |
11. Clara Schumann 1819-1896/1996 The clara schumann Home Page exists to stimulate the performance and research of clara schumann s music, and to serve asa focal point of these activities. http://www.geneva.edu/~dksmith/clara/schumann.html | |
12. Clara Wieck Schumann Picture of clara Wieck 1836 clara Wieck 1836 © Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, Germany. clara Wieck schumann. pianist and composer. 1819 1896 http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~eversr/clara.html | |
13. Clara Schumann Brief biography of clara schumann by Carol Traxler for the March 1999 issue of Quarternotes, the newsletter of the Washington Saengerbund. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/1945/WSB/clara.html | |
14. Clara Wieck Schumann These are not the words of an unsympathetic male detractor, but of clara schumann herself. That a woman of her abilities and talents would say this speaks http://www.wwnorton.com/enjoy/shorter/composers/cschumann.htm | |
15. Clara Schumann - Redirect The clara schumann web site has moved! The new address is. http//www.geneva.edu/~dksmith/clara/schumann.html. Please update your links. http://www.uah.edu/clara/schumann.html | |
16. Clara Schumann Quotes 13 quotes and quotations by clara schumann. clara schumann I cannot be so bad when everybody is so fond of me. clara schumann http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/c/clara_schumann.html | |
17. Malaspina Great Books - Clara Schumann (1819-1896) clara schumann (1819 1896), wife of composer Robert schumann, trained from an early age by her father Friedrick Wieck, had a brilliant career as a pianist http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_1033.asp | |
18. Lesson Tutor : Schumann/Brahms Assignment The relationship between the widow of Robert schumann and the bachelor composer is explored through a creative writing assignment. Includes related links. http://www.lessontutor.com/eesSchumannBrahms.html | |
19. Clara Schumann; ISBN-10: 0395891191 A piano prodigy, clara schumann made her professional debut at the age of nine and had embarked on her first European concert tour by the time she was http://www.houghtonmifflinbooks.com/catalog/titledetail.cfm?titleNumber=111252 |
20. Clara Schumann: The Troubled Career Of The Pianist - Features, Music - Independe clara schumann The troubled career of the pianist. http://arts.independent.co.uk/music/features/article349785.ece | |
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