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21. Franz Schubert Soundtrack The Sixth Sense. schubert was musically educated at the. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006280/ | |
22. Links To Franz Schubert Web Sites Société franzschubert (France), with Midi files, catalogue, chronology, and plans to publish franz schubert, sa vie et son ouvre par A. Audley (Paris, http://people.vanderbilt.edu/~cynthia.cyrus/schub.htm | |
23. Notes On Franz Schubert By Pianist Bart Berman Pianist Bart Berman presents a brief biography, answers to questions, analysis of selected piano duets and the unfinished sonatas, plus links and a http://www.notesonfranzschubert.com/schubert.htm | |
24. Franz Peter Schubert (The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations T Lyrics of over 600 songs, many with English translation. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/schubert.html | |
25. The Franz Schubert Mp3 Page -- Classic Cat Biography, links, and directory of MP3 audio files that have been made available by the performing artists. From Classic Cat. http://www.classiccat.net/schubert_f/index.htm | |
26. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Franz Schubert Von Hellborn, franz schubert (Vienna, 1865); Frost, schubert (London, 1881); Grove, Dict. of Music and Musicians, IV (London, 1909). http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13591b.htm | |
27. Trovar.com - Deutsch Catalog Of Works By Franz Schubert Catalog of Works by franz schubert. based on The schubert Thematic Catalog by Otto Erich Deutsch with changes and corrections from the New Grove Dictionary http://www.trovar.com/Deutsch.html | |
28. The Secrets Behind Franz Schubert Biographical notes, major works, possible resolutions for the Unfinished Symphony, polls and fan notes. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-18046/schub.html | |
29. Great Performances . Educational Resources . Composer Biographies . Franz Peter schubert, franz (Peter). Born Vienna, 31 Jan 1797 Died Vienna, 19 Nov 1828 Nationality Austrian composer. The son of a schoolmaster, http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/education/schubert.html | |
30. Internet Public Library: Music History 102 Later in the period and spanning the turn of the century, Viennese composer franz schubert further developed the symphony and string quartet in his own http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/clas/index.htm | |
31. The Music Of Franz Schubert At The Classical MIDI Connection The music of franz schubert at the Classical MIDI Connection. http://www.classicalmidiconnection.com/cmc/schubert.htm | |
32. Schubert, Franz Peter - Mp3 Hits Download Full Albums In Mp3 - Mass In G Major F schubert, franz Peter mp3 hits download full albums in mp3 - Mass in G major for soloists, chorus, orchestra and organ, D 167, Symphonie Nr. 4 \Tragische\ http://www.mp3fiesta.com/schubert_franz_peter_artist19662/ | |
33. Franz Peter Schubert A chronological listing by premier of operas and dramatic works at OperaGlass. http://opera.stanford.edu/Schubert/main.html | |
34. The Sheet Music Archive Single Listing Page schubert, franz. 4Hand Piano. Fantasy in F minor, Op.103, part 1/3 Fantasy in F minor, Op.103, part 2/3 Fantasy in F minor, Op.103, part 3/3 Quintet, http://www.sheetmusicarchive.net/single_listing.cfm?composer_id=13 |
35. The Schubert Institute (UK) A site dedicated to the composer franz Peter schubert. Run by The schubert Institute (UK) it contains details of SIUK, works list, huge bibliography, http://www.franzschubert.org.uk/ | |
36. Island Of Freedom - Franz Schubert Short biography taken from the 1996 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. http://www.island-of-freedom.com/SCHUBERT.HTM | |
37. Schubert, Franz schubert, franz Repertoire list and information on his/her piano music. http://www.pianopedia.com/cp_5_d_schubert.aspx | |
38. Franz Schubert Composer from Austria, franz schubert was born in Vienna, one of fourteen children. He has been called the last of the Classical composers and the first of http://www-atdp.berkeley.edu/9931/htsai/schubert.html | |
39. Franz Schubert Sheet Music - Sheet Music Plus Browse 3317 items by franz schubert at Sheet Music Plus, the world s largest retailer of sheet music, songbooks, songs, tabs, piano vocal chords, http://wwws.sheetmusicplus.com/sheetmusic/artist/S/Franz_Schubert.html | |
40. FRANZ-SCHUBERT-INSTITUT | "Schubertiaden" And The Landscape Of The Lied The franzschubert-Institut is a private, non-profit organization chartered under the laws of Austria for the purpose of furthering and cultivating the art http://www.schubert-institut.at/ | |
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