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1. Alfred Schnittke - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia article noting RussoGermanic background, poor health in later life, and summarizing his multi-faceted style. Includes internal references to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Schnittke | |
2. Alfred Schnittke Alfred Schnittke home page at www.boosey.com. Discover his music, listen to soundclips, read a composer biography. Explore information, news, performances http://www.boosey.com/pages/cr/composer/composer_main.asp?composerid=2731 |
3. Alfred Schnittke -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Alfred Schnittke postmodernist Russian composer who created serious, darktoned musical works characterized by http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9001690/Alfred-Schnittke | |
4. Classical Net - Basic Repertoire List - Schnittke Alfred Schnittke Web Page Modern Repertoire Basic Repertoire Composer Index Alfred Schnittke. Alfred Schnittke http://www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/schnittke.html | |
5. Index 15. b ezna 2002 http://alfredschnittke.nazory.cz/ |
6. Alfred Schnittke - Britannica Concise Schnittke, Alfred postmodernist Russian composer who created serious, dark-toned musical works characterized by abrupt juxtapositions of radically http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9377951/Alfred-Schnittke | |
7. Alfred Schnittke - Trailer - Showtimes - Cast - Movies - New York Times A biography and related information about Alfred Schnittke. http://movies.nytimes.com/person/409896/Alfred-Schnittke | |
8. Alfred Schnittke Biography, notes, reviews, and works list from Schirmer. http://www.schirmer.com/composers/schnittke_bio.html | |
9. Music Under Soviet Rule: Schnittke Book This pioneering booklength study of alfred schnittke offers much factual background which will be new even to ardent Western enthusiasts of the composer. http://www.siue.edu/~aho/musov/review/schnitrev.html | |
10. Alfred Schnittke Biography. Download Classical Music By Alfred Schnittke alfred schnittke (1934 1998) Classical music and classical hit collection. Compilations of alfred schnittke classics and listen to its finest classical http://www.naxos.com/composerinfo/bio21168.htm | |
11. Alfred Schnittke Die äußeren Lebensstationen des alfred schnittke lassen sich mit den vier Städtenamen Engels (an der Wolga), Wien, Moskau und Hamburg benennen. http://www.schnittke.de/index1.htm |
12. Alfred Schnittke Collection of wordless photo essays which may or may not have any connection with the man, depending upon the viewer s perspective and state of mind. http://www.alfredschnittke.com/ | |
13. Schnittke In fact alfred schnittke didn t use opus numbers. Here opus numbers are used to Libretto by Marina Churova, Georgy Ansimov and alfred schnittke. http://home.wanadoo.nl/ovar/schnopus.htm | |
14. The Alfred Schnittke Mp3 Page -- Classic Cat Biographical information, links, and directory of MP3 audio files from Classic Cat. http://www.classiccat.net/schnittke_a/ | |
15. Trovar.com - Sviatoslav Richter Pages - Alfred Schnittke and never shall repeat the Great Master who lives among us. Let his days be long! alfred schnittke. Originally published in Music in USSR, July 1985. http://www.trovar.com/str/schnittke.html | |
16. - Classical Music Dictionary - Free MP3 Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with life, works, catalogue, and illustrations. http://www.karadar.com/Dictionary/schnittke.html | |
17. Alfred Schnittke The reason for alfred schnittkes prominent position among contemporary composers is threefold his abundant oeuvre, the great popularity enjoyed by his http://www.sikorski.de/composers/composer16.html | |
18. Alfred Schnittke News - The New York Times News about alfred schnittke. Commentary and archival information about alfred schnittke from The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/s/alfred_schnittke/in | |
19. Schnittke, Alfred - Mp3 Hits Download Full Albums In Mp3 - String Quartet N3 (Kr schnittke, alfred mp3 hits download full albums in mp3 - String Quartet N3 (Kronos Quartet), String Quartet N2 (Kronos Quartet), Cello Sonatas (Alexander http://mp3fiesta.com/schnittke_alfred_artist3512/ | |
20. Alfred SCHNITTKE Barbican Hall, 11- 14 January 2001 For all his creative unevenness, alfred schnittke has a voice recognisably his own; one which offers, if not the certainty, then at least the possibility of http://www.musicweb.uk.net/SandH/2001/Jan01/schnittke.htm | |
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