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1. Franz Schmidt - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia biography, analysis of his style, bibliography, and lament over his relatively unknown status. Includes internal links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Schmidt | |
2. Franz Schmidt - Wikipedia Translate this page Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Komponisten Franz Schmidt. Für andere Personen mit diesem Namen siehe Franz Schmidt (Begriffsklärung). http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Schmidt | |
3. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Franz Schmidt Franz Schmidt. Dr.rer.nat. Technische Universität Dresden 1969. Dissertation Spektraldarstellung und Extrapolation einer Klasse von stationären http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=90042 |
4. Franz Schmidt | Classical Music Composer About classical music composer Franz Schmidt life, biography, compositions, sheet music, recordings, CDs, books. http://www.classical-composers.org/comp/schmidt | |
5. Franz Schmidt Classical Music (Used, New, Hard-to-Find) - Alibris UK Alibris UK has new used classical music composed by Franz Schmidt, including CDs, vinyl, cassettes, and hardto-find formats from sellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/classical/composer/Franz Schmidt | |
6. SCHMIDT Franz (1874-1939) Translate this page Franz SCHMIDT (1874-1939) Franz HAWLATA (Die Stimme des Herrn). organo. Herbert TACHEZI. WIENER SINGVEREIN. direttore del coro. Johannes PRINZ http://users.libero.it/enrico.gustav/Harnoncourt/Compositori/Schmidt.htm | |
7. Download Schmidt Franz classicalmp3-1-35.lyricstemple.com. schmidt franz. back to index. schmidt franz. Download Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln mp3. more mp3 http://classical-mp3-1-35.lyricstemple.com/schmidtfran.html | |
8. Sheet Music Plus - Schmidt Franz Search Results Notre Dame Entracte and Carnival Music - full score By Schmidt, Franz . Search within the 36 results for schmidt franz by entering additional words http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/a/phrase.html?id=55170&phrase=Schmidt Franz |
9. Tom & Sharons FamilyTreeMaker Home Page:Information About Franz Schmidt View Tree for Franz schmidt franz Schmidt (b. February 28, 1872, d. May 27, 1872). Franz Schmidt (son of Franz Schmidt and Barbara Behrle) was born February http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/s/m/i/Thomas-Smith-IN/WEBSITE-0001/UH | |
10. :: Studio 52 - CD Info: SCHMIDT FRANZ / CLARINET QUINTET IN B FLAT MAJOR - ROMAN Studio 52 online music store / CD Shop CD Info schmidt franz / CLARINET QUINTET IN B FLAT MAJOR - ROMANCE - TOCCATA / ALADAR JANOSKA CLARINET. http://www.studio52.gr/info_en.asp?infoID=00000wo8 |
11. Obituaries: Margaret âEuniceâ Schmidt Franz 09/25/06 INMAN Margaret Eunice schmidt franz, 81, died Friday (Sept. 22, 2006) at Pleasant View Home in Inman. Survivors include a son, Orlin Chuck Franz and http://www.thekansan.com/stories/092506/obits_092506019.shtml | |
12. SCHMIDT Franz Artist- Art Price Information schmidt franz auction results prices of artist schmidt franz art, Find works of art and auction sprices worldwide. http://www.zdom.com/artistpainterpricesS14/SCHMIDTFranz.htm | |
13. Alibris Schmidt Franz Used, new outof-print books matching schmidt franz. Offering millions of titles from thousands of sellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Schmidt Franz | |
14. Universal Edition Music Publisher - Schmidt Franz (1874-1939) - List Of Works - schmidt franz (18741939) Works Index Work Info commissioned by Kritische Neuausgabe im Auftrag der Franz-Schmidt-Gemeinde, Wien. http://www.uemusic.at/truman/en_templates/paste.php3?template=en_werkinfo&werk=3 |
15. RootsWeb: GEN-DE-L SCHMIDT Franz Heinrich;Martfeld,DEU;b.c.1724 Subject schmidt franz Heinrich;Martfeld,DEU;bc1724 Date Sun, 4 Jul 1999 112825 +0200. Who can help me with information on Franz Heinrich SCHMIDT http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/GEN-DE/1999-07/0931080505 | |
16. Franz Schmidt schmidt franz The entry procession of the Swiss Diet. Artist painter schmidt franz - The Berne Grand Council leaving the Town. Artist painter http://www.art-prints-on-demand.com/a/schmidt-franz.html | |
17. Home Translate this page home. Der Versuch einer Homepage. Modelle bauen ist einfacher,aber ich hoffe die Seite ist irgendwann anzuschauen. home über mich Horten Bleriot XI http://www.fschwerelos.de/ | |
18. JW Music Publishing - Composer Biographies Franz schmidt franz SCHMIDT 18741939. Born in Pressburg, at the time part of Hungary, Schmidt is one of the last great late-Romantic composers. http://www.josef-weinberger.com/weinberger/mpubs/mpbiogs.htm | |
19. Franz Schmidt Biography. Download Classical Music By Franz Schmidt franz schmidt (1874 1939) Classical music and classical hit collection. Compilations of franz schmidt classics and listen to its finest classical music http://www.naxos.com/composerinfo/bio21165.htm | |
20. Franz Schmidt-Gesellschaft Translate this page Aufgabe und Ziel der franz schmidt- Gesellschaft ist die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Komponisten, bzw. die Interpretation seines Oeuvres zu fördern. http://www.franzschmidtgesellschaft.at/ | |
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